How many here are from Military backgrounds? I want to thank you for your service and my freedom to fly!?

2018-11-11 10:22 pm

回答 (9)

2018-11-11 11:13 pm
Thank you. You're welcome. Me? I spent 37 honorable years protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution of the United States.
2018-11-11 10:31 pm
I am a vet. You are welcome.
2018-11-12 10:39 am
Soldiers are true idiots. Blind faith in them also makes you an idiot. Sorry
Look at all these losers begging for attention. "Yes sir, I did, you are welcome" - Douchebags
2018-11-12 3:09 am
both my 2 Brothers and I , all served. One was Air Force. one was Army, (but got kicked out in boot camp after breaking a leg ) and 2 years later.............joined the Navy.........(and got kicked out, for being a knucklehead. ) I served in the Navy before settling down in my last Duty Station.......Italy.

My father was 4-F medically during his time...........two childhood costing him a finger and the other almost costing him an eye, left him legally blind in one eye.
2018-11-11 11:03 pm
My father was navy in World War II and served in the pacific. His sister was an army nurse and served in Europe during World War II.mmy fathers cousin was career 30 years Navy. I was Navy and a Vietnam Nam vet.
2018-11-11 10:32 pm
I have 6 WWII veteran relatives, a Vietnam War veteran relative, a great uncle who served in the Army National Guard, an uncle who served in the Navy, an aunt who was in the Coast Guard, my mom was an officer in the Army, and I tried enlist in the Army National Guard, but **** fell apart due to misunderstanding and it was no longer worth trying again since a past medical condition scares recruiters away.
參考: So yeah, my family has a strong military background
2018-11-12 6:59 am
I do, and in fact, I am in uniform right now (Canadian Rangers) as I was the Parade Commander for the Remembrance Day parade today. I have 41 years of service so far, 25 of them full time, and the rest as a reservist.

I don't need, nor particularly want your thanks! I mean, it's fine, but, today is for remembering those who fought, and paid the ultimate price. "We will remember them."
2018-11-12 8:09 am
I served 9 years RAF and 29 years RAAF in explosives
2018-11-11 10:34 pm
Yes I have, a father, two uncles, three brothers.

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