How do you overcome your anxiety/panic attacks?

2018-11-07 4:38 am
Im 23 and I never had this issue up until 2 months ago. I don’t know what triggered it. It’s feels like I just woke up one day and all this started happening. I have these “episodes” almost every day now. I’ve realized the worst “episodes” are when I have work that day. I play out the whole day in my head and it’s always bad case scenarios and I start freaking out. Which I dont understand since I been working here for over 2 years and don’t have a problem with anybody. It honestly feels like I’m going crazy and it’s only been happening a couple of months I can’t imagine people that have to deal with this there whole life. Has anybody dealt with this? How did you overcome it? Any advice? Thanks.

回答 (6)

2018-11-07 8:19 pm
Deep breathing for ten minutes prior to

when you wish to be calm, so in a

quiet place listen really carefully to each

inhalation breath and exhalation

breaths very carefully, if a distraction occurs slowley

Bring your attention back to your breathing for calmness ok.

Very best wishes for your future happiness


Source:) Study.
2018-11-07 2:29 pm
This answer has advice for slow breathing, stress management advice, and the name of a good self-help book.

If you read When Panic Attacks by psychiatrist David Burns, the author recommended most often by professionals for depression, you'll see that the key to overcoming panic disorder is understanding the problem. This is just a phobia, a fear of harmless things. When people come to see the attack as a nuisance, like the dizziness you get from a roller coaster, the attacks become less severe and less frequent, or they go away altogether. Instead of thinking that you have to calm down when an attack happens, says Burns, the best thing is to try making yourself as scared as possible. Have a horror movie handy. If you're afraid of doing something silly in public, do that.

An official British health agency lists recommendations - search with "NICE anxiety." Drugs like Xanax and Valium are NOT recommended for panic attacks.

It may be that this is a symptom of an anxiety disorder you should get professional help for. Below - 9 signs of an anxiety disorder.
2018-11-07 4:48 am
I'm sorry that you're struggling. That's the worst!
Have you recently started any new medications, dealt with a death, or gone through a trauma? That could trigger it.
I suggest getting a therapist. Meditation and journaling also helps.
It really depends on what is the driving force of your anxiety. As a kid, my anxiety got so bad that I'd vomit every day from panic attacks. As a teen, my anxiety got so bad that I couldn't even leave my house for several months.
I still have an anxiety disorder but I went from being housebound to being able to ride in a car and go places up to an hour and a half away! It took many years to get to this point but I feel a lot more free. It just took a lot of careful exposure therapy and going farther and farther away from home. Life still isn't perfect but with the help of medication, a supportive mother, good friends, and exposure therapy, I can live an almost normal life! I am now 18.

Good luck :) I really hope things get better for you.
2018-11-07 4:47 am
Go find a counseling psychologist and see your GP. If you haven't had other major changes in your health or lifestyle and haven't suffered a recent trauma, then you are probably stressing over work for some reason. The key is to figure out why and to see these situations as things you can deal with.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is very effective for anxiety. In some cases, people may need medication, but it isn't the first thing to jump into. People also find relief from making lifestyle changes such as improving their diet and exercise, taking up meditation/prayer/mindfulness exercises, and journaling.
2018-11-07 4:45 am
Somewhere in your memory you have some unresolved issues you need to address. A place to start is an experience from around 2 months ago that made you feel a failure. You have brushed that bad experience under the carpet and it is transferring to other "what's the worst that could happen" scenarios. If you can't work through it yourself, counselling can help.

In the mean time you can help relieve the symptoms with relaxation exercises. Unfortunately all the web sites that tell you the technique have pictures of smug looking women. The technique really works - it's the closest your brain has to a reset button.
2018-11-07 4:44 am
Since 1987. Feels like you are going crazy, or will at some point. Sometimes they would last for 20 hrs straight. Maybe a break for a couple of hours, then start again. A little citalopram sometimes, a little talking to a lady, a little bike riding.

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