請問在此句They've lived here for ten years我應該把hare視為受詞嗎?另外,如果改為They've lived in Taipei for ten years 應該就是單純的S VI句型了吧?

2018-11-24 1:49 pm

更: 不好意思手誤打錯,hare 修正成「here」

回答 (1)

2018-11-24 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have 是助動詞,這種型式是have + p.p的現在完成式,They (S) + have lived(V) in Taipei (adv phrase 地點副詞片語),for ten years(adv phrase 時間副詞片語),所以是S + Vi句型
2018-11-24 2:06 pm
here , adv, at this point or place.
eg"-I live here
eg:-I live in Taipei.
eg:-Here it is ---Taipei.
"in Taipei for ten years" is an infinitive phrase follow the subject + vi=they've lived,
"have lived" is in present perfect tense.Here S+VI=S+Vi is used in this pattern

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