Why are atheists typically more left leaning, and Christians typically more right-leaning?

2018-11-21 10:47 pm
Hi. Rita here. This is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now, and even more so since joining Yahoo Answers. To be clear, I am not saying that all atheists are liberal and all Christians are conservative. I understand that atheists and Christians exist all over the political spectrum. However, I find it mighty clear, especially on this section of Yahoo Answers, that there tends to be polarity in political opinions and association between many atheists and Christians. Why do you think this is?

回答 (16)

2018-11-21 10:55 pm
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I think one reason is because religion is inherently conservative. It changes more slowly than other aspects of society.
2018-11-21 10:53 pm
It’s mostly Americans here and America loves to mix politics and spirituality, to the point that pastors endorse candidates from the pulpit.

That doesn’t fly here. 🇨🇦

An idiot on city council here who held the position for 25 years blew it when he claimed Christians do a better job in politics than atheists. He lost and no longer has a job as an elected official.
2018-11-21 11:14 pm
It's because of GOP Jesus:

2018-11-21 11:04 pm
The historical Christian positions on social issues do not fit into contemporary political alignments and a few Christians around here do not know what conservatism, liberal or lefty mean.

A few conservative Christians maybe think that Jesus say ...I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink,” “And behold, now I’m all lazy and entitled. You shouldn’t have done that.”

Or that Jesus says "Do unto others as you suspect they might want to do to you,"

Or that Jesus says "If a man strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him and shoot him. That is the law."

Anyone pointing that they are maybe wrong in their minds is a lefty... and a few will say also, those people who can read the Bible and show us what Jesus say are blasphemers...
2018-11-21 10:50 pm
Liberalism is a religion, and liberals act precisely like fundies do in defense of it.
2018-11-21 10:49 pm
According to The Word of God (The Tree of Life, Light, Love, Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge) atheists are fools and a fool is devoid of the Light, which is God, and thus are given to the wiles of the devil. <t><
2018-11-21 11:09 pm
It has a lot to do with modern religions and modern people not really having a definitive God. Right now in modern religion, "feel good religion", people believe in a Spiritual God, a "Healing Power" god, a still small voice of god, a feeling of love god, and a metaphysical, universal energy god. Because they have not decided on a definitive god, there is too much room for negation about belief in god in one form or another. If Christians do not fully understand their god, the atheists find them easy targets to attack concerning points of belief. While Christians might believe so firmly in Jesus, their actions in real life constantly reflect otherwise, again making the believers as a whole hypocrites and easily attacked by atheists. On the flip side, because of the huge population of believers, they have a popular belief that is difficult for one or two atheists to attack. But it starts with so many different beliefs in the concept of god in the first place. Much like the story of the blind men and the elephant, where one blind man feels a leg and thinks the elephant is a tree, and one blind man feels the trunk and thinks the elephant as a snake, believers who believe in only pieces and parts of a negligible entity are too vague and not definitive enough for atheists, and because of so many thousand years of religion, atheists have a hard time disproving something defined yet not defined, but also have a hard time disproving eons of historical and archaeological evidence. It is easiest to fight over the undefined negligible than it would be to fight over an actual Being standing right in front of us.----------- As for "left-leaning" and "Right leaning"............. It has a lot to do with the concept of "The Lord helps those who helps themselves".......... meaning that most Christians believe in governing themselves - meaning they believe that each person should be responsible for oneself - their own actions and their own behaviors. They believe the "10 Commandments", if followed by each and every person, prevent a lot of social issues and social ills. When people are in control of themselves and take responsibility for their own actions, there should be no need for heavy government interference. Those who do not believe in the "10 Commandments" believe that people should be governed by some sort of governing body because they believe most people cannot be responsible each to his or her own self, and if there is no god there is no "universal law", and hence the leaning towards making an actual government the most powerful in governing the people. (I hope this helps.)
2018-11-21 11:05 pm
Liberalism is big in USA & Christianity has fought Liberals who are not Christians & accepted liberalism mostly. When they feel hurt, they will be in more problem with Non-Christians who are Liberals. In the other hand, atheists & liberals are supported internally by non-Christians. Also, I think China supports Liberals to defeat Christians. It is more about G-d of Israel & supporters of Bible vs scientific community nowadays. They prefer Bible Not Science.

2018-11-21 10:51 pm
Hi, Rita. If it helps, I promise to never vote again.
2018-11-27 5:35 am
Socialism and communism take to their platform of atheism almost always and make everyone poor and slaves , with Christianity there is freedom and more capitalism and with iqt the liberty to o advance in wealth honestly
2018-11-22 1:37 am
Because liberals tend to trust "experts", such as scientists, doctors and CNN. They are afraid be believe in something without evidence. Conservatives are more traditional, and with that comes faith in a higher power.
2018-12-01 8:19 am
Atheists are social pariahs much like Liberals in America.
2018-11-21 11:41 pm
Both atheism and liberalism correlate with intelligence and education.
2018-11-21 11:11 pm
Yep Christians KKK and all the other right wing semi terrorist hate organisations!
2018-11-21 11:00 pm
Much of American politics is run on lies and false promises. But some holds true. Obama doubled the debt that Bush did by continuing the wars and increasing entitlements, even though he got a Nobel Peace Prize.
2018-11-21 10:51 pm
We can't create a utopian society by legistlating a conservative social agenda. 

Any man who puts their hope in doing this is cursed; they are relying on mere human strength; trying to impose God's will by human efforts. (Jer. 17.5) 

We still have a duty and desire to stand up for justice; but God's way of changing society is by changing one heart at a time. Those who don't believe God work against His will to impose 'Christian values' on others, instead of preaching Christ and Christ crucified as He has commanded and ordained us to do. 

Progressives are merely fighting back, and having been like them (up until the age of 42 when I encountered this Christ), I can't say I blame them.

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