SHOULD ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS be deported. or all made citizens?

2018-11-09 5:47 am

回答 (218)

2018-11-11 11:48 am
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Deported. They did not come into this country the way they supposed to. Jumping over the fences, sneaking their way to get in without getting a pass is illegal and they have no business coming that way. So they need to be deported.
2018-11-09 5:49 am
be deported
2018-11-09 11:55 pm
Yes they should be deported.
2018-11-10 2:46 am
Deported yes but to insure they do not return build federal prisons all along the border The prisoners can hop the prison wall and enjoy Mexico. The immigrants can just hop on in to prison sounds fair to me.
2018-11-09 6:44 am
Deported. They should not be rewarded for breaking our laws.
2018-11-09 5:51 am
deported. it means more and more will try if these already here get away
2018-11-09 5:50 am
deported. many are criminals and poor. they will abuse the welfare system
2018-11-10 8:58 pm
Deport them, They are here illegally.
2018-11-09 5:47 am
Deport them all and build the Wall.
2018-11-10 1:14 am
Illegal is illegal is ILLEGAL !!!
2018-11-09 5:48 am
All deported and better yet, kept from entering to whatever extent possible.
There are too many legal immigrants waiting in the wings to become citizens that deserve to be given citizenship first. And at the levels of illegal immigration the nation cannot handle both,
2018-11-09 5:50 am
Now that Mexico is showing a real willingness to work with us on the problem, and since we have about 700 miles of border "wall" (fence/wall/other) and are continuing, I think deportation will be VERY, VERY COMPASSIONATE, compared to the image we had just 3 or 4 years ago.
2018-11-09 5:54 am
2018-11-09 5:47 am
2018-11-09 5:47 am
Build a wall out of them.
2018-11-10 10:23 am
NONE of these criminals should ever be granted citizenship anywhere except the holes they deserted to invade their neighbors. Granting them citizenship here would be a slap in the face to everyone following the rules to immigrate LEGALLY and PROPERLY.
2018-11-10 7:21 am
I'm here in the US on a student Visa from Canada.

If I cant be made a citizen, neither can they unless you're a hypocrite.
2018-11-09 10:03 am
Illegals should be deported.
2018-11-10 1:51 am
D E P O R T E D.
2018-11-10 10:28 am
Granting citizenship will create a vacuum and then create a bigger problem later like it did before.
2018-11-09 5:51 am
How many legal immigrants are applying for citizenship? We should be dealing with them first since they are following the law.
The Illegals that BREAK the law should be deported. They need to apply for work VISAs if they want to be here.
2018-11-10 4:35 pm
That's a tough question, to be honest. But the truth of the matter is that we cannot just keep picking on one ethnicity for immigration reasons. Every single ethnicity has done it. Our immigration legal system is a joke, and the fact that over 50% of the illegals in the country came here legally, so to speak. They were giving work visas, student visas, etc etc...and they expired. No one wants to talk about them, let's just blame the poor bloke whom is trying to leave a country that is so corrupt he can't make a living to support his family so he has to go to a country where he does not know the language (written or spoken) has no concept of our laws, and does not understand why we want him gone. He just wants to make a living to support his family. I get that, but the problem with our judicial system needs to be fixed, and giving out visa's left & right without an accountability in place needs to stop.
2018-11-12 4:34 pm
Deported, you got to follow the law of the land
2018-11-10 1:38 am
Deported and never allowed back into the USA!
2018-11-09 10:08 pm
Deport them all !! We can't even fix our 💩 roads but we have to support these unpatriotic immigrants who really don't care one bit about America
2018-11-10 3:34 am
Illegal immigrants should be deported. If they want to get into the country do it legally.
2018-11-09 6:58 am
Deported. We have laws, that we actually enforce.
2018-11-10 10:24 am
Deported. Abby from crystal lake illinois says so
2018-11-10 10:49 am
2018-11-10 7:20 am
What don't the democrats understand about the word ILLEGAL?
Illegal immigrants should be deported immediately. No exceptions, no extra care or support or protection. Deported immediately.
2018-11-10 7:39 am
Just criminals that should be deported. While at that, they can get the criminals that are citizens and put them in jail. There are focused on illegals too much
2018-11-09 3:15 pm
2018-11-10 2:33 am
2018-11-10 10:41 am
There's a 3rd option. Do nothing. We need illegals. They do things we don't want to do ourselves, pay taxes, collect no benefits, and all they ask is that their next generation have a better life than they do.
Ask any economist what is best economically and they'll say the 3rd option.
2018-11-10 8:49 pm
Neither. Deporting them does nothing since they just come back and making them citizens just rewards them for breaking the law.
2018-11-10 5:13 am
Deport can't return
2018-11-09 9:14 am
Catipalted towards home. Some may take multiple try's. Depending on location.
2018-11-10 2:03 am
Use them to build the wall, at Five dollars an hour, taxed, while they're living in their tents. If they refuse that, then send them home!
2018-11-10 12:44 am
There may be more than 10 million illegals. Some should be given a path to citizenship. Criminals should be deported.
2018-11-09 5:40 pm
if they cause problem and not obey the rule then deported
2018-11-10 4:52 am
If they're illegal they entered minus having what was required to enter in the first place. They have no right to live in a country where they aren't abiding by that countries laws.
2018-11-10 3:44 am
Yes, you break the law you pay the price !
2018-11-10 11:32 am
Deported. Hey lets see how it works Or is that what liberals are afraid of.
2018-11-11 4:34 am
The difference between past and present immigration experience is the existence of a defiant anti-assimilationist lobby that encourages legal and illegal aliens to resist adapting to the American way of life.
2018-11-09 6:31 am
Deported. There are real immigrants standing in line doing it the LEGAL way, it’s not fair to them. Plus, illegals are often taken advantage of by those who seek to exploit them.
2018-11-09 5:48 am
We need the workers, Trump said so himself, so...check them out and let them become workers.
2018-11-11 3:16 pm
send them back apply again wait in line
2018-11-10 7:41 pm
DEPORTED !!!!! If they want to become citizens they need to go through the proper procedures and learn to speak our language! This way they can get jobs and support themselves!!
2018-11-11 6:46 am
deported be forced to do it the right way
2018-11-10 8:48 pm
Always deported it works for Australia don't let them in

