Why doesn t the Mexican government try to make Mexico a better place to be?

2018-11-07 11:58 pm
My Spanish teacher showed us a documentary about Mexicans illegally traveling across the border. In it, they said that the Mexican government has an entire program dedicated to helping them cross illegally. Why wouldn t they try to make the country a better place to live so people don t have to risk their lives and uproot their family to get to a place that will almost always send them back? Do they not care? Did the documentary get it wrong?

回答 (77)

2018-11-08 12:13 am
The Mexican government is very very corrupt and the ruling party doesn't give a rip about the masses.
2018-11-08 12:01 am
Mexico is a corrupt country RUN by the drug dealers ................................
2018-11-08 12:01 am
It is easier to let the malcontents go to the United States, get jobs, and send money home to prop up the lousy economy. As a result, nothing ever gets reformed.
2018-11-08 12:50 am
2018-11-08 6:23 am
Too busy enriching themselves plain and simple the people of Mexico should be doing as well as US citizens
2018-11-08 2:53 pm
Because its easier to blame Trump so they can continue to rob and neglect their own people.
2018-11-08 9:40 pm
Too many Narco cartels
2018-11-08 3:30 am
Excellent question! I've wondered the very same thing. To me, it seems all of the Drug Cartels are controlling everything. The more the police or their 'federal' police or Mexican military try to do - the Drug Cartels kill them.
Get rid, of the Drug Cartels, and Mexico could support itself.
2018-11-08 12:21 am
Mexico isn't a bad place to be. Much like the US, there are places that are rich, and places that are poor. The migrants who come to America are from poor regions. They're from the equivalent of rural Alabama. Like the people in rural Alabama, they have little or no education. There are no jobs where they live because nobody wants to create a business in an environment like that. There are diseases (Alabama has hookworm, a disease associated with third world poverty) and crime and violence. Like people in rural America, they have no hope. Moving to cities in Mexico is expensive. To take this example further, imagine someone from rural Alabama with a third grade education trying to move to NYC for a job. This just doesn't happen. It doesn't work. But there are a lot of large companies that don't want to pay American workers minimum wage. They're happy to bring in illegal aliens and pay them $5 for working 16 hours per day and keep them as slaves. And the people in Mexico think they're being offered real jobs, so they decide to take a chance and go for it.
2018-11-09 1:20 am
Mexico is one of the most corrupt places on earth.
2018-11-08 12:00 am
Just wanting to make a country with huge problems and lots of poverty better is unfortunately not enough. It take a lot more to turn a country around. You have to fight all the people who like it the way it is. And if those people have money you might has well just give up.

Also when poor people's lives stink the government usually doesn't care. Much like the poor are ignored in the USA. The government only listens if they vote in large numbers or riot.

However, the USA is a rich and powerful country. We could pressure mexico to improve the lives of their poorest citizens, but to be honest Americans don't care that much about it either, so our politicians end up just grandstanding and blustering, like Trump sending troops to the border and calling Mexicans rapists and murderers. That's free and american voters on the right seem satisfied that just calling them names and doing a puppet show with the troops and making empty promises about a massive wall is a "good enough effort". In fact they cheer him for it and say that he's solving the problem. Make no sense but there it is.
2018-11-08 5:38 am
Because the drug cartels run Mexico not the people.
2018-11-08 8:24 am
Because they would rather help the Democrats make the United States more like Venezuela.
2018-11-08 12:43 pm
They are they send all their poor here and in return they send most of the money they make here back to Mexico it's their second biggest source of income.
2018-11-08 4:55 pm
It cost around $800 once every 4 years to buy your votes & get elected. Or U.S. $200 a year per voter for you. In America the same voter cost around $32,000 a year to keep voting for you. So why would Mexican polititions give up the right to buy voters on the cheap? Mexico is a mid income Country. It is far from poor. But wages there are kept just a little lower than s east Asia's.
2018-11-08 1:25 pm
2018-11-08 12:16 am
overall government corruption, especially in the lower government levels
2018-11-08 12:04 am
Many Mexican politicians are corrupt and they don't care about the poor. It's easier to ship them off to America then provide benefits and jobs for them.
2018-11-08 12:03 am
If immigrants always help the economy as people say, we should be promoting immigration to Mexico, not emigration from Mexico.

