My dog bit my baby in the face?

2018-11-07 12:08 am
My baby went up to my dog and pulled on its tail and my rottweiler responded by biting my baby on the forehead. It drew a few drops of blood and my baby was hysterical. Please help.? The baby needed stitches when I took him in.

回答 (37)

2018-11-07 12:20 am
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Has the dog had any training, at least the basic obedience. Has the dog been taught not to bite? Every time I hear of a child being bitten by a dog, I always wonder what the child did to trigger a bite. In this case the child pulled the dogs tail. Sound like the child also needs to be trained to know how to treat a dog.

BYBed Rotts are as Bad as BYBer pits, pit is number one dog for more human fatalities but the Rott is running a very close second. Both are way a head of all the other breeds as far as dangerous breeds. If this dog was bought from a reputable breeder, this would not have happened. Reputable breeders guarantee both health & temperament.

You got a BYBed Rott & he is not to be trusted, as you have just witnessed. I would not allow any more interaction with the dog. It has already proved to be a biter. Next time, if there is a next time it could be fatal for the child.

(c/p)"What dog breed is responsible for the most deaths?"
The most commonly reported dog breeds involved were pit bulls (24 deaths), followed by rottweilers (16 deaths), and German shepherds (10 deaths). The authors point out that many breeds, however, are involved in the problem.
Dogbite- Fatal Dog Attacks - MedicineNet
Search for: What dog breed is responsible for the most deaths?
2018-11-07 1:28 am
Don't blame the dog. You need to supervise your child better until it's old enough to be taught not to do those things.
2018-11-07 12:11 am
It's time to get rid of the dog. A baby should be able to do anything to the dog without getting bit, otherwise it's not a safe dog.
2018-11-08 6:33 am
it was a pit bull rott mix last time troll
2018-11-07 11:23 pm
Sorry this happened. I would get rid of the dog. You failed to teach your baby how to approach a dog and what NOT to do. I taught my son when he was crawling how to interact with cats and never to pull tails, etc. He was never even scratched (and the cats had 4 feet of claws). He was also taught how to approach a dog.
2018-11-07 12:44 am
Though a dog biting is surely not a good thing, many dogs do not like, and even get very startled when they are suddenly grabbed. Best thing is to not leave the baby alone near the dog and always supervise. Not saying you did or didn't.
2018-11-07 10:42 pm
simple dog bites baby = dog gets put down no second chance
2018-11-07 2:01 pm
Rottweilers and children do not mix .One is going to have to go, the dog or the baby
2018-11-07 6:12 am
Do teach your kid to not be evil to the dog and teach your dog not to be aggressive,either way you look at it you e not trained either properly and went watching your kid when it provoked the dog, I feel sorry for the dog and child
2018-11-09 2:54 am
So the bite drew a few drops of blood but needed stitches? That doesnt add up. But your kid needs to not pull dogs tails. And if your dog is aggressive normally like that, you need to train him not to be.
2018-11-08 2:09 pm
Failed parenting at its best. You posted this for the 2nd time(the 1st being a month ago)'s your baby? Is it dead yet?
2018-11-08 5:19 am
Pretty sure this question was asked a few weeks ago.. Except last time it was a pit bull and the baby pulled his ears.
2018-11-07 11:37 pm
2018-11-07 2:39 am
How terrible that this keeps happening to you and your baby.

I do agree - you definitely need help.
2018-11-07 1:23 am
If ever I saw a troll question, this is it.

I'm sorry but if you leave a dog, ANY dog, with a baby you have to expect something like this just might happen, regardless of BREED. IF this ever happened, which I doubt because surely nobody is that stupid?, then very sadly, it's not you (or your child) who will pay for this, but the poor dog.

This is why if I ever see these supposedly 'cute' videos of a baby with a dog, my blood runs cold.
2018-11-07 12:21 am
Your Rottie has a tail?
2018-11-07 12:45 am
Take the dog to a vet and have it put down. No dog should ever be allowed to bite or snap at a child. Ever. Bitting should never be tolerated no matter the reason.

