Liberals does it make you angry that guns will never be banned?

2018-11-10 9:58 pm

回答 (92)

2018-11-11 11:47 am
I want them regulated to keep them out of the hands of criminal, I never said I wanted them banned.
2018-11-12 7:27 am
Guns don't anger me. The stupid remarks from anonymous posters who have nothing better to do than troll here angers me!
2018-11-11 1:02 am
We never said we them banned, just reduced.
2018-11-12 6:44 pm
I'm a liberal and I've got guns.
2018-11-11 12:56 pm
No. I wish Cons would stop banning coca & opium. Then gun nuts would sedate themselves & leave the rest of us alone.
2018-11-10 10:01 pm
No, I feel great knowing my Muslim and lgbt friends all have guns now to defend themselves. Even our local Imam has one now. In fact I’m the one who encouraged them to get the guns.
2018-11-10 10:01 pm
We don't want them to be banned ; we just want strict but sane limits on who gets to own and use them
2018-11-10 10:00 pm
No. I like guns. Limiting what type of firearms people may privately own is coming, like it or not.
參考: I'm Taint
2018-11-11 3:30 am
If you want guns banned do not live in a country with the very much diminished right to bear arms.
2018-11-10 10:08 pm
I am a Liberal and I undoubtedly own more guns than you and most conservatives.
參考: Liberal myth #72: Liberals don't like guns.
2018-11-10 10:01 pm
You know what? Keep your guns if they make you so happy but don't complain if one of YOUR kids gets shot and killed.
2018-11-11 2:10 am
I remember reading a news report a few years ago about a father driving in his pickup truck with his little boy in the front seat and his shotgun laying across the seat. Barrel was facing in the direction of his little boy. Went off and shot his little boy in the chest, instantly killing him. I wonder what the little boy’s father thinks of guns now? Wonder if they confiscated his gun or he still has it? Well, the shotgun may still be around somewhere. Wood and steel is pretty durable. But his little boy wasn’t so “sturdy” I guess. He’s gone now and the father has to live with that until the day he goes to his own grave. Maybe he wishes it was sooner rather than later. I wonder if his views of gun ownership changed after that day when his son got shot in the chest and he watched him slump over in the seat, the light and life leaving the boy’s startled eyes, the father not even getting a chance to kiss him and hold him in his arms and tell him how he loved him and how sorry he was.
2018-11-13 12:40 pm
do not stir up the liberal snowflakes or they will have to retreat to their safe place until their hurt feelings go away in a month or two !!!!!!!!!! on second thought go ahead and stir them up !!!!!!!!!
2018-11-13 8:05 am
maybe we should ban automobiles,, too, they have KILLED many persons, of different nationalities and beliefs.... and that includes those who do not drive,,, or are too young or too old to drive,,,,
2018-11-12 10:06 am
No, they took our Guns in Australia now we have Knife Murders and attacks

are we Going to Ban Knives after all we have banned plastic straws

Idiots will Murder no matter what weapon is at Hand
2018-11-12 5:19 am
Libtards will never ever take my guns away
2018-11-11 4:50 am
Yes, they want to be tyrants and tyrants ban guns before they take over.
2018-11-10 10:01 pm
No, but it'll probably make me angry when a member of my family or one of my friends dies in a shooting and a Republican thinks the real issue is liberals being triggered rather than the fact that guns kill more people than any other single thing in the US and America is the only first world country to have no logical form of gun control. My best friend lives in the UK and they have little to no gun crime. If you're prioritising pissing off the libs over human life then you're probably a ****.
2018-11-10 10:06 pm
I'm strongly against repeal of the 2nd amendment just like the super vast majority of Americans are. I know that's hard for a gun nut rightie to understand because their inflexibility hears only what they want to believe.
I'm for temporary sweeping gun safety measures that provide contrasting data. As the expiration nears, let the debate begin.
2018-11-11 11:23 am
I used a gun to save the life of myself, my wife and a daughter.
參考: [n] = 10ⁿ
2018-11-10 10:02 pm
Objects should not be banned. People MUST be restricted and penalties must reflect the damages. If you think a gun did something wrong, charge it.
2018-11-12 11:12 am
Liberals is a very broad statement
2018-11-13 2:48 am
Liberals realizing common sense? Don't get your hopes up man.
2018-11-12 3:52 pm
I don't know
Does it make you mad that drugs will never be banned
2018-11-11 9:30 pm
yes it does
It makes me furious
I want more mass shootings
I do not want law-abiding people to be able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government
2018-11-10 10:13 pm
You know it does lol they're especially butt hurt over the fact that white people will always have guns.
2018-11-12 11:06 am
Are you talking about all liberals or certain type of liberals, there are liberals who own a firearm.
2018-11-12 7:22 am
I want guns to be banned so that I'm the only one with guns
2018-11-13 1:19 am
Depends on the liberal, probably. However, enough of them want to ban guns, without doubt. It's one reason I'm in the process of buying mine before they're successful.