If not, you're a racist who wants to keep brown people poor.
2018-11-10 6:10 am
Among a lot of issues, the Mexican government is very corrupt. The presidents steal money that is meant to make the country a better place. Then there's the drug cartels that also have ties in the government. There's also the fact that former Mexican presidents have bodyguards and excessive retirement benefits, which I don't think Obama really has!

Source: My parents are Mexican (I am a Mexican-American), and they of course watch TV and YouTube videos in Spanish. Some of it is on how corrupt Mexico is, so at this point, Mexican government news is part of the background media in my life.
2018-11-09 3:38 am
they get money via the drug cartels i think
2018-11-08 1:12 pm
2018-11-08 1:02 am
Greed and corruption in Mexico and the US - Mexican drug trade. No the Mexican government does not have a "program" dedicated to helping them cross illegally. In 2005 the Mexican government had a comic book and the government of Yucatán state had a handbook about crossing the border. There was never a program to do it.

The true problem is that there is no desire by those with the power to change anything. The rich in Mexico are doing fine and corruption and greed prevent progress. Corruption has long been a problem for Mexico, which ranks as the 95th least-corrupt country in the world.
2018-11-08 12:52 pm
Why when Americans are so stupid to let them invade their country
2018-11-08 4:02 am
Don't always assume they are not.
2018-11-09 4:39 am
cash flow is the biggest problem most economic systems; when we talk economics, it is the cash-flow which is the devil. money tends to accumulate near the coastlines, and in the big cities, and in those who control land and industries. this means excluding the rural, those with little industry and those who do not own land.
it is the latter who will try to escape, rather then to change the system.
i can use peru as an example, when the maoist shining-path ( Sendero Luminoso) tried to enlist the very poor rural peasants to join in communist revolution against the wealthy- coastal city-politicians (capitalists) who accumulated all of the wealth for themselves rather then use it for the people. accumulation of personal wealth might be OK in a capitalist system, however government is supposed to serve all the nation's peoples equally. eventually, popular sentiment changed the political system, not the violence of armed-overthrow of government. now peru is a socialist country.
still, in mexico, the economic system still has that little devil...."cash-flow"; it brings to mind,
ideal ethics versus practical ethics. it is up to the mexican people to change their own government, not the united states.
2018-11-09 2:36 am
Because the drug cartels that own the Mexican government don't want it to be a better place.
They want to easily cross the border to keep their thriving drug trade going.
2018-11-08 5:01 pm
because they want more people to come in this place
2018-11-08 11:16 am
Honestly, it’s the American cash that the drug cartels have bought off, killed and scared to gain all the power.
2018-11-08 4:22 am
Mexico offered people in the caravans sanctuary and most refused it , seems like the Mexican Government was trying.
2018-11-08 12:26 am
It's gotten so out of hand that they try to just send the criminals and bad people off to other countries.
2018-11-09 9:27 pm
2018-11-08 12:04 am
Because MMGA does not roll off of the tongue.
2018-11-08 12:51 am
They do, they make it a better place for the richest people, same as the US government. Well, not exactly the same, but our government is definitely moving in that direction.
2018-11-09 2:17 pm
Mexico is run by the equivalent of Republicans.
2018-11-09 9:30 am
Don’t know
2018-11-09 3:07 am
the larger issue never broached by americano propagandisteros like acostamucho
crowds like that meaning failed central authority on our borders
failed authority is mex special forces,army,unable to contain them

in a few words m/s/r,if teach is a runathemill everyday teacher in a state run
schrools,s/he is a leftist not interested in teaching you anything but leftism
2018-11-08 7:45 am
Any nation whose population doubles every 40 years or so needs to just pass out the Kool Aid like Jim Jones did. They're actually worse off living.


