My parents keep controlling my life and they won’t let me move out. What do I do?
Basically, I’m 20 years old and I came home later than I was supposted to. I got grounded and my parents won’t let me leave the house, give me any money or let me work. How do I tell them that I’m getting a job (that I already got just before I got grounded and I’m supposted to start working very soon) and moving out in a month, while trying to prevent getting kicked out immediately?
回答 (4)
You're a legal adult. If you want to move out, you parents aren't in position to stop you.
Have a friend with a couch you can crash on on standby and then just tell them you've got a job and you're moving out. If they kick you out then at least you've got that couch going for you until your new job and apartment lease start.
20 years old is still being a kid and getting a job is good for you because it gives you the freedom to have your own money. I think also your parents are being over-protective.
The number one priority you should have is college and getting your degree and on the side, you can have a job. But if you feel bothered by this, talk to your parents. Moving out to get a place isn't easy. There is a lot of factors like getting money, having good credit score and paying your rent every month.
your parents cant stop you fronn nnoving out, if they ground you when you have a job then go stay with a friend so you can go to work or tell your parents you need to go to that job, you could try apologizing for conning in later
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:15:00
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