Why do more and more people start to think bad about feminism now(compared to a century ago)?

2018-11-09 11:51 pm

回答 (19)

2018-11-10 12:03 am
"Why do more and more people start to think bad about feminism now(compared to a century ago)?"

A century ago, women did not have the same legal Rights as men. The whole society was based on the family with the man at the head. Thus the man was given Rights (along with legal Responsibilities) that he would bestow on his entire family. Feminists at that time were looking to "liberate" women from this arrangement of the family unit. So they wanted equal INDIVIDUAL Rights themselves over the FAMILY Rights that were given to the man for his family's benefit.

So, as people became more individual minded, they understood feminism to be the movement for equal Rights. Not everyone was necessarily on board with this radical new idea, but at least it was a conceivable idea that was straightforward and simple.

But once women had received all the same Rights as men had, along with full emancipation, feminism was hijacked by the radicals. It didn't end with a big party claiming success of it's goals for equal Rights. And today it is a fully radical social change movement that is aligned with the neo-Left and it's cultural M@rxist agenda. The huge deception of feminism today is that they are still this 100 year old movement trying to gain "equality" for women ... women that are fully emancipated and have all the same Rights as men btw.

Most people think bad about feminism for their bad actions. Those same bad feminists always try to turn the discussion around to excuse their bad behaviour by claiming that any resistance to their bad actions always come from wanting to take away "women's rights". A ridiculous, but often successful tactic.
2018-11-10 3:52 am
A century ago, feminism/suffrage was fighting for women to have a guaranteed equal right to vote. 60 years ago, feminism was fighting for equal pay legislation, which was passed in 1963. Since that time, feminism has fought for women to be advantaged in education, to be advantaged in health care, to be advantaged in job hiring, to be advantaged in business ownership, etc.

It comes as no surprise to me, that as it becomes more and more apparent to most that feminism isn't about equality but about advantaging one gender over the other, the percent of the population supporting feminism has declined, notably so.
2018-11-10 12:48 am
What would I support it? From where I sit men lost everything in society and are now looking at a society that will be dominated by women in all outlets of life. Men will be ruled by women in their childhood, rule by women at the job, and ruled by women in the government. Feminism has left men with nothing and women with everything.

Men should have never given women the right to vote as that left men powerless to stop whatever oppression women wanted to deliver onto men. Women can just pass whatever oppressive laws they want and since men are outnumbered there is nothing they can do about it. In fact, if you look at the laws women have supported over the last century you will find many examples where women gave themselves advantages over men by openly discriminating against them.

Furthermore, look around you sometime and take note of all the damage it has done. Men are leaving society, women are being left raising children alone, marriage rates are decreasing quickly, kids are being raised by daycares, children need two incomes to be raised, and everyone is depressed. Your feminist society sucks.
2018-11-11 2:18 pm
In my eyes, feminism in my country isn't needed because we already have the same rights as women as we do as men. Feminism just seems like pointless bickering about nothing otherwise.

In the 1900s women made a lot of progress in being treated equally. Throughout the years, we've continued to make progress. There's no progress left to be made unless women are expecting to surpass men in certain ways.
2018-11-10 3:26 am
Women jumping on each and every bandwagon feminism is behind is reason enough. Most women, with the exception, have a herd attitude.
Meaning; they don't want to be left out. The psychology behind feminism understands this.
2018-11-10 12:20 am
Some feminists have taken things too far and this isn't uncommon for any group or movement. Sadly in our society the fringe extreme always gets the most press coverage and this tends to tarnish even things that were started for good reasons.
2018-11-12 5:08 am
That is inaccurate. The 19th amendment wasn't even passed a century ago.

Feminism has been wildly successful. It's rather a victim of its own success. Many women don't feel a need to support feminism anymore because they can't imagine not having equal rights or reproductive freedom.

I'm so happy that little girls today saw a woman run for president and lose to a less qualified man. LOL But hey, at least in their world it's normal for women to run for president.
2018-11-11 4:45 am
Because feminists are trying to surpass the male gender in power and politics. They say they're about equality, but I think a lot of them are really about being above men in the world.
2018-11-10 7:23 pm
Because feminism has gone completely out of control and too extreme.
2018-11-10 12:45 am
They thought bad about feminism a century ago too.
2018-11-10 12:07 am
i don't ....in fact third wave feminism has woken up finally the male ...if you study feminism for over 2 decades you will accept that the issues raised are genuine but the way they are projected and executed always back fires on them since the first wave started.
It would be hopefully appreciated by feminists ...that mature males are more able to understand what their frustration and irrational approach has not achieved in the end but it has got the males thinking ...this is conceded to them....cheers!!!
It is now up to the male gender to get their house in order and bring to book gender politics and the attitudes because the elite can afford attorneys the guy or gal who does not even have medical insurance or a job cannot !!!!

I am afraid whether feminism likes it or not .....and hopefully they take this as a constructive feedback ...gender persecution does not bring about equality of human beings but selective application of equality in a trial by media ........and an issue i tangled with in mid 2000s.

The complete lack of empathy for those who might suffer as innocent and the defiant stance that they are willing to pay the costs for this ....was their undoing ....:)
參考: The only way forward is gender neutral legislation and human values and their universal application ...AND MOST OF ALL BELIEVE IN ME BECAUSE I AM A HUMAN BEING...MGTOW
2018-11-13 11:49 pm
feminism is hated bc men exist
2018-11-13 6:46 am
A century ago...........females stayed home; raised the children, cleaned, cooked, etc. while the man worked.
2018-11-12 2:32 am
Because feminism allowed women to act on their nature at the expense of men. Women want equal authority but not equal responsibility.
2018-11-12 12:59 am
Well feminism to me is exclusively the advancement of women's rights and issues, wanting equality is being egalitarian.
2018-11-10 5:02 pm
Because lady is more powerful now!
2018-11-10 3:19 am
They don't.
2018-11-10 8:48 am
Where did you get that silly idea? A lot more people thought badly about feminism a century ago, compared to now.

For instance, here's an anti-suffrage postcard from the early 20th century:
2018-11-10 3:27 am
because your kind just loooooves strawman-arguments, and pretends to have a right to their own facts

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