Mexico is working on making things better and even offered the migrants asylum, jobs, places to live and education for their kids.
2018-11-08 12:01 am
Because they simple cannot. Only the white man created the best societies. All other races can only live off what the white man created.
2018-11-08 12:09 am
Why doesn't the US Government try to make the US a better place to be?
2018-11-10 4:18 am
they are a poor nation... and they are corrupt
2018-11-09 11:21 pm
Their government is corrupt. Their police force is corrupt. Corruption decimates a system.
2018-11-09 11:16 pm
I visit the post office all the time and Mexicans send money back home to family in Mexico. Why would they have to make it better when America already makes it better?
2018-11-09 10:48 am
Mexico is corrupt
2018-11-09 10:32 am
Any country that is majority Latino is like that.
2018-11-09 9:40 pm
Hailee, you should provide us with the name of this documentary so we can give you an accurate answer. Millions of people live in Mexico, and of those who cross the southern US border, Mexican people or only some among many nationalities. You should seek different reports on the documentary; surely it has been reviewed and fact-checked. And also be curious to know what this documentary had to do with learning Spanish. If it was not presented in Spanish, what would be the purpose as a learning tool.
2018-11-09 7:17 pm
Countries are still mimicking the rules of animals in the jungle. So, there is the high class as the big predators (lions); the medium class as the medium predators (wolves, fox); and the low class as the preys. It can be communism, capitalism, monarchy, every social system created by humans till now mimicked our non-rational ancestrals rules. The solution is every human being exorcising itself from these inherited animals instincts, not being right-wing, neither leftist, neither the centre... so we will get finally our transcendent shape free of our past as animals. Mexico is the best country for its biggest predators, like any other. The predators earn money sending their preys to work outside, like the black Africans sold their own people to the European ships searching slaves.
2018-11-09 3:43 am
Much easier said than done.
參考: I have family and friends in Mexico, albeit none in a government position.
2018-11-09 3:35 am
What is the name of the documentary? Sounds like RW propaganda but I'd like to investigate first.
2018-11-08 1:39 pm
Same can be asked about us government.
2018-11-08 4:05 am
The documentary is untrue. People are leaving Mexico because of a rise in crime. If you want to prevent immigration (you shouldn't since it will benefit your country long term) then invest and spend money to help your southern neighbours.
2018-11-10 1:07 am
Sloth, corruption, avarice, etc.
2018-11-09 9:26 pm
Corrupt politicians try to make them own bank accounts better.
2018-11-09 7:00 pm
2018-11-09 3:12 pm
Because they pressure and force out the so called undesirables to the United States.
2018-11-09 3:18 pm
To much corruption and not enough good paying jobs . Don't worry we are heading that way too thanks to our damn politicians yes from both parties. BERNIE 2020 !!
2018-11-09 11:28 am
It is not the main point really to help them cross the fronteers, and it is not really what the government wants for them illegally. There are groups that some are armed and others not to help them cross fronteers between both and to get involved in the new place.
And for the question you said of the government of Mexico, yes the have laws and proyects to help, but there are people that uses other ways, that likes or uses illegal mediums.
2018-11-08 3:04 pm
It is easier said than done. Besides, it takes decades of hard work and dedication to make a country better place to be.
2018-11-09 8:50 am
Ask the same question about the USA.
2018-11-09 1:32 am
You forgot that countries tried but you have to look at limited resources and the fact that narcos make more than the government so it's easy to see who buys who you also have to look at what else is in place Mexico is actually more corrupt than the US and that's saying a lot especially since you consider Trump being in office
2018-11-09 2:51 am
The US promotes policies that continue to keep other nations like Mexico poor . When jobs go to Mexico American cry like little girls .
2018-11-08 6:35 pm
The Mexican government doesn't know how, just as the American government doesn't know what to do about the American homeless.
2018-11-09 11:26 am
Cute how you're assuming THEY AREN'T.

The people of Mexico ARE working hard to fix their country-- it's not going to happen overnight.
2018-11-17 9:48 pm
It does, you dolt
2018-11-12 2:14 pm
their too poor to hence why their economy is failing and citizens leaving
2018-11-12 1:40 pm
Then again, why would anyone want to flee to America with the President you have, mass shootings, etc. The Mexican Government is corrupt but then so is the American one.
2018-11-11 3:29 pm
Corruption regime is not care of their people.
2018-11-11 3:29 am
Because sadly much of Mexico is very corrupt you have drug dealers everywhere who pay off the police too look the other way. Their economy and currency value has been crappy for decades if not centuries. Mexico does not put much money back into making Mexico beautiful they would rather let people live in slums and the reality is most citizens cannot afford too live in nicer places. So why build new homes if no one can buy them and Mexico City is probably the worst. It is not like the tourist destinations like Cabo and Cancun or even Puerto Vallarta.

