Was i wrong?

2018-11-21 3:20 am
so i’m dating this guy who i’m very happy with and I have strong feelings for and we’ve been together a year now. Earlier today I get this text from a guy I use to date two years ago and i’m kinda confused and paranoid about it. I left him because he was abusive and manipulative and just toxic. I send my boyfriend the text i got because i’m really nervous and freaked out about why he’s texting me in the first place and i kind of want some comfort. but my boyfriend flips out? it’s not the reaction i’m expecting and i think he thinks i was trying to make him mad but i’m not that kind of a person :/ was it wrong for me to send him a text my ex bf sent me? i’ll have no problem apologizing if i was

btw i know i could’ve sent it to anyone else for comfort but i chose my bf because he’s also like my best friend and he makes me feel safe

回答 (3)

2018-11-21 3:37 am
it does sound like you and your boyfriend need a better way of communicating. Your boyfriend is certainly overreacting and somewhat insecure. a good face to face conversation should put this issue to rest. Sometimes there is no right or wrong way of doing something. I wish you well.
2018-11-21 3:47 am
So you get a text from your ex. You say he was bad news and it upsets you. Well what a mature human being would do is reply, "please don't contact me anymore. We are over and I don't want to hear from you." Then you would block his number. But no, you decide to involve your bf who has nothing to do with this situation, did you want him to beat up your ex, tell your ex off, what? You acted like a little child and upset your bf for no reason.

Apologize to your bf for being childish and block your ex.
2018-11-21 3:25 am
Why are you so "confused", "paranoid", "nervous" and "freaked out" about a text?

"my boyfriend flips out" And what was HE upset about?

Here you are telling us that two people are upset but for all those words, you really didn't give any details and we are not clairvoyant.

I suggest you learn some communication skills. When two people are in a relationship, they're supposed to work together to resolve conflict. Go talk to your bf.

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