有關英文的問題 求解答?

2018-11-27 6:44 pm
The Nobel Prizes, founded by Alfred Bernhard Nobel, are known to everyone, whilethe Ig Nobel Prizes seems strange to many of us. (1) by the Annals of Improbable Research,prizes (2) different categories are awarded to the winners in honor (3) interesting findings.Unlike genuine Nobel laureates,winners of the If Nobel Prizes show their achievements from the curious side of science.These winners are (4) to accept the prizes though they do not receive any money. Their research is unique enough to make people (5) and then (5).
Q1:(A) Organized (B) To organize (C) Organizing (D) Have organised
Q2:(A) out (B) at (C) to (D) in
Q3:(A) by (B) to (C) for (D) of
Q4:(A) genuine (B) thick (C) willing (D) sore
Q5:(A) laughter;thoughts(B)laughing;thinking (C) to laugh;to think(D)laugh;think

回答 (1)

2018-11-27 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(5)laugh , think
2018-11-27 8:10 pm
"ignoble" is dishonorable; shameful eg on an ignoble peace contribution to the world !

Q2:(D) in
Q4 (C)willing
Q5: (D) laugh; think.

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