How come women don't like the idea of polygamy?

2018-11-08 4:54 am
Just wondering but why are women opposed to polygamy? wouldn't it be easier to clean the house and take care of your husband and kids if there were another wife around or two?

Also wouldn't it lead to a better and more fulfilling sex life since you can have threesomes and foursomes?And the women can experience lesbian sex considering the fact that most women are secretly bisexual anyways.

回答 (65)

2018-11-08 11:19 am
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because you can't hold onto two hearts and love them both without sooner or later breaking one of them and its also like trying to hold onto more than 1 person at the same time and trust me sooner or later your world is torn apart
2018-11-08 8:16 am
How come some men like you are so stupid
2018-11-08 4:56 am
I'm a pretty generous person but not generous enough to share a husband or lover. Having less work to do at home is the lamest reason ever to cite in favor of polygamy.
2018-11-08 4:54 am
are you actually this dumb or just pretending
2018-11-08 5:08 am
Because it's not a woman's job to clean the house. It's up to both the man and the woman.
It's not a woman's job to "take care of her husband." He's not a baby!
And no woman I've ever met wants threesomes and foursomes. That's a teenage boy's fantasy.
And finally, very few women want to have lesbian sex because very few women are bisexual.
2018-11-08 5:08 am
It has to do with legal protections, particularly for the children. The law currently recognizes only one spouse, and there are special protections under the law for spouses.
2018-11-08 7:24 am
I'm a woman, and I don't mind polygamy, as long as i'm in love with both spouses. It depends on the person. I'm just not a fan of traditional gender roles.
2018-11-08 7:15 am
Bc no one wants to watch someone they love fawn all over the person they're in love with. And not all women are bisexual.
2018-11-09 12:36 am
I would think some women would enjoying have 2 men,she might be able to get something she wanted done out of 1 of them
2018-11-08 6:44 am
There's no way in hell this is a good idea. Haven't you seen Big Love or Sister Wives? Women are territorial and always will be. Two wives means twice as many sex partners but twice as much DRAMA.
2018-11-08 5:28 am
"considering the fact that most women are secretly bisexual anyways" oh it's you again...
2018-11-08 5:07 am
Don't be such a Kevin!
2018-11-08 6:36 am
Higher chance of STD's
2018-11-08 8:03 am
My life does not revolve around cleaning my house and I don't have sex with other women. Troll harder.
2018-11-08 4:55 am
I don't really have a good argument against polygamy. However, there are studies showing that polygamous areas have higher rates of teen homelessness and teen pregnancy which places an economic burden on the state, but that's not necessarily a cause/effect relationship.
2018-11-08 6:41 am
Because we do NOT like to share and we don't want STD's.
2018-11-08 5:01 am
several husbands sounds like fun but we are not supposed to do that..Im not sharing my husband though...too weird..
2018-11-08 5:07 am
Because women need to be the sole focus of their husband's attention.
2018-11-08 11:22 pm
Because real women don't like to share men.
2018-11-08 6:16 am
Indeed not. I have no requirement for another wife as I have trained 20 chimpanzees to carry out the daily chores. They are great but the house does smell of urine.
2018-11-09 6:04 am
Some of us don't want to share our man with other women. I know I don't.
2018-11-09 1:21 am
it's illegal !
2018-11-09 4:07 pm
Would you let your wife have another husband have him also clean and bang her ? Keep that engery
2018-11-09 5:19 am
Some women do, and these women arent looking for serious commitment. Most women like to feel loved and special to their s/o and the idea of polygamy doesn’t harbor too much of that.
2018-11-09 12:59 am
Because it is sick nasty and so very wrong.
2018-11-10 6:15 pm
Plenty of women do like multiple men. But women in general are very sneaky at cheating, and good at not getting caught. So they most likely just do it without their husband knowing. Yet they wanna cuck him and keep him loyal only to her. Wrong as it is, a lot of women wanna have their cake and eat it too
2018-11-11 2:21 pm
Most men wouldn't be happy about it either.
2018-11-11 2:36 am
You're insane if you want more than one woman, and they would be even crazier if they want you.
2018-11-10 7:04 pm
Join Mormon faith if you want that. I considered it but there were some strange things about it. But I think it would be unfair to my wife she should get some variety too.
2018-11-10 5:21 am
Because naturally we want a man that will stay and take care of our young so that they survive.
2018-11-09 8:13 pm
Because it only benefits men. It has no benefits to women whatsoever. Plus, don't want to share their men. The one thing that I really can't stand about polygamy is that ppl feel like being able to provide for different women should be enough for women to be ok with sharing their men. I'm not sharing my husband just because he can provide for me that's stupid.
2018-11-09 6:56 am
Most people aren't interested in sharing bodily fluids with both sexes.
2018-11-09 1:05 am
some women are into it. Although they would want 2 men, not another woman. Personally I have no interest in sharing my husband, or being a lesbian, or being stuck watching anyone else's kids. Also it's illegal here.
2018-11-08 6:27 am
Western people aren't used to it
