My dad just died. This isn’t really a question but I’m on a business trip and I don’t have anyone to talk to right now. Please just comment?

2018-11-21 3:26 am

回答 (55)

2018-11-22 5:23 am
What do you want to talk about? Your dad, your job or do you just want a conversation to distract. I don’t know where you are and how busy you are in that duration. But if you have down time and are in someplace interesting, try finding a meetup group for an interest you have. Good distraction and some unique conversations. What kind of interests do you have?
2018-11-22 3:30 pm
Hey I am so sorry. I’m 19 years old and I’m june I came home from work to find out my dad had been ina motorcycle wreck literally just down the road from my house. When I was coming home the I missed the road I’d normally take to get home which is crazy because it was blocked by dads accident had I taken that way I wouldn’t of been able to get home to find out he was unresponsive. We got to the hospital and waited for a few hours to be called back. They told us there was no helping him and after making arrangements we had to leave and leaving him there on that hospital bed killed me. Just days before I had been beating myself up because I forgot his birthday so I promised myself I’d make father’s day the best for him. And I never got the chance. He died without knowing how much I loved him regardless of the circumstances we had in life. He didn’t raise my but he still loved me and he watches over me everyday that’s undeniable. Just know that he is watching over you
2018-11-22 5:38 am
I’m sorry for your loss ):
It gets easier with time
2018-11-21 4:41 am
Sorry for your lost, my dad died when I was 11 years old. I know how much pain you are feeling right now buddy.
2018-11-21 3:54 am
I cannot imagine how you feel right now.

But here is a BIG HUG from me HUG!!!!!

Grab your pillow and cry. it is ok to do that.




2018-11-22 11:39 am
I hate for you to be going through this. My advice is to cry it all out. DOn't try to run from it. Don't try to distract yourself too much. Grieve it out naturally. Get it all out. That's the only way to really confront the situation and pass some of the first stages of intense grief. You will eventually comes to learn how to adjust in life with his passing. Stay very close to family if you can.
2018-11-21 5:16 am
My condolences to you on the loss of your father.
2018-11-21 4:11 am
My condolences to you in this difficult time. I hope you will soon have the time you need with family and loved ones to grieve your loss.
2018-11-21 3:37 am
My Dad passed about 4 years ago. It's tough. I think of him nearly every day.
2018-11-21 3:28 am
way sorry for your loss. :(
2018-11-21 3:28 am
Text a friend.
2018-11-25 4:37 am
Sorry for your loss man
2018-11-24 11:39 pm
I'm very sorry for your lose. My Dad passed away over 20 years ago and it still hurts. Find someone to talk to. It will help.
2018-11-24 1:45 pm
I'm very sorry for your loss! You must have a lot of thoughts and emotion going through your mind right now, depending on how close you were with him. I'll bet it is difficult to focus on business while this is going on back at home but just remind yourself: He may be gone from the physical world but in the spiritual world, he is always going to be present around you.

There is a spiritual world out there and he is now a member of that! His physical body is just no longer inhabited by his spiritual energy but that does not mean he ceases to exist. He will watch for you and protect you while you are in the physical world, and will be there to greet you when you enter the spiritual world at a later date. It is very sad and unfortunate when loved ones pass prematurely but we need to remind ourselves that we will be reunited with them once again. Sending lots of condolences your way!
2018-11-22 3:09 pm
sorry. i know how it feels to lose a loved one. i hope his memory lives on in your family. i’m so sorry.
2018-11-22 2:24 pm
It's very tough, just now. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. As time passes, though, interesting memories, good memories, even funny memories will occur to you at odd times, and it'll feel almost like he's with you for a moment.

I remember nice times around the family supper table, my father's comments about auto mechanics, and playing eight-ball at the pool table we had in our basement. May you treasure your memories too, and pass them on when the time comes.
2018-11-22 1:08 pm
You can still talk with your dad. Have the conversation you would want to have if he were still here. Let him know how you feel about his passing. Sometimes we get angry at them because they left us.
remembering events or just the times you were with your dad can be difficult, however, it does allow you to grieve and remember the love shared between you both. If you are a follower of Jesus, take comfort that he is with Jesus and watching over you. Pray to God for comfort and healing.
2018-11-22 4:46 am
I’m very sorry
2018-11-21 8:37 am
talk to a fannily nnennber or get sonne counseling so you have sonneone to talk to about it
2018-11-21 3:30 am
it happens you know .. you go through it, if you feel like breaking down just do it .. when my mom went i was lost, felt like the whole world was against me .. it was a dark hour in my life .. but you'll get through it ..
2018-11-22 8:39 am
Sorry to hear your loss. I've recently lost my father and it's hard. My comfort comes from God, even though realistically the pain is there.

Please go to this website look under publications, then Awake
2018, No. 3 "Help for Those Who Grieve"

I found very interesting information and suggestions that are helpful.

