Is the U.S. a rape culture as feminists claim?

2018-11-19 12:02 am

Why or why not?

回答 (60)

2018-11-19 12:32 am
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No, the U.S. isn’t a rape culture. Stop listening to feminists.
2018-11-19 12:05 am
There is rape culture in the U.S the whole U.S is not a rape culture
2018-11-19 1:29 am
"Is the U.S. a rape culture as feminists claim?"

It is NOT. "Rape culture" is a feminist construct. It does not exist in our society where rapists are considered the most vile of humans. Rapists are subject to the full extent of the law. No one in society supports rape or rapists, and most people who even joke to that extent usually get called out for it. No one strives to be a rapists, and to even be accused of rape can more than often completely ruin a persons reputation.

How is the US rape culture?
2018-11-19 9:29 am
Yes, But not just for women. Boys get raped by Catholic priests. Teenage high school male students get raped by their female teachers. Black men get nightsticks shoved up their rear ends by white cops. Divorced men and fathers get “raped” in American divorce court and lose their fatherhood their manhood and everything they ever had. People without much money get “raped” by predatory lawyers and bankers.
2018-11-19 9:50 pm
There is rape culture in the U.S the whole U.S is not a rape culture
2018-11-19 1:14 am
If the US has a rape culture, then so does the entire world.

Rape is not tolerated in US. However it is difficult to get a conviction because the case usually ends with conflicting testimonies. A guilty conviction needs proof.
2018-11-19 12:08 pm
As a woman (not a feminist) I witnessed many of my female friends and family members being sexually assault or sexually molested, from little girls to teens and young women. As a little girl I was sexually molested in multiple occasions by school boys, teachers, and couple of times by cops. I got harassed multiple times when walking home from school. Because of frustration I have shared my histories with other female friends, and at least half of them have confessed me similar experiences. So yes, rape culture in the US is a fact. Why do you refer as feminist a woman whom is trying to protect themselves and others from sexual abuse?
2018-11-19 12:09 am
No. Rape is not condoned but is a felony crime. The U.S. has been successsfully reducing this terrible crime. If you are looking for a rape culture to join, try Sweden.
2018-11-19 11:18 am
No, it's a load of garbage promoted by 3rd wave man haters and lying socialists.
2018-11-19 6:26 am
More rapey than Canada, less rapey than India. It's all relative.
2018-11-19 12:06 am
No, and the reason for it is that there is absolutely no evidence that it exists. The lack of this evidence despite people searching for it is the evidence that such a culture doesn't exist.
2018-11-20 2:22 pm
No, if that were true everybody men and women would be constantly being raped.
2018-11-19 12:48 pm
NO it is NOT!!
參考: Published crime statistics. It isn't a secret!!!!
2018-11-19 12:08 am
Who gets rape wished on them?

Who has been fighting for prison reform to deal with rape since the seventies and have been entirely ignored on the issue?

Women don't deal with a rape culture as their rape concerns are taken seriously and there isn't a tendency from the general population to wish rape on them, Men on the other hand get ignored on rape issues and will likely get rape wished on them if they go to prison.

People don't even care when you mention that boys that go to juvenile detention get raped, ffs. I remember years ago reading the responses to a report about a New York case where female prison personal were using the boys in juvenile detention as sex slaves and being amazed that not one person gave a sh*i*t about it.
2018-11-19 12:03 pm
No we dont tolerate rape. We also punish and look down on those who did it.
2018-11-19 8:04 am
No woman are causing histeria with false rape reports because they now the courts are on there side .
2018-11-19 4:25 am
The US definitely has rape culture.

Three words: Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
2018-11-21 3:32 am
Only by those who never experienced real rape cultures like in middle eastern countries where women have zero rights and get raped and justified by law for the rape if they do not cover up properly or act out of line.
2018-11-21 12:33 am
I would rather rape a dog than a femenist
2018-11-20 7:36 pm
I think there are many people who maintain an attitude that they always blame the woman for getting raped. I wouldn’t call it rape culture though.
2018-11-20 11:14 am
It glorifies murder more than it glorifies rape.

When was the last time you heard the US referred to as a "murder culture"?

What's the difference? Men are murdered 5 times more often than women are. Rape is primarily (except in prisons) a female problem, and therefore what feminists fixate on.

Don't believe me? Watch the movie "Gross Pointe Blank". Now find me a movie where so many rapes are committed as an element of comedy.
2018-11-20 12:10 am
They are exaggerating if they have really said "A rape culture".
2018-11-20 11:35 am
Yes, absolutely. All the above answers are not addressing what "rape culture" actually means. The dictionary defines rape culture as, "a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse." Rape culture isn't a culture that says rape is okay or glorifying rape. It means that it's a culture that doesn't support or protect rape victims. It means that when a woman comes forward and says that she has been raped, she is initially asked "what were you wearing?" "are you sure you didn't want it?" "how much did you drink?" instead of immediately moving forward looking to find and prosecute the perpetrator. At an even more basic level, rape culture is jokes about rape, music that has themes about sexual assault, and misogynistic language. To claim that this does not describe the U.S. is ignorant and short-sighted.
2018-11-19 11:53 pm
On;y extreme far-left feminists make that claim. American culture is against rape
2018-11-19 6:47 am
As both a rapist and a rape victim I believe there is no rape culture in the U.S but a players gotta play know what I'm saying ;)
2018-11-20 10:07 am
Certain parts of India are bad
2018-11-19 10:35 pm
No, it is not.
2018-11-23 2:16 pm
Not as feminists are claiming it to be. I mean, sure, rapes do occur in the US, just like they occur in every single country. Wherever there are humans, rape will always exist. I know that sounds messed up, but it's true. The feminist movement in the US is a whole different level of crazy. If a guy just looks at a feminist in the wrong way, or in a way that they consider disrespectful, they'll automatically start making accusations.
2018-11-21 8:02 am
Does rape occur in the US? Yes
Is the US a rape culture? No
2018-11-21 7:08 am
Well, I've seen movies in which it was suggested that a man who "takes no for an answer" is "weak"
2018-11-21 12:41 am
Some of its aspects not all of it
2018-11-21 12:09 am
"rape culture" is bullshit. The feminists made it up and try to blame everyone else for their fake problems. Yes being raped is serious and that person deserves to be delt with by the law but in my opinion by allowing all these undocumented immigrants into the US and then when they gang rape a white girl for walking alone and they dont even get a slap on the wrist its BS. so in that sense yes its real to a point but its not accepted in our society.
2018-11-19 12:44 pm
Sometimes the system is unfair such that suffering is accepted as normal because the suffering do not have the means of communicating or being heard and the perpetrators know how to work the system to escape exposure.

