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For the senior English Grammar for HKU entrance,you must study verb patterns VP1--VP25 to understand how Britishers write and read without HK styled Grammar.
eg:-In VP24C Have and get are used in this pattern meaning "cause to be".
Subject+Have/Get----Do(=direct object)-----past participle
(1)Can we have/get------ the university program-----changed?
(2)Please have/get-------these govt. documents-----translated into English.
(3)I (Lily) will have/get-------the matter-----attended to=give care and thought to=attended to CEO's work=attended to what she is saying carefully in her politics.
(4)You have---------the basic grammar book-------read for the Exam.
(5)Lily has -----------scarcely any grammar book------saved for her studies.
(6)Please will Lily get-----"a college English reference book"-----read categorically ?
(7)Have you ever get-------high marks-------stated unknown in rules ?
This pattern is for the verb have/get,The subject complement may be a noun, a pronoun, an adjective, an adjective phrase, a prepositional group as an adjetive phrase, an adverbial adjunct or an infinitive phrase.
Hence study the verbs first, then study rules for, the combination of words into sentences(=syntax), and the forms of words (=morphology)
syntax (grammar) is rules for sentence-building;ie.syntactic syntax.
morphology(lingustic) is the study of the morphemes of a language and of how they are combined to make words, when you compare with syntax.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 00:26:04
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