People wont stop asking me for money?

2018-12-04 2:55 am
Im constantly going out to eat since I dont have time to make anything during lunch. Every few times I go out and eat, people will litterly walk upto me in the store and ask for money. I feel bad if I give them nothing but im not to well off. This is constantly happening in different fast food places, any advice?

回答 (8)

2018-12-04 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. ALL of the TIME. Tell the manager of the store that you frequent that when ever you come in...people who are already there come up to you and ask you for money.

The manager will keep track of the people who do this and make certain they do not hang out in his store.
2018-12-04 2:59 am
Learn to say no
2018-12-04 3:03 am
1) Use the drive-thru window or get your food "to go" and eat elsewhere.

2) Complain to the manager about the people loitering in the restaurant asking for money.
2018-12-04 3:01 am
No one gets a dime. I dont even carry money except enough for the valet and bellman. They are never satisfied you can't give enough ,they always want more. Just thanks, thanks but no .
2018-12-04 10:37 pm
When you see them, turn the tables and ask them for money first. That should disarm them.
2018-12-04 10:25 pm
offer them food for work. may be simple work like picking up litter. never offer money. It can be misused.
2018-12-04 2:02 pm
Complain to management about soliciting going on inside their premises. And your response to these hustlers is "I barely manage to pay for my own lunch. Sorry."
2018-12-04 10:32 am
Scream at the top of your lungs for security. Tell them you were accosted and solicited for money. When it happens in the parking lot, tell them that if they don't get lost now, you will pull out your gun and defend yourself.
2018-12-04 10:15 am
Try caring about other people

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