and they should be made to pay their own way for stealing Jobs
2018-11-10 10:08 am
They all need to be deported because they broke the law to get here. They should NOT be rewarded for their crime by being made citizens. If they aren't deported and are granted amnesty, it would only encourage more foreigners to come here illegally with the expectation of being given amnesty also. After all, why would anyone take our law seriously if we don't enforce them? We need to put our emotions aside and think critically and logically.
2018-11-10 9:01 am
Will we save any money after the cost of deporting millions?
2018-11-10 6:44 am
Deported, however as this is not possible they should be allowed legal status, BUT
Under no circumstances should they ever be allowed citizenship
2018-11-10 10:04 pm
Get them out.
2018-11-10 8:53 am
There isnt something in between?
2018-11-11 4:15 am
If u were a illegal immigrant how would u feel they are illegal immigrant for a reason maybe we're they live they have such a bad life style no family are getting abused I think their circumstances should be looked on before making a. Decision if they are in danger and can prove it then they should be made citizens it's human nature is if they are well if wer they are from they should be deported
參考: Experience
2018-11-10 11:27 pm
Stay in their own country.
2018-11-10 5:59 pm
It's in the name "ILLEGAL" immigrant. Deported.

And to those who are disliking our comments: your fee-fees don't change the fact that they are ILLEGAL immigrants. They may have children, they may have family in the US, IT DOES NOT! change the fact that they came to the U.S. ILLEGALLY! They decided to break the law, and now they have to deal with it. Your fee-fees don't change the facts.
2018-11-10 2:39 pm
Made citizens
2018-11-09 11:47 pm
All made citizens.
2018-11-09 8:25 am
legalise the lot

