請問這插入語形式是什麼?Socrates' whole life is recorded by his disciple, Plato 如果說 The story revealed serious undertone, the concept of anti-war. 可以嗎?

2018-11-21 12:16 am

回答 (1)

2018-11-21 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
這種用法我們稱為同位語,要求條件指同ㄧ人,事,物方可使用。笫一句disciple與Plato指同一人,而第二句undertone與the concept of anti-war 乍看好像可以,但一個是話語而另一個是觀念有些矛盾,thinking,the concept of anti-war 似平使用安全些
2018-11-21 6:38 am
Socrates' whole life is recorded by Plato, his disciple-------complement.----(adv.cl. subordinate and comparison to "Socrates".)
The concept of anti-war, being a serious undertone (adv cl of comparison), is revealed by the story---(passive voice to the concept).

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