The thing that scares me more is that both democrats and republicans want to ban guns from people with mental illness, while lumping all mental illnesses as one and the same. Someone with OCD or ADHD is nowhere near the threat as someone with bipolar who has rage issues. Likewise, there are plenty of people without mental illness that are extremely dangerous.

It's sad that, according to politicians, a non-violent woman with OCD is more of a threat when it comes to gun ownership than a rapist with no mental illness or a criminal record.
2018-11-11 2:11 pm
It sure makes those snowflakes triggered that they'll never be able to impose their tyranny upon us. Since that's the only reason they want our guns in the first place.
2018-11-11 4:06 pm
It does
2018-11-10 10:13 pm
Even if guns are "banned" guns will be used by the bad guys. They will hoard them now, import them or have them manufactured with the glut of machine tools in the US presently.
They only thing a gun ban or even a limitation on certain types of firearms is going to do is make them inaccessible to the law abiding.
The bad guys and loons are not going to give up in their quest for firepower advantage.
2018-11-10 10:01 pm
Conservatives does it make you angry that Qurans will replace Bibles very soon?
2018-11-11 5:32 am
I am not qualified to answer this question as I am not a liberal. However, there are other ways to 'easily' kill multiple selected people quickly other than using kinetic energy weapons.
2018-11-11 8:57 pm
We don't want them banned. Just controlled. Imagine if you had to pay a toll every 500 feet on your local streets -- you don't because there's government control over them.
2018-11-11 2:47 pm
Nope, because very few of us have ever called for them all to be banned
2018-11-13 4:49 am
yes it does
It makes me extremely angry
I am so angry I could just sh!t
2018-11-11 6:33 pm
nope dont care.
2018-11-12 8:43 am
Except a few outliers, nearly every liberal I know doesn't want guns banned, just better regulated.
2018-11-12 1:10 am
Equally I wouldn't move to America, Pakistan, many countries in south America or Africa, whose population own and carry guns. All these nations are full of mentally unhinged violent people who feel it's normal to own a gun!
2018-11-12 12:25 am
No, what does make me angry is how dumb f*****g idiots like you are so easily brainwashed into thinking that Liberals want to ban guns completely!!!

But then you aren’t very bright are you? Although it’s not your fault that your dad married his sister is it?
2018-11-11 5:57 pm
I would say banning all guns is not a common position. Banning the use of military grade weaponry by the public just makes sense. It's embarrassing and disgusting that we don't care about safety.
2018-11-10 10:05 pm
No, what makes me angry is that you cling to them with such obvious anxiety about losing them such that you won't allow needed restrictions.
2018-11-12 12:38 am
does it make you angry to know liberals will shoot you in the knees before finishing you off with a head shot?
2018-11-12 9:24 am
Dont bant
2018-11-13 1:13 am
2018-11-12 10:57 pm
The current situation is not a good situation for any of us.
2018-11-12 8:54 pm
Here in australia guns are so few and far between they are literally not even a thing I think about... wouldn't that be nice to not even worry about ever being shot?
2018-11-12 3:56 am
I'm liberal and love guns. We just want to make it harder for a psychopath to kill your kids at school
2018-11-10 10:04 pm
no. does it make you angry im not?
2018-11-12 12:00 pm
Bad question. We don't KNOW that "guns will never be banned," but you're asking us to accept this assumption just in the way you ask your question.