2018-11-08 5:12 am
You aren't paying attention!! Most polygamous households have ONE man and TWO or THREE women. Therefore two or three times as many women like polygamy, as opposed to men. Forget the BS and look at facts!!!!
2018-11-08 4:57 am
When two people make a sandwich you might end up with peanut butter on ham and cheese.
2018-11-13 6:02 am
many women are cool with polygamy and some arent. the problem with polygamy is that with the guy its perfectly fine with multiple women but when a women wants to do stuff with other guys or include them in the threesome it becomes a problem.... also jealously is another issue. i know many people who practice polygamy and only very few have succeeded...many people just use polygamy as an excuse to sleep around without getting into trouble, hanging onto there original partner as a back up plan, mostly neglecting them, which is extremely toxic and gives people who actually practice true polygamy a bad name.
2018-11-12 5:23 am
Would you like if your wife had two husbands or more?
2018-11-12 3:02 am
The best answer was on the right track for a few words and then it went downhill. Women dont like polygamy because it would mean youd have another female boss besides her. Women dont like to share or be second. They are too controlling for that lol
2018-11-12 3:01 am
Polygamy is fun until someone gets jealous
2018-11-12 1:19 am
It makes people feel inadequate , same thing with a threesome, it’s like “oh, I’m not good enough?”
2018-11-12 1:18 am
I don't like that ideea and I'm a guy, only 1 girl for me
2018-11-11 7:32 pm
You'd think they would, considering they'd share some of the sex load burden with the other wives. Unfortunately women are very possessive and even more jealous. If something is theirs whether it he a guy or a cotton ball they just used to pat their toenails with, if someone true to take it they freak. They just haven't evolved yet
2018-11-11 7:03 pm
You are sick :(
2018-11-11 3:43 pm
Some women do. It all depends on their mindset. Most women who don’t like it tend to be the jealous type, or just see it as immoral.
2018-11-11 2:01 pm
Well let me answer your question with a question. How come Most men don’t want to share their women & let her have multiple husbands as well as having them?
2018-11-11 1:00 pm
2 way street here. Why is it you get other women? Why can't she have you and other men? I mean when you lack in bed. She can always just go to her other husbands. They can also help clean and care for kids. And you guys can have threesomes and foursomes.
2018-11-11 11:16 am
Dr vinny boombatz mignt know
2018-11-11 11:13 am
2018-11-11 10:03 am
your my kind of woman! ufff!
2018-11-11 7:52 am
What are you, nuts? To hell with what women like, most men would run like hell from polygamy. Walk up to any married man and ask him if he would like an extra wife or two, and see what happens.
參考: Polygamy is at least one wife too many. Monogamy is usually the same thing.
2018-11-11 6:56 am
Because they don’t want to marry a 46 year old man when they’re 12 probably
2018-11-11 5:05 am
It is not right. It's disgusting
2018-11-11 1:05 am
Not everyone is up to that with sharing.
2018-11-10 6:44 pm
Well think of it the other way do men want to know their wife is having another man penetrate her that she's allowed to because he's he husband to? And having to share all special moments with another man and your wife?
2018-11-09 2:02 pm
You never asked if she'd be for monogamy if it's her 'wife' and not her husband's.
2018-11-09 11:51 am
Ask Lord corgi
2018-11-09 11:16 am
I think polyandry is the best system because the m3n hebd up fighting each other-mormon from utah! it takes away matrital abuse.
2018-11-09 5:06 am
They want a man that can support their children and protect them. Imagine if dudes just ran around screwing girls and getting them pregnant and leaving. It would be a nightmare. I mean, this does happen ALOT. but we have birth control which allows us all to be highly sexual without consequences. But there's another issue, women want relationships but consistently allow men to act without consequences and vice versa. Which is why were seeing many divorces and people with multiple partners. Birth control was not as readily available 50 or more years back, therefore if you slept with someone, chances are you must stick with them because of a baby.

Personally, I go on many dates and have many sexual partners. Which makes it very difficult to just pick one I like.
2018-11-09 4:57 am
2018-11-09 3:51 am
i'm a man and I don't like it too
2018-11-08 11:19 pm
Women don't like the idea of losing their man's resources to another woman and him investing them on another woman's baby.
2018-11-08 11:22 am
Polygamy doesn’t mean threesomes and the like. And there are plenty of women who would agree to a polygamous marriage.
2018-11-08 6:45 am
It seems that only the woman is required to share. I assume you would not being one of a group of men married to only one woman and sharing or are you simply attempting to validate your hypocrisy!
2018-11-10 3:52 pm
It’s not ingrained in their evolutionary biology to be polygamous as it is for men. Men are biologically programmed to spread their seed and produce offspring as much as possible, while women must be reserved and reproduce with men who have the strongest genetic traits. That’s just how nature works, and it’s not only in humans.
2018-11-08 4:26 pm
I like it. It would mean the man I love could be with his wife AND me.

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