Can a house cat with sharp claws kill a big rat ?

2018-11-08 10:54 am

回答 (19)

2018-11-08 11:19 am
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A cat can kill a rat.
It does take some practice, so if the cat has never encountered prey that big before, it might not succeed. And rats can bite.
My cat has actually killed a couple of rabbits.
2018-11-08 7:51 pm
Some can. I had a friend who's one cat (16 lb male) would go down to the river and kill and bring home BIG rats. This was back in the 1970's. Most of her cats were inside cats but a few were allowed outside. He was neutered, but some of the rats were almost as big as he was!
2018-11-09 8:02 pm
Yes but they don't always want to. I've had cats just either ignore them or just like to play with mice/rats.
Rats tend to carry more diseases than mice so it's best to just keep cats away.
2018-11-08 4:15 pm
Not if the rat has a gun.
2018-11-09 3:59 pm
Yes they can
2018-11-08 2:44 pm
How big is the rat? Most house cats are capable of killing a rat 8 inches long, at least. Maybe more. I don't know, my cats have never brought in anything bigger than that.
2018-11-08 11:26 am
Yes, a house cat could take out a rat.
2018-11-08 10:57 am
Not likely. Rats have sharp claws too and theirs are more deadly. Figure a rat can take care of/defend itself. A house cat hasn't needed to.
2018-11-11 3:19 pm
2018-11-10 6:39 am
while cats really like the taste of birds, not all like the taste of raw-meat, and i think that most do not really like the taste of rat. i have seen a house cat run along side of a rat running through the gutter, looking all the while like he was laughing and making fun of "rats". he was having so much fun chasing the rat, that went it went down into the gutter-drain, the cat stopped and looked intently and a little disappointed.

when i was a child i had a country cat, that was excellent at hunting. she brought home to me all kinds of kills; squirrels, birds, rats, huge moths, crawdads, and even a snake. i think this type of survival hunting is something that they learn from adult cats even though they do have instincts to hunt when hungry.
2018-11-09 10:32 pm
Yes, but you should probably try to trap the rat to avoid a bloody mess or potential injury to your cat. Unless you like vet bills.
2018-11-09 4:41 pm
Have you seen "Tom and Jerry"? No one can tell whether the battle between cats and rats is going to win or lose.
2018-11-08 8:27 pm
Yes, it potentially could although very few cats will even take one on. A rat could inflict serious damage to a cat.
2018-11-08 8:17 pm
A big enough of a rat can kill a housecat. Cats are not the best at vermin control.
2018-11-08 4:21 pm
I have a cat I call "Monster" for when I got her she clean house and everywhere always showing me what she kill the night before and that includes rabbits,,,,
2018-11-08 3:20 pm
Why WOULDN'T it be able to kill it?
2018-11-08 12:23 pm
Yes just about every one of them does that.
2018-11-08 10:55 am
its possible
2018-11-08 11:08 am
yep and they can swallow it whole like a snake

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