Why would you want them to work for less than the legal minimumwage?
2018-11-09 5:50 am
Made citizens if they so desire.
Those who think otherwise need to look at their own ancestors.
2018-11-10 1:19 pm
Trump would probably prefer making the parents citizens, but only on condition of requiring their children to be deported and sent back home by themselves on a cheap flight, crying for mommy and daddy, their baby formula, etc. He would probably confiscate their teddy bears before allowing them to board and issue them mandatory red MAGA caps to wear on the flight home .....he’s into permanently traumatizing little kids who don’t have Anglo features and making their equally un-American parents suicidal....Gets off on it.
2018-11-10 5:57 am
I think the ones currently living in the United States should all be made citizens and have their immediate families reunited with them if any of them are still in their original country. Then, future immigrants can be admitted on whether they will die if deported and prioritize from there.
2018-11-09 6:29 am
I think all should be made citizens
2018-11-11 4:23 am
They must be deported. Crimes mustn't be rewarded. No nation can take in the rest of the world. It must take care of its own people, not people who don't belong there. It's really disgusting to see so many people uphold vile criminals.
2018-11-10 9:26 pm
illegal is illegal, it is not fair to legal citizens to have to take care of the illegals that come into the country. The borders should be closed. Like many, many years ago it was hard to come into the United States When they did they made something of themselves and did not live off the backs of the people & the government
2018-11-10 4:58 pm
They should be deported
2018-11-10 11:29 am
Shipped out ,the cant keep off peoples kids, over here,immigrants ,Muslim, are nothing like us the absolutely insane ,i have never seen any good come from them . Its all gang rape ,murder,women and child abuse, cause far to much hart ack .
2018-11-10 6:53 am
What does every other first world country do? ILLEGAL = DEPORTED This is not a racial issue, it is a simple legal one.
2018-11-10 8:44 am
Deported, they are not immigrants; they are invaders who leach off other countries and take advantage of actual refugees and people who need help.
2018-11-10 10:07 am
Those aren’t the only two options, and on a broad scale they’re both absurd.
2018-11-10 8:16 pm
They should be given a hearing to determine if they are eligible to stay in the country. You know, as is their right, as guaranteed them by the Constitution itself. Sorry, nationalists and xenophobes, I know you'd rather them all be kicked out and left to rot, but that would literally be unconstitutional.
2018-11-10 6:40 am
I think the authorities should build a wall. I'm surprised President Trump hasn't thought if this idea!!
2018-11-11 8:36 pm
Deport all the dirty nonenglish speaking worthless money sucking losers. I'm so ashamed of them I almost have no words to describe
2018-11-10 1:15 pm
2018-11-09 4:37 pm
2018-11-09 7:23 am
It should be on a case by case basis. These are not immigrants, but refugees. It is a different status and requires specific information.
Now those that have been here for years and have been a productive member of the community, should be allowed to stay.
2018-11-09 11:25 pm
They should be made citizens and given freebies paid for by soaking the middle class signed Democraps. LOL!
2018-11-11 2:45 am
Illegal immigrant is an oxymoron. Deport for all of the obvious reasons.
2018-11-10 1:54 am
As painful as it seems, this should be dealt with in a case-by-case manner. Deportation might be a death sentence to some, and I mean victims of criminals, not criminals themselves. Show a little compassion, please!
2018-11-09 2:25 pm
If they have not committed any crimes (other than the obvious immigrating here undocumented) then there should be a legal PATH to citizenship. This means pay taxes, pay a fee, and work towards citizenship to contribute to the country. If 11 million people were made citizens that is much more people who might work and pay taxes to contribute to the economy.
2018-11-10 12:34 am
I say we line 'em up and shoot 'em down like a dog
2018-11-11 2:40 am
Homemade citizens. If they act up, jail, same as Americans. Problem solved. These days we have translator sticks, so distribute enough translator sticks for everyone and problem solved. Drive them to where they can become citizens, not to where they can leave this beautiful country.
2018-11-12 12:48 pm
They should be shot and thrown into a hole.
2018-11-12 10:56 am
Americans fighting Americans,while the Immigrants move in and laugh behind our backs, while they take over...hmmm I thought I seen it all! ..deport them MF no vacancies comprenda!?
2018-11-12 2:21 am
Let's take a long look. Illegal Immigration began when Reagan was president. He believed that he could end it by making 3 Million citizens. Since then, there's been an average of 300,000 pregnant women crossing over per year. Or about 9 Million + both parents, siblings & family members. Another 40 Million. Add in "Caravans". It's easy to see why the Hispanic population is second only to the White.
A nation is made up of common traditions, culture, language & a border. Babylon, Assyria & Rome would remove whole populations & trade in other populations. Nations ceased to exist. The language changed. The culture changed. There was nothing to be loyal to. No patriots.
2018-11-11 8:59 pm
Deported no question.
2018-11-11 2:35 pm
Most of us come from immigrants. They went thru proper channels to become citizens.
If you are an illegal immigrant, your first job is to become a legal immigrant like the rest of us. Deportation is always an accepted possible result if you are here and have stayed illegally. Go thru the proper channels and join us in a free American citizenship.
2018-11-11 12:23 pm
Deported and Open Fire if the come Illegal
2018-11-11 10:34 am
US law dictates that illegal aliens must be deported.
2018-11-11 8:06 am
No human is illegal.
2018-11-11 2:08 am
All Illegal Immigrants in Western Countries should be deported back to their home countries.
2018-11-10 10:29 pm
Both. They should be deported and reminded of their citizenship elsewhere,..
2018-11-10 10:15 pm
2018-11-10 6:27 pm
2018-11-10 5:14 pm
Illegal's should be deported. Legal immigrants should not.
2018-11-10 4:45 pm
Yes they should be deported
2018-11-10 2:59 pm
There's a legal process in-place for illegals to be admitted
USA citizenship. I see no reason to pay for more red tape.
2018-11-11 6:55 am
Neither. Instead, remove what attracts them. You have millions of poor Mexicans and tens of thousands of Americans willing to give them jobs. The poor are not going to let a mere border stand between them and a job that will keep them from starving.