Ha, ha, nice try. But the whole structure of what you've written here is bogus. No matter where anybody stands on the issue of gun control.

And -- isn't "never" a really long, long, long time?

To answer your bad question, although I'm not a liberal, it's pretty clear that it would be dumb to get "angry" about this issue, even assuming you'ire right. Being angry might goad somebody into taking some kind of action on the issue of gun control, but anger in itself is useless; it doesn't fix anything.

"Don't get mad -- get even." -- Old saying

-- from a democratic socialist for more logic and less BS in American politics
2018-11-12 1:02 am
Anger causes ulcers and lowers the immune system that give rise to diseases. I don't get angry. Saying that guns will 'never' be banned, is not very bright. Trump said that if someone has a gun, "shoot them and ask questions later" But then the NRA told him to STFU or they would get rid of him, and he hasn't said that since.
2018-11-11 12:17 pm
I don't want to take your guns, I want to throw them in the casket on top of you...
2018-11-10 10:13 pm
There have been 307 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018. That's what makes me angry. I don't understand why you're not angry.
2018-11-10 10:00 pm
There is a rhyme in the military:
"This is my rifle, this is my is for killing, one is for fun"
Consider that rhyme carefully while pondering this question.
2018-11-11 12:27 am
Nope, the idea that most of us want to ban guns is just right wing fear mongering. And you seem to genuinely think any simple gun law is a slippery slope to banning guns, even though, that’s against the constitution which is nowhere near as easy to change as you seem to believe.

We don’t want guns banned. But just know, every claim you make about them is false. They don’t keep us safe, we have the highest homicide rate of any western country. A bad guy with a gun overpowered like three good guys who had guns in the recent shooting in California. Well, I guess it’s still safer to have them though... to protect from all the other people who have guns. (Whether they should or not) And lastly, they are specifically designed to kill. So comparing the deaths caused by them to vehicle collisions, for example, is stupid.
2018-11-12 6:13 am
Who wants to ban guns?
2018-11-11 9:33 pm
Most people are for gun control not repealing the 2nd amendment
2018-11-11 8:16 pm
not banned, strict background checks must become a reality.
2018-11-11 6:33 pm
I don’t care; because I’m not in your country.
2018-11-11 6:05 pm
I am not a liberal. It frustrates me that the USA doesn't have the 'common sense' to ban guns outright. The ludicrous Second amendment ,Cowboy and Indian law clearly needs to end. That should be completely obvious when you have mass murder occurring on a regular basis. Any society that feels the need to arm themselves against their own citizens is not a civilised developed one. Go back to the drawing board USA! God Bless Blighty!

