Girls I have a question. Do you pull out your mirror and fix your hair and makeup when your sitting next to a guy your attracted to?

2018-11-09 4:34 pm

回答 (5)

2018-11-09 10:51 pm
hell no opposite
2018-11-09 9:14 pm
Not usually
2018-11-10 9:58 pm
That stuff belongs in the bathroom.
2018-11-10 1:43 am
No I have never seen a man by coincidence that I am attracted to. I specifically go on dates with them after meeting them online. I have never passed a man randomly and went "wow". Or they must have been out of my league so badly that I didn't care.
2018-11-09 4:42 pm
No, I wouldnt want him thinking I an vacuous & vain.
We do that when we want to make sure our make up and hair looks good for someone/something ahead of time
2018-11-09 6:47 pm
Yes, I will pull out....oh wait what did you ask ?

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