It’s not just rape but it can be any kind of abuse.
2018-11-19 5:50 am
is this statement as backwards as it sounds?
it is a culture where "rape" is a sign of male-membership. when you believe there are only two-sexual-identities, then are confused as to which you belong, you have to "pass-membership".
2018-11-22 12:08 pm
There's a rape culture everywhere...

Rape culture is just political jargon made by feminists to say men are secret about their rapes...

Well, nobody wants to go to jail, so rape culture is liable to be everywhere.

Can we stop it? No. Rape has been going on for eons and it's common in the animal kingdom.

Should we punish rapists? Yes.

Should we castrate them? Yes.
2018-11-20 9:06 pm
no not at all they are property and they need to be put down
2018-11-20 2:09 am
Not at all
2018-11-20 1:20 am
If it was, rape would be accepted, but thankfully it is not. These feminist witches have no idea what they’re talking about.
2018-11-19 6:40 pm
No, it's just a bunch of washed up spinsters projecting their fantasies because they can't get a man.
2018-11-21 2:12 am
ALL human culture is "rape culture". Look at how our near relatives, the chimps and bonobos act - males help themselves to whomever they please because they're bigger and stronger. Is it any different with us?
2018-11-20 10:50 am
No because Muslims makeup just 1 percent of America.
2018-11-19 12:51 am
So is India ...but what they forget is that the US male goes overseas and fights and comes back sometimes in body bags....he is circumcised without his consent while the Indian counterpart is not ...he is perhaps way too ahead in being human than the Indian stereotypical male in a conservative society and not a racist as a generalization but the Indian male might be.

There is sudden upsurge in respect of the American male especially the whites ....and it is my honour to salute them in such times ....we can learn to be more humane from them and they can learn from us as indian males how to make a stand and fight when not in the military and shed their eternal burdens ....:)
參考: MGTOW India To MGTOW America...:)
2018-11-21 11:56 pm
Feminists have a long track record of making truthful statements, so I would just hear and trust what they say.
2018-11-21 11:58 am
2018-11-21 8:25 am
Well assuming your premise (that feminists by rule believe -or even must believe-) the US to be a rape culture is even partially accurate; no not entirely. Few places if any are. Even in places where women's rights are even less than they are in the US (less even than what conservatives want women's rights to be), a father or a brother or a son or whoever is not going to idly stand by and let harm fall to a family member or friend. Not w/o copping some revenge.
2018-11-20 4:08 am
2018-11-19 4:33 pm
Some countries are difficult for example North Korea.
2018-11-23 10:00 am
Only in Muslim Areas
2018-11-21 5:40 am
If you want to see rape culture look at the Muslim countries in the Middle East.
2018-11-21 12:14 am
Feminism is a joke so no.
2018-11-20 5:39 am
Just ask yourself how often you say or hear the sexual intercourse "f word" during the day to get an accurate measure.
2018-11-21 10:09 am
No rapists get life sentences in america.
2018-11-21 8:49 am
Yes us men in the usa promote rape against all women especially the lesbian and asexual cunvtsx those bitchesvv will hate it the most
2018-11-20 4:52 am
The main argument to debunk rape culture is that the law incarcerated these men, which is still a valid argument, however that still doesn’t hide the fact that most rapists and pedophiles are men and if you say it’s notmal, you’re kinda saying it’s ok because you’re normalizing and wouldn’t that kinda be like teaching rape?It is already. If you want to debunk me then do it, I challenge you, I’m waiting!
2018-11-22 5:36 pm
NO! If you want to see real 'rape cultures' then go see The Islamic World.
2018-11-20 4:27 am
0ne third of American women are raped over the life period, that could be taken as evidence of rape culture.
2018-11-21 9:28 am
Women never shut up fussing about rape culture but when anyone suggests deporting the rapists and closing the borders, women scream that that is racism.
2018-11-20 11:19 pm
Wtf is a rape culture lol and half these feminist are just mentallyill & blow **** way out if proportion and generalize all men as rapist it's bullshit hate faminist they are worse then racist mf and nazies
2018-11-19 7:34 pm
Many "Feminists" of today are sluts in their own personal way.
2018-11-19 1:03 pm
Not really. A rapists gonna rape rape rape rape rape.
2018-11-19 2:08 pm
The irony is that rape is inspired by porn, yet Feminists argue in favor of porn. Go figure.
2018-11-19 5:32 am
It appears to be more serious.thsn most of the rest of the developed world

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