I have said this many times. If the US government instead enforced the existing laws and arrested and jailed ALL those who hire undocumented immigrants, the Mexicans etc. would go home on their own.

As for making them citizens. No. Offering the best ones permanent resident status yes, but not citizens because they broke the immigration laws. Residency yes. Voting no.
2018-11-11 1:34 am
2018-11-11 12:12 am
They should be respected as humans
2018-11-10 11:07 am
Depends on there situation
2018-11-10 9:50 am
they should enter a program to check if they have any criminal history that involve drugs, violent crimes, gangs. if they don't have such a history and have good character and manners then they should proceed to get a legal permanent residence, then eventually become a citizen.
2018-11-10 4:31 am
I think there needs to be more consideration than a simple one-size-fits-all solution like universal deportation or universal citizenship
2018-11-10 10:46 pm
I think they should be naturalized unless they are escaping crime from their previous country or do something illegal in the US such as sell drugs, murder etc.
2018-11-10 10:25 pm
Every resident of planet Earth should be made a US citizen
2018-11-10 12:20 pm
You cannot blanket all Aylum Seekers together. Most are very genuine and fear for their lives in their countries of birth. Certainly people should be vetted to sort out any criminal element but others need to be considered for the sake of humanity. If we go back far enough, all our Ancestors were illegal immigrants ( apart from those of us with Convict Ancestors who had no choice).
2018-11-09 3:17 pm
Make citizens maybe I can marry one 😏
2018-11-10 4:07 am
Screw the borders. Let 'em in
2018-11-10 3:12 am
Made citizens . Trump lost his power when the democrats took the house
2018-11-21 11:03 pm
Never mind that, let's focus on why they see fit to stay, and improve-as-they-see-fit this country, as Trump himself sees fit to do, as opposed to always simply leaving a moth-eaten country like Mexico, as his Mexican opponents see fit to do (seriously, has it EVER occured to the Chicas and Chicos that they should make SOME effort to improve their own country, so that their people are not forced to cross to the US, by either legal or illegal means, to do the jobs Americans don't want {don't they and their liberal enablers want better than that?}, they don't even NOTICE, never mind care, that their own country is FFFFFAAAAAARRRRR more disgraced by the escape of Joacquin Guzman than by ANYTHING Trump has to say?!?!!?!)? Ah, you mean as opposed to say, the Mexican political system? Their virtuous leaders, and how they made a prison break straight out of 'Hogan's Heroes' possible?!?!? Or do YOU see "NNNAAAAHWWWSSSSZZZZIIIIIINNNGGG"!?!?!?!... Why aren't they for Mexico having an open border,,,, with Guatemala, and being as free with all the other immigrants coming both from there and into THEIR various ports from all those other countries?!?!?!?!!?Even if I supported deporting every last one of them {which I will neither confirm nor deny}, I'd still be treating them better than the Mexicans treat those (Guatemalans, Chinese etc) who enter THEIR country without THEIR say-so!!!!! The penalty in THAT case is PRISON!!!! That's bad enough if I meant a prison like OURS, but I mean one of THEIRS!!!!! It is definitely wrong that the Mexican people have taken no notice of the "Hogan's Heroes" grade escape of the Drug lord!! Mexicans should be furious over the ineffectiveness and incompetence of their country, which Trump mocks? His comments about Mexico would be a lot easier to dismiss,,,,, if they hadn't been followed by a Mexican prison break straight out of "Hogan's Heroes". He demands that his country improve itself against say, Singapore, Japan or Germany {as opposed to simply moving there himself, and if ANY American could do so, it's HIM}, and considering how angry Mexicans are with him, and not with the flaws in their own country, where frankly, their opinion is " I SEE NA-SIIING",, Maybe Trump should be president of Mexico.Why shouldn't Trump be anti-immigrant simply because Mexico is also anti-immigrant, against the Guatemalans, Asians, sundry other immigrants crossing THEIR southern border? Do you agree with the fact that people are forced to resort to that, instead of demanding that their country of origin improve itself? Pretty much the only country on Earth trying to INCREASE immigration is Canada, and they try to encourage Americans to come by creating jobs and offering free healthcare, things we Americans, on one side of the political aisle or other, demand America do for Americans.
2018-11-15 12:34 am
They should be assigned to leech off every liberal who supports open borders, that includes free medical, free education, guaranteed income, and every other welfare program the liberals like.
2018-11-13 11:36 pm
US Law states all illegal immigrants should be shipped to Mt. Rushmore
2018-11-13 8:00 pm
They should go through the process of citizenship like my mom did.
2018-11-13 6:53 am
