How can I stop cats from poohing in my garden?

2018-11-20 6:24 pm
This is a repost since the last time I asked this it got no replies.

I live in a high density housing area in a Victorian terraced house. There s virtually no gardens where I am, it s virtually all just concreted back yards. But I do have a small garden, it s about the size of two parking places, it s mostly lawn but has bushes round the edge. The problem is all the local cats come to use it as their toilet, & most of them don t bury their pooh. I don t mind the cats visiting my garden, but is there something I can do to stop them poohing in it? Maybe like spraying areas with lemon juice or vinegar - or anything else? Any advice welcomed. Thank you.

回答 (26)

2018-11-20 7:45 pm
There are all sorts of cat repellents, all of which claim to have near miraculous properties in dissuading them. When we were catless I found that lurking in the garden with a high-powered water pistol did the trick. It doesn't harm them but they hate getting the fur wet so they stopped coming. You do have to be persistent but it's also fun in that it improves your marksmanship too.

Now we have cats again and they deal with trespassers very effectively. They seem to be able to detect a stranger even when indoors, and they'll go on the alert, one or other or both will rush outside and you can hear the kerfuffle before they stroll back in looking smugly triumphant.
2018-11-21 1:46 am
I've got Blackthorn and Holly in my garden, so I use clippings from them to lay down in between my plants and anywhere else where there is bare dirt. This is for the times when I can't set the dog on them or give them a present of a bucket of water.
2018-11-22 6:47 am
I have a system that works. I trap them and attach a note to their collar that says "Next time I catch your cat crapping in my yard, he's going along with me on a trip to Las Vegas, and WONT be coming back"
2018-11-22 4:00 am
1. Get a dog.
2. Get a pellet gun.
2018-11-21 1:05 am
Moth balls or moth crystals are supposed to work.
2018-11-20 11:16 pm
hi scatter lots of lemon peel down around the garden.
2018-11-20 9:38 pm
Get a dog.
2018-11-20 6:27 pm
My Dad used to put ginger on the ground as it supposedly warded them and it seemed to do the trick.
2018-11-22 5:38 am
Man has manmade rules.
Animals have natural rules.
The rules of mankind do not apply to animals.

As long as this area exists, animals will visit it.

Some animals don't like the smell of mothballs (camphor). Maybe put some there.
2019-06-15 3:30 am
Get your mother to suck its asshole dry.
2018-12-04 10:05 am
Buy a cat alarm works after 3 weeks
2018-11-27 7:04 am
Kill them
2018-11-26 2:31 pm
Find a spot close to your garden and place a litter box full of cat litter. You may have to clean it from time to time, but better than having crap in your garden to tend to.
2018-11-26 10:42 am
I went through the same thing last year and understand the frustration. I put up a small wire fence that was short enough so they couldn't climb on. Mine is a little narrow though. There are certain plants that do help deter cats due to the smell.
2018-11-26 7:46 am
Scatter some moth balls.
2018-11-25 2:21 pm
Orange peel, vinegar or coffee grounds.
2018-11-25 9:31 am
repellent - hardware store
2018-11-23 10:04 am
spray lemon juice
2018-11-23 4:26 am
2018-11-22 10:49 am
2018-11-21 4:06 pm
If the cats aren't buying their scat it's because they're using your garden as a neutral place (in cat politics) to try to show their ascendancy in the neighbourhood feline hierarchy. Since the cats will still prefer to leave their scat on loose, bare ground even when they intend for it to be seen you need to make that area uncomfortable. Buy bamboo skewers or green plant sticks the same size as skewers to be more discrete, and put them in the ground "pick-up stick" fashion, so that they point in all directions. They need to be about 1/3 in the ground to stay upright. Put the pointy end in the ground, you don't want to hurt anyone or any thing, just make squatting to do a poo uncomfortable.

Another thing that really helps if you don't want to get a cat of your own and let it fight it out is to befriend the most forward of the cats who visit. Make a fuss of it (but don't let it inside or you'll have a cat!) and be sure that it sees you chase away other cats. That cat will start to see your garden as its territory and won't tolerate other cats attempting to mark it. If your new friend turns out of be a real bruiser the cat poo will soon stop.

Also, Zed isn't entirely wrong when he says that you may have fox poo. They leave their scat in territorial disputes too. It's very "pungent" and somewhat oily but then so is tom scat and a lot of people can't tell the two apart. Unfortunately cats and foxes can come into conflict fighting out over territory, even in urban areas.

Whatever you do, don't ever put chili or pepper down as that gets in their eyes and that's just horrible. Also, if you have a high fence you can use soft spike strips along the top. The sharp ones are not allowed anymore as they're vicious, but the soft ones work adequately to discourage animals. Most B&Qs and bigger Homebases stock them.
2018-11-21 3:29 pm
I heard pets don't like moth lay some on the ground in your garden.....or ask a hardware of any products that won't harm your plants or you.
2018-11-21 12:06 pm
Cat repellents don't work. None of them.
Cats like to do their business on bare soil, or other things they can dig in like sand, pea gravel, wood chippings, and so on. So if you cover all of that then that should put them off. You may still find the occasional poo, though (I've even known them to use large pots).
The only sure way is to keep them out altogether. In a garden like yours, that shouldn't actually be too difficult. Just make sure you have solid fencing all the way around, which reaches the ground in all places and has nowhere a cat could squeeze under. Then buy rows of spikes to put along the top of the fence to stop them climbing it and jumping in. My next door neighbour has such a fence, and there are never cats in his garden, despite cats being very numerous in our neighbourhood.
2018-11-24 2:23 pm
Plant a pot of Catnip or some Mint.
2018-11-23 4:12 am
Kill it and make soup with it
2018-11-20 7:47 pm
Get some fresh Lion Dung or some "GET OFF" spray from the pet shop. It is usually FOXES that get into your yard. Most cats are INSIDE at night, rarely are cats left out all night by owners these days.

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