Jim, the Whiner, Acosta got reinstated. What a loser. What say you?

2018-11-17 8:48 am

回答 (9)

2018-11-17 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm waiting to see the "Acosta Rules" Trump will lay down from now on. The whole press pool will hate Acosta for it.
2018-11-17 11:13 am
You know you're in the wrong when even Fox News supported his lawsuit.

Freedom of the press is protected by the first amendment. Go live in Somolia if you hate the constitution.
2018-11-17 8:57 am
Well he won...so he's not a loser. Trump technically lost.
2018-11-20 3:57 pm
So funny to see the Democratic answers on here.. all vile, all antagonistic, all full of swear words and insults. Yup, Democrats are a class act. You all make me sick!
2018-11-19 10:15 am
That's just so I can get Secret Service to drag his butt out of a news conference the next time he acts up.
2018-11-17 9:22 am
on appeal trump will win and meanwhile acosta will either not get to ask questions or will get no answers
2018-11-23 10:44 am
Well Chris Acosta won... so he's not a loser. Trump technically lost.
2018-11-20 3:48 pm
Since you hate freedom of speech so much, why not work on a potato farm in Siberia?
2018-11-17 12:00 pm
I say that fat, lying, disgusting slob he sends out for most press conferences should get uninstated. What a fat pig. What say you?

I bet you are a fat pig.

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