i think they should be aloud to apply to be a citizen and if they meet the criteria then yes they can be but if they don’t meet it they should be sent back- within reason, obs not send them back into a war zone
2018-11-13 6:17 am
Illegal immigrants should be Frozen in peas and stun gunned until they produce frozen pee. Then deported exactly 19 years before their children who are most likely far better off without their undoubted serious criminal and fat parents who'd use their own children as bargaining chips because their own serious crimes prevent them legal access.
2018-11-13 5:45 am
2018-11-13 2:52 am
It depends on their circumstances and such
2018-11-13 2:44 am
I am in favor of making illegal immigrants build our walls.
2018-11-12 11:36 pm
2018-11-12 8:40 pm
Deported as fast as possible...
2018-11-12 6:39 pm
I HS, we learned that that's a false dichotomy. It's one of the few things donnie tRump retained from HS.
2018-11-12 3:38 pm
2018-11-12 2:12 pm
If you deport them, you might as well deport every American citizen as well since we all came here illegally and raped and slaughtered millions of native Americans and built this country over their corpses
2018-11-12 1:39 pm
Deported. They want to live here they should do it legally
2018-11-12 1:07 pm
If you are talking about those brought here years ago as minors, I'm inclined to say neither. Give them work visas or permanent resident status, but not citizenship. A permanent resident can do most anything a citizen can do, except vote or run for public office.
But as for those who entered recently, deport them.
2018-11-12 12:59 pm
Illegal immigrants should be deported they came her illegally maybe some even have ill intentions towards Americans they have got to understand it is bad manners to come to a country uninvited and empty handed then start demanding to be supported by the country they victimized . Illegal means it’s a crime. Criminals don’t get to make demands. Deport them all wherever they came from
2018-11-12 11:21 am
2018-11-12 9:58 am
Deport them all!
2018-11-12 9:25 am
2018-11-12 6:42 am
should be considered case by case, with justice and understanding judge.
2018-11-12 6:27 am
Illegal behavior should not be rewarded. Illegals should be deported but each case should be considered individually where a real threat to life is involved.
2018-11-12 6:18 am
I feel that ‘illegal’ immigrants.. (they’re already here doing something illegal) should be deported. But ‘legal’ immigrants who want to come here to make a better life for themselves should never be deported, ever.
2018-11-12 5:56 am
You should be deported, and forced to pay pack the cost.
2018-11-12 5:44 am
Reagan gave them a path to citizenship along with strict new employment hiring rules (I9) but big business doesn't like to be restrained
2018-11-12 4:40 am
Legals and illegals should be deported. Stay out of america. MAGA
2018-11-12 4:38 am
Deported!Kicked out!Booted out!They disrespected the law once and play to do it again and again and again.They are criminals.The word illegal means criminal.They should call them criminals instead of are euphemisms like "undocumenteds"-My ****!
2018-11-12 4:19 am
Deported. It's not fair to the immigrants the went through the process to get here legally.
2018-11-12 3:51 am
Deported. Go through the process, like everyone else, or just get out of the United States. If you commit a crime here, we’ll incarcerate you. You’re taking jobs from real Americans. Come legally or don’t come at all.
2018-11-12 3:34 am
They should be given the option but be looked into so you know they're not a threat.
2018-11-12 2:56 am
2018-11-12 2:33 am
2018-11-12 2:27 am
The majority have to stay in theirs countries.
2018-11-12 2:11 am
isnt their some better middle ground in between. like saying they can only come over here if they are willing to work or start a business and contribute to society as such and not sponge off of benefits as some do
2018-11-12 1:58 am
Deport them if they don't want to work hard or develop any English speaking skills.
2018-11-12 1:57 am
2018-11-12 1:03 am
We would love to have them as citizens paying taxes to help us build more things to accommodate them. It takes years to become a citizen for a reason.
2018-11-12 12:57 am
if don't deport IMMIGRANTS. america will become like china
2018-11-11 11:32 pm
illegal means illegal so.....OUT !
2018-11-11 11:16 pm
deported by leave the hard working ones
2018-11-11 11:13 pm
if they do not want to solve their problems in their own country, shoot them
2018-11-11 10:28 pm
It should be bad ones deported and good ones made citizens.
2018-11-11 9:02 pm
They have made themselves citizens. America would be empty otherwise.
2018-11-11 8:31 pm
2018-11-11 7:44 pm
Citizens? how about giving them Asylum, it means they are giving the right to live in the us under some conditions:
1. their country is under severe conditions such as war or famine
2. they should have an English proficiency (TOEFL score)
3. they have a high school diploma to work decently from their country
4. they are not criminals nor terrorists (part of religion group or communist)

