Should I still change oil if stowing car away for the winter?

2018-11-08 10:42 am
Im putting my mustang away for the winter but it’s almost due for an oil change so I was curious if I should let new oil sit in it over the winter or if that’s a waste of money. Should I keep the used oil in it or swap it so it’s fresh in the garage?

回答 (13)

2018-11-08 5:17 pm
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Change the oil and filter now, rather than let it sit all winter with contaminated oil in it. Once you've done that run it for a few minutes to ensure the fresh oil has circulated around the engine.
2018-11-08 11:14 am
Put fresh oil in any engine that's going to be sitting idle for months.

The acids in used engine oil can damage seals and bearings.
2018-11-08 10:48 am
Always change oil and run it a few mins BEFORE storing any internal combustion engine. You want fresh anti-oxidant additives to coat the internal parts. Plus you want all the water and acids out of the crankcase sump so they don't corrode metal parts while stored
2018-11-08 10:46 am
I suggest that you change the oil now. Old oil can deteriorate over the Winter and you might forget to change in the Spring. It's not expensive so why take a chance?
2018-11-08 2:41 pm
I would change the oil as there is going to be some condensation and acidity in the motor and fresh oil has all the additives that fight them.
2018-11-08 10:52 am
Yes. The dirty oil is full of corrosives annd should be changed before letting the car sit for months.
2018-11-08 9:14 pm
You should definitely change it. Any contaminants will drain out with your old oil- parking it with old oil in it gives those contaminants time to settle in
2018-11-08 10:43 am
Change the oil before you drive it again.
2018-11-08 5:16 pm
Yes there will be moisture in the Oil which will rust parts inside the engine

I have an Airel 350 cc 1953 been in the shed for 25 years But Drained Flushed with Metholated spirits to remove moisture the piston set at BDC then filled up with oil in the sump I mean Filled to overflowing the oil down the Plughole till it overflowed then inserted the Plug
then sprayed the whole engine and all metal parts with nonstick cooking spray which washes off with warm water

and Both Tyres off the Ground on a piece of flat wood the Battery has been Recycled as a new 6 volt is about $50.00

but not needed to make the Bike run so when I finish restoring her a new battery and New Tyres made the year I Finish the Restoration
2018-11-09 9:12 am
Unless the oil is Very fresh (say, 500 miles or so), change it. Cheap insurance.

If it is Fresh, Still, get motor Good and Hot, drive it a while, Then, stow it. This will drive out any residual acid.

My Daddy was too Cheap to change oil in our '78 El Camino, it sat 8 years in the garage (only 60K original miles on her). Not long after we started driving her again, the bearings let go, in 2003. The acid in the old oil ruined an almost Classic car. All my cousins in Kansas wanted it, as it was a California car; no rust.
2018-11-08 9:23 pm
It NEVER hurts to chance the oil more frequently than needed. Think of it as cheap insurance.
2018-11-08 8:50 pm
If the oil is black or if you haven't been changing the oil every 3,000 miles the oil gets acidic.
I'd spend the $30 and change it to protect the motor while stored. Use synthetic oil and that way you won't need to be concerned about the time factor next Spring and can just drive the car when taken out of storage. Change synthetic oil every 5,000 miles.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2018-11-08 10:43 am
Every 3000 miles or every 3 months change it then again in the spring when you get it out

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