Surely the fact you can turn round in a circle when on top of a mountain with 360 degree view of the horizon like it is prove it is round?

2018-11-08 9:28 am
If the earth was flat there would be corners wouldn't there?

回答 (5)

2018-11-08 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes there would. And stop calling me Shirley.
2018-11-08 10:19 pm
Since I was old enough, I spent a lot of time on the Atlantic Ocean. Seeing boats disappear over the horizon was proof enough for me we live on a round planet.
2018-11-08 1:54 pm
Flat things don't always have corners, so that isn't proof, but if you go to the shore and watch a very big ship sail past the horizon you'll see the upper part of the ship last.
2018-11-08 1:01 pm
Actually seeing any lunar eclipse pretty much guarantees the fact that the earth is round.
2018-11-08 11:07 am
If the earth was flat you would see no corners.
You would see the same in every direction -- assuming there were no other mountains to block your view.
You would see much the same as you do on a round world.

Except, on a flat world you would be able to see much further - limited only by the atmosphere absorbing the light. On a round wold anything over about 50 km away would be below your horizon -- depending on just high the mountain you are standing on is.

On a flat earth, using a telescope you would see further. But thatwouldn't happen on a round world

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