這句英文讓我看的好頭痛 可以告訴我它的構造嗎?Patricia's story is a reminder of how vulnerable women can be in what is still essentially a man's world.?

2018-11-15 8:46 pm

回答 (6)

2018-11-15 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2018-11-17 7:04 am
我想你頭痛的一定就是 in what is still a men's world 這個子句.

這種用法 對我們來說就像是一日三餐一樣,但是因為中語裡面沒有這種連續多個連接詞+關係代名詞的結構 對你們台灣人是天大的困難.讀得懂的人應該不少,但是要能順口而出的 我從來沒看過一人.

要怎辦?只有多練習了. 少讀文法,多練習如下:

(念一百次) I like what she is having. = 我愛他正在吃的(那個).

(念一百次) A man is what a man eats. = 一個人的個性 都是 他日常所吃的食物 造就出來的.

(念一百次) Trump wins in what he believes he is winning. = 當川普自認為正占上風的時候,他(通常)就贏了.

(念一百次) How vulnerable can women be in what is still men's world? = 在這仍是男人的世界上女子們會如何居於下風呢?

(念一百次) Try discussing how vulnerable women can be in what is still men's world. = 試申論在這仍是男人的世界上女子們會如何居於下風

(念一百次) This is a story of how vulnerable women can be in what is still men's world. = 這是一個 (關於) 在這仍是男人的世界上女子們會如何居於下風 的故事
2018-11-16 2:02 pm

Patricia s story is a reminder of (how vulnerable women can be) (in what is still essentially a man s world).

就是"女人(們)是可以有多弱勢"(how vulnerable women can be)
附註這弱勢的情況是"在一個實際上仍男性(主導)的世界裏"(in what is still essentially a man s world)


2018-11-22 10:25 am
God-shhh, you guys really spend time on these? Are you guys lost? Try both ways naturally. You could know both grammar and common usage while just reading the sentences multi times. Stop doing this kind of slapstick comedy. You just do what you were always doing when you are learning Mandarin. It works in English and many other languages.
2018-11-16 7:44 am
Patricia's story-----main S
a reminder of-------prepositional phrase
how vulnerable women can be---------adv cl.of reason,comparison, condition, manner
in what------prepositional phrase(so that, such that it is as a result)
is still essentially a man's world-------defining adj cl. to "women" in adv cl.
------------The adjective cl. can be descriptive, demonstrative, relative, distributive.
2018-11-17 10:50 am
Amendment: As regards to Patricia's story, it reminds how vulnerable the women being essential in men's reign Yip

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