My sister says I'm being irrational when I want to know what she does, is it true?

2018-11-26 4:59 am
She never tells me if she's doing something important or not when she goes away, she literally says she doesn't care if I know what she's doing. I said that gave me no reason to trust her because she left me in the dark about her life and she would leave the house for hours without me knowing what she's doing. she would even say she didn't care if I didn't trust her and said it was irrational that I viewed her as irresponsible because she would leave without explanation.

I have autism, I stay alone in the house most of the day and she usually leaves for most of the day and I'm left with little human interaction period, because I have no daily activities. I don't have a job or college yet and my mom goes to work all day.


It's even worse that she leaves with hardly any explanation for being gone so long.


we also live in the same house in a ghetto.


I'm not trying to control her life, I'm actually concerned for her safety.

回答 (2)

2018-11-26 5:47 am
What are you? Obsessed? It’s none of your business what she does. Stop being so controlling. Other people have the right to live their lives. People like you are so annoying. She doesn’t owe you any explanations. You’re not her mother or her husband.
2018-11-26 5:13 am
Leave your sister alone, what she does with her personal life is none of your business.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:54
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