I hope you find comfort and read the Awake and this Bible Scripture
2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 3
2018-11-21 7:47 am
So sorry for your loss. Google on your phone:
(my preferrence)
King James Version Bible.
then search : Psalms.
Then read each one, especially Psalm 23.
I promise that this will help ease your grief even for a little while.
2018-11-21 3:51 am
life will be alright if u feel like **** think about all the good times with him xxx
2018-11-21 3:31 am
It's not your fault.
2018-11-26 3:16 pm
So sorry for your loss....sometimes it is too sad...remember good things...will you be able to go to funeral? do something good to make yourself feel good about it...I would do tings that my father would ave liked to do to cherish his life....Look at the pictures...when you can reach to family get together and mourn...grieving takes months and wishes to you.
2018-11-25 2:57 pm
Why are you on a business trip if your Dad just died?
2018-11-25 12:03 pm
I am so sorry !!!! Praying for you! This is my biggest fear. My dad basically raised me. I am 23 and my dad is 68 and he has ulcertive colitis. I have no other family besides him, and I'm not even on the verge of getting married and currently getting my master's. I pray you find your happiness and can make friends.
2018-11-25 11:24 am
What would he say to you? (If he was sitting next to you) Also, just because you can't see him...Doesn't mean he's not with you right now! Just because he's past doesn't change a thing. Other than his physical being has moved on. If you have unsaid words for him. Speak them out loud so he can hear them. He's with you you are a part of him. Light a candle and say what's on your mind. Please smile when you think of him. Go on in life and live as though he's watching....Make him proud. He loves you, xoxo
2018-11-25 10:36 am
We all go the same place eventually, the grave, just different times. We all get there. Your dad just got there first. He moved. It's just that he moved someplace youcan't call or visit him.
2018-11-25 9:54 am
I think losing parents is a great loss and it makes us feel a little more vulnerable as they were always there for us. My mom was 56 and one day just sat down and fainted and died in minutes. My dad suffered with painful cancer in the weeks before he died at 77. I still miss being able to visit them or to be able to just phone them and talk. They seemed to keep the family in contact with each other and we quite often received any exciting news about our sibling's families through them.
The fact is we must accept they had their time and now that has ended just as will happen to us in the future and we must carry on as that is what they would want us to do,
2018-11-24 3:47 pm
Friend, this time of grieving for you is okay and being blue is part of it. Take it day by day, and accept that you may go through different stages, or feelings. Be with friends or people when you can and relax with what you enjoy doing as part of each day. Pray for your father and ask for comfort to move ahead. I'm sending you a hug and saying a prayer for you tonight dear.
2018-11-24 1:24 pm
For the next 18 months you won't feel very good, if you try to feel good it won't work, if you go to the theatre to see a comedy and you know it's funny you won't laugh.... You my think you have lost your laugh, the shock of a loved one does that to me..... This is what happened when I lost both my mother and mother in law to cancer, they died 48 hours of each other.

The first thing you need to do, "DO NOT MAKE ANY LIFE STYLE CHANGES". Don't sign any papers unless it's for the burial and funeral, keep it simple so you won't get swindled. During these times people will try and sell you something, it may look like a good idea.... "DON'T DO IT". Heal first, give yourself recovery time before you sign onto anything.

It's devastating and you need to give yourself healing time, it's a process, not something that should be rushed, if you belong to a gym, go to the gym, if you have a bike use that time to take a 2 hour ride somewhere, if you like swimming go swimming, if you like pottery make some pottery crafts, if you enjoy going to church, join the church choir.

Do the things that are good for your health... The worst thing you can do, is stop all activity, don't do that, keep moving. Go to the theatre watch that comedy, even if it doesn't make you laugh, at least it will give you something positive to think about. Take long walks before winter sets in.

And lastly when you go to work, do your best to be positive in the work place, even if you feel like you can't.

What I did, I moved my furniture around, I would take down my photos and paintings and hang them up in different locations. I went into the kitchen and switched the plates, bowls, a coffee mugs into another cupboard, and put the glasses into where the plates were. In my bedroom, I moved my bedroom furniture around, and I kept doing this until I got all this negativity out of my system. I didn't buy any new pieces of furniture, because I really liked the ones I had, but moving the furniture around seemed to help.

Hope all these ideas will get you through the healing process, and if you need extra help go to the doctor and see if she/he will give you a recommendation to see a good counsellor if the process feels too hard.