And if they don't meet those conditions, they should be deported (in a decent way). maybe giving them about a week to take care their matter in the usa. don't catch them like a criminal and put them in cage like a dog. they are human.
2018-11-11 6:33 pm
yes immediately.
2018-11-11 6:11 pm
Why is your world binary
2018-11-11 5:52 pm
I think the ideal solution to the problem is to issue all visa holders tax ID numbers and permission to work as long as they do not have infectious diseases or a criminal record. They would also be able to continuously extend their visas as long as they are paying taxes and are not committing crimes or living off government assistance. When they are renewing visas they will be asked for tax documents proving they are paying taxes and if they do not have one they will be charged tax based on their salary or the rate would be for a middle-class worker in their situation. This would mean that the nation will get extra tax revenue, immigrants will be more compliant with our immigration laws and we would still be able to keep criminals out of the country. Let's face it most who comes to the USA are here to work 5 to 10 years and then they go back to their countries. We actually profit greatly from them. We did not educate these workers, they pay into our tax system and are not likely to benefit from it and they patronize local businesses. The more immigrants we have the more the community can profit. Generally, this would also mean that the host nations will likely allow Americans to work in their country as most states have reciprocal relations with each other. This would create more cooperation . This could see economics booms happen outside the USA which will make American richer in the long run.
2018-11-11 5:05 pm
Back somewhere in the Nixon administration European males (or female in military support) that wanted to become USA citizens were required to complete two military terms before being allowed to become a US citizens.

If these come lately illegal immigrants were required to complete this today... we wouldn't see them for dust, and overnight they would all evaporate and go back to where they came from!
2018-11-11 4:38 pm
Someone has to make the tough decisions... immigration is a problem.
2018-11-11 3:46 pm
The ones who work should get work visas.
2018-11-11 1:54 pm
Deport them to Tierra Del Fuego and make them walk all the way back.
2018-11-11 1:52 pm
To solve this problem we need to pass new laws that confiscate any an all property,an wealth of anyone who k owingly hires rents,sell or does business with illegals say on the 3rd offense .with no work ,place to live an no one to turn to ,back they will go An burden another country.
2018-11-11 1:03 pm
In order to teach them a harsh lesson on breaking the laws of this country, they should be made to work in the salt mines for a few years and then deported.
2018-11-11 12:47 pm
If they are in this country illegally they should be put in jail, they broke the law, but we are a mostly sane country and a mostly merciful country and we are mostly a country of immigrants, so we won't put them in jail.
We should build the "Wall" and then process the people who want to come in.
It should be a priority item and the process should be efficient and quick.

