I’m mad at my ex after about a week of being apart. I feel like our relationship can be salvaged. Should I text her?

2018-11-09 6:10 pm
Even though she has been super immature about this breakup, I still care about her a lot. I don’t want to yell at her, but more so just find out if it’s worth holding on to. She wants to wait until thanksgiving, but i think it hurts too much for me to wait that long and I don’t know what to do. Should I text her and ask her to meet up with me?

回答 (3)

2018-11-09 9:34 pm
Don’t waste your time. She’s probably hooked up with someone else
2018-11-09 7:14 pm
It's not hard to see that your ex is no longer in love with you. She wouldn't have broken up with you if she was really in love with you. And for you to wait until Thanksgiving and making you think that she will come back to you is ridiculous. She could be involved with some other guy and if it doesn't work out then she will come back to you. Don't be a doormat. Turn the page and let her go. Block her number and cut all ties with her. You deserve so much better than that.
2018-11-09 6:16 pm
I think you are confused and maybe she is too. A break-up is just that. "Let's call this a day and walk away". And you do it now, now in four weeks or four months' time. She's helping your confusion by keeping you on a tether, either in case she changes her mind, or because she thinks she's being kind to you by not breaking it off cleanly.
Take control of this. Text her and say "goodbye". Anything else is not a break-up; it's a heartache!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:28:04
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