I was interviewed by the manager______ I thought was one of your relatives. (1)who(2)whom(3)which(4)that?

2018-11-09 11:29 am

回答 (6)

2018-11-10 12:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The manager was one of your relatives. (fact)
I thought (that) the manager was one of your relatives. (my guess)

"The manager" is the subject of the noun clause in the second case.

So we must use the relative pronoun "who" to lead the relative clause as subject, as follows:
I was interviewed by the manager "who" I thought was one of your relatives.
2018-11-09 5:45 pm
這句I thought 是贅字,I was interviewed by the manager who that I thought was one of your relatives.
2018-11-10 5:06 am
I was interviewed by the manager______ I thought was one of your relatives. (1)who(2)whom(3)which(4)that?

(1 - who), (2 - whom), and (0 - omitted) are all fine.

(1) 在日常的英語裡面,關代who常常被用來取代whom.
I was interviewed by the manager_whom_ I thought was one of your relatives. (OK and formal situations only)
I was interviewed by the manager_who_ I thought was one of your relatives. (OK and commonly used)

I was interviewed by the manager I thought was one of your relatives. (OK too)
2018-11-09 6:41 pm
(2)whom.--pronoun the object form of who, used in formal writing...who 的受格,用於正式文章中=manager whom I thought;;;whom 做受詞(賓語)
----who is used as the subject of a verb用作勳詞主詞,不能用who 連接..
----manager名詞後不可用 which, that in Usage 去連接.
2018-11-09 1:08 pm
2018-11-09 12:12 pm
I was interviewed by the manager whom I thought was one of your relaves. Yip

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