I want to move out?

2018-11-24 9:33 pm
It’s complicated. So I grew up with a single mom who struggled financially but we made it through with just the minimum. My mom tends to spend and live above her means though and due to health problems she can’t work more than the standard 40 hrs a week at her office job. However it’s super awkward living with her now because I’m 24 I’m limited to who can come over/ stay the night. Currently she’s expressed she would like to see me go not in a mean way but in general conversation. But deep down I know she can’t afford to live on her own. Rent alone is $1400 a month after taxes she makes 2000 a month and her car is $350 a month. This is not including the electric and water and for her her medicine easily costing 200 a month. I’ve been trying to convince her to move but our apartment (we’ve been splitting rent for 6 years) is really nice and she won’t go. How should I talk about this?

回答 (5)

2018-11-25 1:42 am
nnaybe you should nnove out if thats what you want to do
2018-11-24 11:39 pm
If she won't leave, she won't i guess? She may have to if you decide to move.
2018-11-24 9:51 pm
If you give her fair warning to make other arrangements, then her bills aren't your problem. She can downsize or get a roommate. She isn't facing homelessness without you, just a lifestyle change. You need to make the decision for yourself to move out and hold firm. Before you have this conversation, gather up important papers like your birth certificate and social security card, change any passwords she may know, also make sure all your accounts and credit cards are in your name alone. Some parents try to hold these things hostage to control their kids.

The alternative is to renegotiate your situation. If you pay rent, she doesn't get to boss you around. Tell her you will stay if she puts you on the lease and treats you like an adult and housemate instead of her child. You have leverage. Remind her what she stands to lose if she can't hold up her end of the agreement.
2018-11-24 9:40 pm
Where she lives and what her outgoings are are out of you control. If you want to move out then tell your mother. Give her some time to work out budgets and whether she can still afford to live where you both are with just her salary coming in or if she will have to move on.

By that time you should have found a place of your own. You are 24 and want to live an independent life and your mother will understand that.
2018-11-24 9:47 pm
Pray to GOD for your answer!
Is it possible you two could find another place for her, maybe another area, get the same size apartment, yet cost less?

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