Should I mention thoughts of self-harm to my doctor?

2018-12-03 1:24 pm
I have been living with depression for several months now and am currently seeing a therapist, but also have an appointment with my family doctor tomorrow. I plan on asking about an increasing my antidepressants, as I still feel incredibly hopeless and chronically sad.

I worry about seeing my doctor because [obviously] one of the first questions which is asked is whether I have thoughts of suicide or self-harm. I don't plan on acting on these thoughts, but I do often find myself thinking, 'I wish I had a gun so I could just end this.' I am quite afraid of mentioning this, as I fear being hospitalized, and I do not plan on hurting myself, but the thought is there.

So what do you think? Should I mention this to my doctor? Or just leave it?

回答 (15)

2018-12-04 7:35 am
Tell dr. u want to try Zoloft. It's excellent; cured me of suicide. You may have trouble sleeping thru the nite the first few weeks but after your body
gets used to it, u will be a whole new, healthy, happy person :)
2018-12-05 1:14 pm
If not him or her. Someone you trust.
2018-12-05 10:09 am
You should mention it. As long as you don't have a precise plan (with a date, etc), they probably won't hospitalize you. You should talk about it now, so they can know what to do now, like making a safety plan, etc. Always talk about suicidal thoughts, for you own safety.

stay safe. xx
2018-12-05 5:05 am
u should tell ur doc!!!! we had kids who killed themself at my hs..... like 3 ppl n no one even knew they were sad...... i friends w someone who tried to do it n she told her doc n now she is better but she didnt tell anyone at first
2018-12-04 3:30 pm
Please let your doctor know. I am almost certain this will not lead to hospitalization.
2018-12-04 7:29 am
2018-12-04 4:01 am
Yes, because it means your meds are not working. He may suggest other things to help you get your mind off of those things, and you won't know until you ask. The important thing to remember is that you need to take up hobbies, and surround yourself with good people. Just taking medicine won't make things better. I'm so sorry you are having those thoughts, and will pray that things get better for you.
2018-12-03 2:47 pm
Why not show your family doctor what you have written here and use that as the basis for having a frank discussion for having a frank discussion on how you are doing. They will want to know that your current medication does not appear to be working.

Since most family doctors do not have the necessary training to diagnosis mental health issues perhaps you should ask them for a referral to a psychiatrist for an evaluation of your current mental state and see what treatment program they can offer.
2018-12-03 1:43 pm
YES , you should definitely , explicitely mention it: he/she is supposed to timely and exactly be aware of what you're going through....
2018-12-03 1:31 pm

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