We still have some room for new citizens.
JUST PUT THEM ON TED TURNER'S BAZILLION ACRE RANCH IN New Mexico And Give Them A Hoe And A Mule And Water And Seeds....which is more than my ancestors got when they came here.
2018-11-11 10:52 am
Deported. Even if they claim asylum it should be automatically denied.
2018-11-11 10:51 am
Deport them. They broke the law.
2018-11-11 10:20 am
Yes they should be deported but they should also receive help on the paperwork they need to fill out in order to come back one day
2018-11-11 8:20 am
Deport them all.
2018-11-11 8:08 am
If all of us can agree on that you can't grow tomatoes without water, and you can't make cheese without milk, then how come we can't all agree on that you can't grant illegals citizenship?
2018-11-11 8:07 am
2018-11-11 7:42 am
Deported... Any sane person would agree, regardless of party.
2018-11-11 7:09 am
2018-11-11 6:25 am
Depends on their situation.
2018-11-11 6:06 am
Lol, hilarious how these peasants act like any of them owns anything, this imaginary lane you yourself drew on a piece of paper literally means... D¡ck. Let's take a moment and appreciate tho how they support the self deportation idea, since the only actual citizens here are the plowed Indians, everyone else so called "americans" are nothing but a bunch of filthy immigrants and children of filthier immigrants. Build a wall lol, these stupid peasant apparently don't know that murica is surrounded by water from 2 dudes lol, whacha gona do? Mine all the beaches lol. You know how it is, immigrants point fingers at other immigrants to diverge attention from themselves. Don't worry tho, "borders" are ever shifting lines, you might end up on the other side of it one of this days, we'll see how you sing then lol
2018-11-11 6:02 am
If they are here illegally, I feel that they should be deported. If they want to stay here, they need to become a citizen like everyone else.
2018-11-11 4:26 am
Depends on are they wanting to be product-of citizens, because all others should be deported to random uninhibited island in the world lol
2018-11-10 10:08 pm
DEPORT ALL FROM EVERY COUNTRY till they become legal!
2018-11-10 9:42 pm
do you know the definition of illegal
2018-11-10 10:42 am
2018-11-14 3:00 pm
No to deportation cause white people came here illegally too, white people have trespass so many nations around the world illegally deportation shows yall hypocrisy and why call the land of the free, if yall can't even allow the most fragile ppl seek freedom from what they are running away from. They should help to become a citizen.
2018-11-12 11:33 pm
2018-11-12 8:59 pm
Citizens. Amnesty for all!
2018-11-12 12:46 pm
2018-11-12 8:44 am
Deported. What part of "illegal" don t you understand.
2018-11-12 4:38 am
made citizens
2018-11-12 2:26 am
No, the US needs more non-white Americans, especially from places like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan,because white elites of the US bombarded people from these places and should not take million of citizens of these countries.
2018-11-11 12:09 pm
2018-11-11 9:33 am
I believe they should be helped
2018-11-11 5:19 am
I think they should go through a process in order to become citizens. If they are doing positive things they should be able to become citizens
2018-11-10 11:45 pm
If our government would give them a path to citizenship and they refused to follow it then deport them.
2018-11-10 10:50 pm
All situations are different.
2018-11-10 9:53 pm
2018-11-10 3:42 pm
There probably needs to be more thought put into it and some may be worth making citizens for some (eg a family who escaped Nazi Germany and there is a finding that the original paperwork wasn't filled in properly then fix it up or a family that's been there 30 years and the kids are great citizens then have a process to become permanent residents or citizens... But not others (someone there 1 month who has stolen a tonne of stuff...)
2018-11-10 8:52 am
How about first we account for each one?Then process each one for whatever is just and reasonable. Deport? Fine and reinstate visa? Fine and put in line for citizenship behind those already doing it the right way?
I just know that "nothing," "amnesty," and "deport everyone," are non-starters for me.
2018-11-11 4:33 am
Deport the violent ones, for starters.