And no child should be allowed around a dog until they are older and never be allowed to hit, poke or other wise abuse or torment the dog.
2018-11-07 12:10 am
"Please help?" With what? Find a new home for the dog.
2018-11-08 3:41 am
Retardo say you need shoot dog before he kill baby.
2018-11-07 12:17 am
The dog must be destroyed. The next time may be fatal.
2018-11-08 4:09 pm
You are not a good parent. You should not let the dog near your child. It is not the dog's fault, it is you's.
2018-11-09 3:48 am
Since you clearly don't keep a close eye on your child, rehome the dog. They both deserve better.
2018-11-08 8:21 am
slowly bond the baby and dog the dog might not know what it is or the baby could of scared the dog just teach the dog don't just separate them
2018-11-07 2:45 am
Call a vet and have the dog sent to a communist re-education camp in Vietnam for capitalists
2018-11-07 3:38 am
You might want to teach your child about the dog and to leave it alone. And if the dog seems to be a danger, maybe it's time to re-home the dog?
2018-11-07 12:52 am
I dont know, buddy
2018-11-11 3:21 pm
2018-11-10 5:46 pm
Unfortunately, you will likely need to find a new home for your dog. Until then, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should your child and dog be together. That is a level 3 bite, and bites get worse not better. 4 is severe mutilation, and 5 is death. If the dog bites your child again, it is very possible he could kill your child.
If this is out of character for your dog, I would take him to the vet as well. It may well be he is suffering from some affliction if this is out of character. EITHER WAY DO NOT ALLOW THEM TOGETHER.
Ask a family friend that doesn't have children to watch your dog until you can find a good home.
You should find a good rescue, that will not kill your dog, and make sure they understand your dog is child-aggressive, and caused a level three bite to an infant.
I have to ask; has your dog bitten anyone before? Have you been training and working with your dog on appropriate behavior with young children? If your dog has bitten before, understand dogs that bite should not be around children. I would suggest you not get any more large breed dogs; you have to understand their limits around a child, and unless your a dog pro, a big dog isn't a good idea. You also need to train any dog when they're to be around children, and a big dog might not be a good idea if you're new at it.
And I certainly don't mean to offend, but if you don't know what to do after your child needed stitches from a bite your dog gave your baby, you probably aren't very experienced with dogs. It's important you relocate your dog immediately, while you find him an appropriate child-free home that knows his history. Please do everything you can to find such a home. If you get a new dog in the future, I would suggest a smaller adult dog that is approved by a shelter to be around infants.
2018-11-10 8:34 am
your a dumbass. what kind of fool puts a Rottweiler and a baby in the same household? and what kind of idiot doesn't WATCH THEIR BABY TO MAKE SURE IT DOESN"T HAPPEN. stop being so negligent and get rid of the dog. if you cant even supervise your own kid properly, you cant supervise a dog clearly this has been shown because had the baby been watched the dog wouldn't of bit itl
2018-11-10 8:09 am
So why weren't you watching out your baby? Why wasn't his/her mother looking out for her/him? What an irresponsible parent you are.
2018-11-10 4:03 am
teach your spawn to respect animals.
2018-11-08 4:05 pm
There are some Dogs that do not do well with children of any age. I would contact the preed rescue and put it up for adoption, if they would take him after you tell them he bit your baby.
2018-11-07 3:49 am
the dog and your baby won't get along lose the dog
2018-11-07 3:10 am
need antibanam.
2018-11-07 11:08 pm
It may be a dog that is very touchy and/or doesn't know it's own strength(it is possible it's mean but I don't know your dog). And its possible you could train this out, but training the baby is very important as well. If you choose to get rid of the dog and get a different one. Make sure its one that is good with kids. It should be docile ( maybe a puppy to start young, or a senior dog that's easygoing) and if you look for breeders, look into the parents attributes.
It's very important that you teach your kid to not hurt animals, or insist on petting and carrying them if they don't want to be.
Humans need to be trained to 💕
2018-11-07 12:38 am
It would appear that the dog isn't too good with small children, or you've let the child do what he wants to the dog and it had enough. Does the dog have a sore tail?

If you give the dog up, take it to a rescue league. They are great at finding appropriate homes for each animal. Tell them the dog isn't good with small children, so they know how to place him. Rescue leagues can be found at pet supply stores on weekends.

Just a few drops of blood and stitches don't seem to agree, too much, but if you keep the dog you would need to monitor every time the child is with the dog, which of course is normal protocol. So, it might be better to re-home, with understanding he will be placed in adult home, or at least 10yrs+, then you don't need to be on-guard all the time.
2018-11-07 12:09 am
if the baby got a tetness shot after the bite he or she should be fine.

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