Why is my life so horrible???

2018-12-03 6:55 pm
I’m always depressed and feel like suiciding. I had a psychiatrist but taking medicine didn’t help, my psychiatrist was horrible and said that people tell others they want to suicide cuz they’re looking for attention. I feel like my boyfriend is always flirting with girls but I’m obsessed and can’t live without him, plus my home sucks and I’m poor and it has cockroaches so I have to live with him, plus my mother is crazy and she’s delusional and bipolar. Most people I meet dislike me or treat me mean.

回答 (25)

2018-12-03 7:00 pm
with your kind permission, young lady , I humbly guess you're young enough to be my daughter - to begin with
let's say: enough for your words here to shake and thrill my heart and soul
I want you , please , to NEVER give up... to NEVER break down....
to NEVER lose your self - esteem and self - confidence...
I think there are things to change in your life...
2018-12-04 11:16 pm
I was in a similar situation. I wanted to die, and I made a plan to. Then someone came and changed my life around. She's left me and moved on so much but.. Somehow I've survived. I've been contemplating bad things myself, and I don't know if it gets any better. I'm only 20 myself, but maybe it does. Maybe? I'm in the same boat. I'm sorry.
2018-12-04 7:29 am
Stay strong beautiful
2018-12-04 5:33 am
So sorry to hear this. I think I'd advise you to try and start to make small changes. Seek counselling. You deserve to be happy.
2018-12-04 6:45 pm
Life is what you make of it...take the path of least resistance, and you'll have nothing. If you set your goals high and refuse to take no for an answer, you will succeed. Quit looking around you for others to make you happy, live a life that makes you happy. I don't mean for you to be selfish, I mean for you to be you.
2018-12-05 11:02 am
I have a good friend, very much depressed, has a psychiatrist, has a loving boyfriend, but a bad family background.

She is basically abused mentally & physically by her mom since young and overthink thinks a lot.

But because she found friends, and i mean really close friends to talk about her issues with, and i believe it’s helping her get through each day so much better. Alcohol has been a killer to her negative mind, but she’s blessed with loving friends and partner .

I believe things will get better for you too, you just have to find someone who really understands you to talk about it . Tell that person your everyday problems, whether it’s good or bad, but yeah you have to see if your friends are willing to be your personal diary for that.

And i’ll gladly be your little diary here if you need :-)
2018-12-04 7:27 am
Just stay strong,it might be a phase esspecialy if teenager/younge adult tell people how you feel speak to friends never end your life its just passing pain on my grandad killed himself two days before i was born them caused my mum to attempt suicidal And me and my siblings confused and hurt please never ever do it, imagine your familys reaction and friends it just caused more people to be depressed look on the bright side fight the pain kick it in the butt
goodluck always here
2018-12-03 7:02 pm
Well I'm sorry for your current circumstances but know one thing is for sure, life always changes, just give it due time.
2018-12-05 10:56 am
Because you think like that. do something to make your life positive
2018-12-04 2:31 am

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