It refers to the "original position".
Older people who are successful tend to vote to solidify the position they have achieved in life, low taxes for the wealthy, few benefits for the poor, support policies that DECREASE social mobility so your kids and grand-kids stay on top, low inheritance, conservative when it comes to racial makeup of the country, etc...
Younger people who don't know how they'll end up in life tend to pick a more socialistic system, you don't know whether you will be successful or unsuccessful in life, sick or healthy, etc... so you try to cover your bets by supporting government programs that are more likely to avert personal risk or help you if you happen to be unsuccessful. Being young and not knowing how things will go for your life is considered to be the "original position".
The philosopher John Rawls, says that choosing government policies from the original position maximizes justice. In his short book "A theory of Justice" he outlines why in a very strong argument.