請問某人是首富之一的英文 應該是Sb is one of the richest persons 還是 one of the richest people?

2018-11-25 8:57 pm

回答 (4)

2018-11-26 1:41 pm
再比如說同樣翻譯是旅行其區別為何?tour一日單趟且不回返出發原點,而trip就是一日來回,travel 就指一日(不含)以上之旅遊
2018-11-27 5:15 am
He who claims to be the richest among the millionaires. Yip
2018-11-25 9:25 pm

2018-11-26 9:44 am
people 用於一般無具體對象之二人組以上
例如Persons 不會用於如
a room full of students,
the crowd at a football game, or the population of Chinese.
當下,persons 的使用常限定於法律或司法文件
例如:The police are searching for three persons (已知對象的人-司法執行) of interest in connection with the armed robbery of a bank Tuesday night.
The mother filed a missing persons report (私縱人口報告 – 法律文件) for her two children.

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