Does Electro Convulsive Therapy cure schizophrenia?

2018-12-05 4:06 am
I think I have a lot of psychotic symptoms popping up. It makes me cry daily because I used to be such a sweet person, my family loved me. I don't want that to just change out of the clear blue. I want to beat this. Does ECT cure (or almost cure) schizophrenia?

回答 (7)

2018-12-05 4:31 am
People with schizophrenia are treated with antipsychotic medicine, which helps them manage the illness.

Psychosis and schizophrenia aren't the same thing. People can have psychotic episodes and recover from them.

If there's a history of schizophrenia in your family, stay away from weed.
2018-12-05 4:31 am
It isn't a cure, but it has a good chance of making problems less severe and much easier to manage. Sometimes it doesn't change much and sometimes it creates new problems. The outcome is not predictable, but in general its more likely to be beneficial than detrimental. It usually involves a series of treatments, so people can halt the procedure if the initial treatment causes unacceptable effects.
2018-12-05 4:16 am
I've had ECT against my will for psychosis and catatonia but it should only be an option after medication and hospitalisation have been tried. It's taken me a full year to get parts of my memory back including being able to recall words I knew before but I think I will always have some slight cognitive difficulties as a result of the treatment. It's not something to rush into.

ECT combined with medication and hospitalisation saved my life as I was unable to eat or drink. I'm not cured as I had a relapse this summer but all in all I think I'm doing better than before. It is not a cure.
2018-12-05 6:45 am
ECT is one bad mother f*cker* it was the gold standard for a very very very long time. We know now what they vaguely understood then - the brain is electric. The pressure, waves or vibrations in our brains or bodies are transmissions of chemicals pushed through by electricity. The heart is electric.....

So, if you can change, stimulate or introduce new aspects of this electricity you can change everything.

ECT is document more than most things we know, I mean just google scientific journals then search them: <------

It looks really brutal, it almost looks like torture, have you seen ECT clinically used? Initially when they first started doing it comfort was not the thing. Then it became a center piece of horror movies (really).

Yes, it can be amazing for schizophrenia. There are probably 50 clinics in the USA offering it as a first line of defense who are extremely well known and established.

The patient has to want it. Its not fun, its pretty bad. Though its no worse than getting your chest sliced opened to have 2 pieces of toxic bags then shown shut.... The end result your boobs stretch and get bigger..... Initially that killed thousands of people - lol... OMG it was horiffic and brutal. BUT ECT is more visual. We as people just assume the individual is in total pain it just is wrong.

Are their risks to ECT OMG f*ck ya. Are there better treatments for schizophrenia (possibly, not probably - could be its sketchy). We can actually help people manage schizo great in 2018 - really good. ECT works but it has an awful public image so people fear and misunderstand it.

The answer to your question did not require all of these words if you have "?s" or want to talk specifics you may write, I guess?
Does Electro Convulsive Therapy cure schizophrenia?

Its impossibly hard to find a great doc and there are absolute risks. It really depends whats wrong and whats going on. While "its just electricity" (which comes from an outlet) it is very expensive and insurance just wont ever cut it. It takes a long time often on going for years. You can do different types of shock at home or lots of other things too.... You just cant go messing around with electricity though you know?
2018-12-05 6:34 am
no it won't
2018-12-05 5:15 am
2018-12-05 4:09 am
Try meds 1st ect should be a last resort because of possible brain dammages
2018-12-05 4:09 am
ECT would be well down the road. You need psychotherapy before you get too worked up about self-diagnoses.

Edit: It *may* help with lessening symptoms related to psychiatrist diagnosed schizophrenia when said psychiatrist feels it may be indicated.

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