Take Care, Been There Done That, Too Many Times
2018-11-24 11:39 am
Don't worry, it may be sad now, but it will get better! Time heals.
2018-11-24 9:13 am
I'm so sorry... It's going to be hard for quite a while, and you will be grieving for a long time. One day, however, you will be able to look past the sadness of his death and be able to look back on all the good times you two spent together. He's in a better place now, and he's watching you from heaven, so he'll always be with you. :)
2018-11-24 1:18 am
My Dad died the day before Thanksgiving about 10 years ago. My condolences to you!
2018-11-23 11:58 pm
call your family member....
2018-11-23 12:26 pm
2018-11-23 4:04 am
my parents passed when I was young. I am sorry for your loss.
2018-11-22 4:11 pm
So sorry for your loss.
2018-11-22 3:42 pm
I'm sorry, I hope you're doing ok
2018-11-22 2:37 pm
Maybe you can go to some famous places, divert your attention and exercise your muscles and bones, and you will feel better.
2018-11-22 11:18 am
Sorry that happened. Hope you find something nice to occupy your time;
like a good book, maybe a nice dinner in your room, or a pretty sunlit room.
Maybe your Dad is looking down on you, watching over you, sending you good vibes.
2018-11-22 10:57 am
2018-11-22 10:21 am
I'm so sorry for your loss. People are right; time is needed. Things won't seem normal tonight, no matter what you do but distraction will help, as will interaction with others. This feels like the end of the world but each day will feel clearer and you'll become grounded again. It was brave of you to make the proactive decision to not be in your own head too much by going online. Do anything you'd normally do to make your mind and body feel normal, so that you can rest and look after yourself. Sending love from London xx I have been where you are. i promise it gets easier
2018-11-21 3:20 pm
First so sorry of your loss.......I pray you had an excellent life with him.........grieving takes a while to get less within one's body............Just do your best in keeping all good memories within your heart.........and time does heal some of this..........another thing give mom a few hugs and siblings ......Blessings your way.
2018-11-21 6:54 am
I'm sorry
2018-11-21 3:34 am
Yes, I'm sorry to hear that. Keep it up!
2018-11-25 12:07 am
There are many ways to grieve. This means that the way you express your sorrow might differ from the way others do so. “Coping with a death does not follow a simple pattern or set of rules,” says the book Helping Teens Cope With Death. The important thing is that you do not unduly suppress your grief. Why? Because . . .

Suppressing grief can be harmful. Jeannie, mentioned at the outset, says: “I thought I had to be strong for my little sister, so I buried my emotions. Even today, I tend to suppress painful feelings, and that’s not healthy.”

Experts would agree. “Feelings denied or bottled up won’t stay bottled up forever,” says the book The Grieving Teen. “They will return when you least expect [them to] in the form of emotional flare-ups or physical ailments.” Suppressed grief can also lead to the abuse of alcohol or drugs, all done in an effort to numb the pain.

Grieving may be accompanied by confusing emotions. For example, some people feel anger at the person who died, feeling that the person “abandoned” them. Others blame God, thinking that he should have prevented the death. Many who grieve feel guilt for things they did or said to the person, since there is now no way to make amends.

Clearly, grieving can be a complex process. How can you get relief and be helped to move forward?

Talk to someone. You might be inclined to isolate yourself during this difficult time. But pouring out your feelings to a family member or a friend will help you deal with your emotions and keep this tragedy from overwhelming you.—Bible principle: Proverbs 18:24.

Keep a journal. Write about the parent you lost. For example, what is your most cherished memory of that person? Write about his or her commendable qualities. Which ones would you like to imitate in your life?

If you are plagued with negative thoughts—for example, if you cannot stop thinking about something harsh you said to your parent before he or she passed away—write down what you feel and why. For example, “I feel guilty because I had an argument with my dad the day before he died.”

Next, challenge the reasonableness of your guilt. “You cannot blame yourself for not knowing that there would never be an opportunity to apologize,” says The Grieving Teen. “To suggest that one must never say or do anything that might call for a future apology is simply not realistic.”—Bible principle: Job 10:1.

Take care of yourself. Get adequate rest, sufficient exercise, and proper nutrition. If you do not feel like eating, have a number of healthful snacks throughout the day instead of full meals—at least until your appetite returns to normal. Do not soothe your grief with junk food or alcohol; they will only make things worse.

Talk to God in prayer. The Bible says: “Throw your burden on Jehovah, and he will sustain you.” (Psalm 55:22) Prayer is not merely an emotional crutch. It is real communication with the God who “comforts us in all our trials.”—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.

One way that God comforts those who mourn is through his Word, the Bible. Why not examine what it teaches about the true condition of those who have died and the hope of a resurrection? *—Bible principle: Psalm 94:19.
2018-11-24 9:01 pm
Pray to GOD for the relief and GOD answers your need! If we do Beleive in GOD!
Read the Bible, it can be very soothing!
2018-11-23 12:41 am
I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. I know there is no combination of words that will remove what you're feeling, but please know that the Creator in the heavens knows what you're feeling and He does care.

1 Peter 5:7 While you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you

Also, I'm not sure what your present circumstances are as to why you feel you can't talk to anyone now, but I pray you find comfort in knowing that others do care and most importantly so does God.
參考: JW.ORG
2018-11-22 10:18 pm
talk to a family member or a counselor, and pray for God to help you
2018-11-22 4:49 pm
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, KJV).
2018-11-22 12:34 pm
HA HA !!!
2018-11-21 11:10 am
2018-11-22 9:22 am
First, you should be happy! Happy! Happy! Happy that you are not in jail!

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