I touched a raw nerve under the Red caps and Bearded flying monkeys I see.
2018-11-11 3:48 pm
@Nightwolf is a laxative.
2018-11-13 9:56 pm
Yes !
2018-11-14 1:32 am
Not a liberal, but also not any other regurgitated word. But, my moms friend took a week vacation, bought a gun and blew her own face off. Keep the guns coming i say, because some day youll be a part of that amazing blood bath you were ignorant of seeing.
Guns cant be banned, because there is no such thing as human law. The light of that should burn you in the darkness which you reside in, because eventually, it will burn you unless you self reflect more and change your ways.
2018-11-12 6:31 pm
yes - if that proves to be the case.
2018-11-11 11:05 pm
2018-11-11 3:18 pm
2018-11-11 2:58 pm
Guns are safe. It's people who should be banned (especially around guns)
2018-11-11 2:41 pm
No. It makes us hysterically angry to realize that guns will never be banned to the general public, by a more intricate and consequential qualification process.
2018-11-10 10:05 pm
They been around a long time, as has all weapons. However, I managed to get through life without seeing a gun. I stabbed a guy once, but he actually asked me to do it. Strange story. We were doing martial arts, he reckoned he was a black belt, but he was also on tons of medication because he got hit by a car. Anyway, he pulls out two razor sharp kitchen knives while we were in a park, and I had no idea he had them down his pants. Long, sharp, big ones. And he was like I'll show you how you take a knife off someone. And I was like, OK, I'm stabbing you with the knife, and he was like no really stab me, and I was like what? He started coming at me, throwing roundhouse kicks, and I just panicked, backed away enough that he wasn't close to hitting me, but for some reason, when he kept getting closer, I just stabbed him in the leg. Needed about a dozen stitches, blood everywhere. Crazy. We called the ambulance, he got stitched up. He told me later he meant to do that, to show me you couldn't take a knife off someone. Yeah, he could have just said that, but then he also told me he could fly and I actually still don't know if he was messing with me, or if he was actually really insane. We were sucking all sorts of stuff. He died a year later of methadone, valium, serapax, xanex, and luvox, an antidepressant.
2018-11-12 5:36 pm
I don't get how having a gun makes you a man. Any pussy can pull a trigger, takes a man to fight proper.
2018-11-12 5:14 am
Most liberals don't want a total gun ban. They want restrictions like on assault weapons and better, extensive background checks.
2018-11-11 11:20 pm
pretty sure thats not what they are after...but whatevs
2018-11-11 12:48 pm
This Democrat voted for Initiatives 1639 & 940
The former will fine gun owners who fail to secure
their weapons to prevent theft. Today my rifle
stocks all have a one and a half inch hole in the
furniture so I can chain them better. My state
was #5 in death by cop and the 940 put them on
notice that their ability to shoot citizens dead is
subject to new oversight. Why is it better people
are changing gun use laws and you cannot ?
2018-11-13 3:57 am
No it doesn't make me angry.

Conservatives - does it make you angry to know that American racists are dying off and you will lose this battle?
2018-11-12 11:31 pm
Nope. I own 4 myself. So much for your strawman.
2018-11-12 2:12 pm
There isn't a single liberal/Democrat who wants to ban guns.
2018-11-12 10:54 am
They will and Repubs will cry like little girls
2018-11-11 5:28 pm
When did I ever ask for guns to be banned??? What a total sad, paranoid loser you are! Cowards like you can't live without guns! HA HA HA Grow a pair, loser!
2018-11-12 1:40 am
2018-11-12 1:30 am
2018-11-12 12:45 pm
2018-11-13 9:30 pm
Not really. I don't want them banned-- I do want a handgun in case things get antsy on a night in the town, but I shouldn't have such easy access to it.
2018-11-13 2:53 pm
No it does not. The only group continually talking about banning guns is the NRA. In fact under Obama more guns were sold than under any previous President. The only thing asked is that sensible regulations be put into place to insure that known criminals and suspected terrorists cannot obtain guns legally. The reality is that for the majority of mass shootings in the US the guns were obtained legally and modified using legally obtained kits when that was done. Even in the case where there were concerns the various state laws prohibited the police and other law enforcement agencies from taking action in several of the cases.
2018-11-12 1:46 pm
No one is trying to ban guns they try to REGULATE them you need to get educated
2018-11-12 12:10 am
No. Does it make you angry?
2018-11-11 11:37 pm
No, not at all. I refuse to get a gun. I am not going to take away your guns. But my neighbors are armed and licensed to carry, including some Vietnam vets.

A did not kill my friend Trudy Rigney. A bomb and a domestic terrorist did.
2018-11-12 8:39 pm
Yes it does...the world would be a much safer place if something was done about gun laws...
2018-11-12 4:55 pm
I like guns.


I think it makes me angry that I over estimated how smart Americans are.
參考: Disappointing truth: Many are stupid. And many are Republican.
2018-11-11 6:12 pm
No sad
2018-11-10 10:01 pm
Well yes it does if that proves to be the case sir as people is being massacred
2018-11-13 2:15 am
Sad that America can never stop the killings, yes. Isn’t that a normal reaction?
2018-11-11 3:29 am
If it made anyone that mad we’d just move to a lovely little anti-gun country LOL

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