怎麼判斷關係子句和主要子句 先行詞+(who/that)+關係子句+主要子句 怎麼分辨關係子句? 例如:The team won the prize yesterday. The team look excited. 怎麼合併?

2018-11-09 12:23 am

回答 (3)

2018-11-09 7:42 pm
The team (who look excited)----ante+relative cl
won the prize yesterday-----main cl +time at end.

The team (who won the prize yesterday)----relative cl+time concerned
looked excited-------main cl.

It is true when who is used in relative clauses that add information that do not restrict the meaning of the noun they follow, often after a comma:-eg:-This is the team, who we met who is excited.
In relative clauses that restrict the meaning of the noun, who used as an object.Instead "that" is used Or nothing is used---no who no that.
We can also use that instead of who when it is the Subject of a Relative Clause:-eg:-We like the team who/that won the excited prize.

relative clause ia a part of a sentence that has a verb in it; and is joined to the rest of the sentence by "who", "that" "which", "where" etc. eg:- the phrase "who won the prize", in the sentence "The team (who won the prize) look excited."

Relative clauses:_
who----team; singular
that-----team; singular
which---team; which has won its (game-prizes)
2018-11-12 9:40 am
The team won the prize yesterday. The team look excited. 怎麼合併?

1. Defining relative clause:
You are asked to tell which team, among others, won the prize yesterday.

==> The team that look excited won the prize yesterday.

2. Non-defining relative clause
You are asked to tell what the team (the only team that won the prize yesterday) is like (at the moment of speaking).

==> The team, which won the prize yesterday, look excited.
2018-11-09 8:12 am
The team won the prize yesterday. The team look excited. 怎麼合併?

The team that look excited won the prize yesterday. (O)
The team that won the prize yesterday look excited. (O)

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