For the others, put them on a pathway to citizenship; make them earn their legal status. Also, start using e-verify. That'll take care of illegal immigration more than a wall and much more cost effective.
2018-11-11 1:42 am
Borders are immoral and illegal.
2018-11-11 12:52 am
They are probably ready for political office. Heaven knows we have mostly criminals in office now, why not make them all senators and congress people?
2018-11-10 7:16 pm
They can never receive citizenship because they immigrated illegally. Their fate should be decided on case by case basis
2018-11-10 5:31 pm
No to both. Because of the word "all".
2018-11-10 1:57 pm
I think that all Pakistanis wanting to settle down need to be fast tracked into becoming American citizens
2018-11-10 8:30 am
Like there aren't many billions of miles of gray area between those two extremes.
2018-11-10 8:24 am
2018-11-10 6:49 am
The migrants making their way to our southern border from Honduras, the murder capital of the world where the police are even more corrupt that the gangs they allow to run rampant, are not illegal. There is no law against fleeing certain death or dangerous conditions and abject poverty, and a caravan is only people who travel together for safety through dangerous or rough terrain or the desert.

We even have a provision in our Constitution (matched by International Law provisions) that allows oppressed or endangered families or individuals to come to our borders and ask for protection, for ASYLUM. This is all legal. Notice that Trump only stirred up irrational fears among his CULT45 followers (many of them white supremacists and white nationalists) to manipulate their in the lead up to the mid-term elections, but now that those elections are over---not a word. Be defensive about being manipulated by a xenophobic misogynistic lifts-wearing conman, people.

The average cost of deporting just one resident illegal person is huge (and taxpayer funded), and if you multiply this outrageously high cost by all of the long-term U.S.-residing undocumented people (many of whom just overstayed their visas, but some with no home or hope in the land of their birth)---costs that might have to be repeated if the person deported is desperate enough to escape the horrors of their Central American (or other) homeland and tries multiple times for admission to the "Land of the Free"---the greatest nation on earth in their eyes, then it makes more sense to do exactly what the DACA (Deferred Action for Child Aliens) and put some of these U.S.-living people to work, paying taxes, paying a fine for being here without papers, making sure they get no criminal record (or its immediate deportation---an incentive to be law-abiding), and they have to speak English. A lot of the right-wing white nationalist types misunderstood the terms of DACA, assuming it meant that anyone under age who shows up gets to automatically stay---that is NOT TRUE. The DACA rule is only applicable for illegal immigrants brought here as children with no say in the matter who arrived for AT LEAST 5 YEARS BEFORE 2009 and who have lived here consecutively from 2004 on to now. This DACA rule can be amended or extended to include folks not here quite that long, but for now DACA gives us an address, and these young people can come out of the shadows and, as my military dad used to say, "make themselves useful" to our nation, to their neighbors, and to their communities. To get a driver's license, think about what is needed: INSURANCE, for one thing. So if someone undocumented (but covered by DACA) is driving and has a fender bender, they will have INSURANCE to pay for any damage to property or to other people's vehicles. This is a PLUS for us. These folks can JOIN THE MILITARY, and serve the only country they've ever known if brought here at a very young age. They can attend college and make something of themselves that will benefit us all in the long run. But on a positive note for all you anti-immigrant skeptics: DACA is done by two-year increments, where every 2 years they have to reapply for the deferred action on any deportation. By then they would have been paying taxes and would have caught up on the fine assessed for being here illegally, so there is help paying for deportation if any of the "dreamers" have gotten in trouble with the law. This is a WIN-WIN situation. I say DACA is a better way to go for our already great nation.
2018-11-11 2:18 am
Make them citizens.
2018-11-10 11:58 pm
2018-11-10 1:41 pm
the word immigrant is just bull! if that applies then white americans are also immigrants and the only natives are the red indians.
2018-11-10 10:50 am
2018-11-10 9:12 am
Which country?
2018-11-10 1:38 am
If you think about it Trump does more for people who are illegally blind than Illegally immigrated
2018-11-09 11:31 pm
2018-11-10 11:52 am
2018-11-10 7:48 am
Slavery or Execution would be a better option.
2018-11-10 4:48 am
If all illegal immigrants were to be made citizens, then there would be no point in declaring them illegal in the first place, would there ? It would therefore save a lot of legal bullshit to just allow all citizens from where-ever to wander anywhere they wish.
2018-11-10 9:54 am
Put them to work on farms, picking crops like they claim they want to do. You sure as hell won't do it. Annex Mexico into the US as the 51st state since they want to be in America so bad.
2018-11-10 7:10 am
They should be given work. A lot of work needs to be done that legal citizens aren’t doing. Then we should trade low performing citizens with the country the new citizen has come from lol these most desirable countries should be annexing these terrible countries whose citizens are fleeing.
2018-11-11 9:18 am

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