Am I possibly having feelings for my best friend?

2018-11-12 8:15 pm
I’m straight and she is bi, we talk all the time and I’m always constantly daydreaming about her but when I do it’s only about doing stufffriends do together. When she stays over we share a bed together and talk about lots of friends stuff together and when I’m in bed alone I imagine her being there doing those things with me. My other friends said that I always talk about her I’m exactly the same when I have a crush on someone but I picture us doing more couple things as well as sexual stuff which I don’t picture with her.

回答 (2)

2018-11-12 9:10 pm
If your friend was a male and he was asking in this group,

"YO! bro! I got this chick, we aint having sex yet bro! But bro! She is dreaming about me and sh*t man"
"What you think that mean bro?"

It is an absolute signal she is interested in him. It would mean he was doing a decent job at flirting with her.

The problem is it is alone, we do not know anything about the relationship, interactions or discussions. You told us about one 2-3 min event in your hear.
2018-11-12 8:33 pm
Are you aware that the reason these homosexuals took up their slang of "gay" is because the have the largest suicide rate out of every other group of people on this whole planet? No other group, club, race, religion, ... kill themselves more often! Not even in communist countries!
Plus they have their Diseases that cause everything from slow Death, to continues pains! Including AIDS!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:55
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