我想問下,我層樓已供完,但之前因債務問題被B銀行釘契,但亦已剛還清B銀行債務,但release charging order要兩個多月,現在要向A銀行贖樓,請問是否會影響贖樓程序呢?
回答 (2)
Thanks for your answer, that's mean even I've owed Bank A nothing too, my lawyer cannot do anything to get back my house until the lien removed, right?
The answer is yes.
When a lien has been successfully attached to a property, basically nothing can be done until the lien has been removed.
So in this case, when Bank B still have the lien and in process of removing it, you can only repay Bank A's money only. But Bank A could not do anything yet in term of the documentation.
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:19:01
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