2018-11-11 3:16 am
2018-11-10 4:50 pm
Because the drug cartels run Mexico not the people.
2018-11-10 10:08 am
The US gives Mexico 320 million in aid.
Seems like there could be more strings attached, to incentivize the govt to stop being so blatantly corrupt.
The $$ doesn't get to people who need it, most likely.
We give too much to corrupt regimes.
2018-11-10 9:52 am
Oh, just corruption, I'm sure. The biggest cash crop in Mexico? Drugs. Second biggest? Cash sent home from aliens working in the US.
2018-11-09 10:04 pm
It's better than America
2018-11-11 2:46 am
Simple, we have the resources to live it up and yell at people that drive a Ford, in other countries people have a little thing called less resources!
2018-11-09 7:28 am
Why don’t you make your own country a Better Place Russian. Instead of making America as **** hole or better yet why don’t you invade Mexico and then all this illegal Mexican **** will be gone
2018-11-09 2:00 am
Mexico has one 4-word response to Non-Citizens.
They obtained this from listening to US Citizens.
The abbreviation is: STFU. Refer to that when
thinking about your USA plans for Mexico.
2018-11-21 11:28 pm
FINALLY!!!!!!! Someone sees reason!!!!!! Let's focus on why they see fit to stay, and improve-as-they-see-fit this country, as Trump himself sees fit to do, as opposed to always simply leaving a moth-eaten country like Mexico, as his Mexican opponents see fit to do (seriously, has it EVER occured to the Chicas and Chicos that they should make SOME effort to improve their own country, so that their people are not forced to cross to the US, by either legal or illegal means, to do the jobs Americans don't want {don't they and their liberal enablers want better than that?}, they don't even NOTICE, never mind care, that their own country is FFFFFAAAAAARRRRR more disgraced by the escape of Joacquin Guzman than by ANYTHING Trump has to say?!?!!?!)? Ah, you mean as opposed to say, the Mexican political system? Their virtuous leaders, and how they made a prison break straight out of 'Hogan's Heroes' possible?!?!? Or do YOU see "NNNAAAAHWWWSSSSZZZZIIIIIINNNGGG"!?!?!?!... Why aren't they for Mexico having an open border,,,, with Guatemala, and being as free with all the other immigrants coming both from there and into THEIR various ports from all those other countries?!?!?!?!!?Even if I supported deporting every last one of them {which I will neither confirm nor deny}, I'd still be treating them better than the Mexicans treat those (Guatemalans, Chinese etc) who enter THEIR country without THEIR say-so!!!!! The penalty in THAT case is PRISON!!!! That's bad enough if I meant a prison like OURS, but I mean one of THEIRS!!!!! It is definitely wrong that the Mexican people have taken no notice of the "Hogan's Heroes" grade escape of the Drug lord!!!! Mexicans should be furious over the ineffectiveness and incompetence of their country(which Trump mocks)!!!! His comments about Mexico would be a lot easier to dismiss,,,,, if they hadn't been followed by a Mexican prison break straight out of "Hogan's Heroes". He demands that his country improve itself against say, Singapore, Japan or Germany {as opposed to simply moving there himself, and if ANY American could do so, it's HIM}, and considering how angry Mexicans are with him, and not with the flaws in their own country, where frankly, their opinion is " I SEE NA-SIIING",, Maybe Trump should be president of Mexico.Why shouldn't Trump be anti-immigrant simply because Mexico is also anti-immigrant, against the Guatemalans, Asians, sundry other immigrants crossing THEIR southern border? Do you agree with the fact that people are forced to resort to that, instead of demanding that their country of origin improve itself? Pretty much the only country on Earth trying to INCREASE immigration is Canada, and they try to encourage Americans to come by creating jobs and offering free healthcare, things we Americans, on one side of the political aisle or other, demand America do for Americans.
2018-11-10 6:44 am

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