
2018-11-06 11:10 pm

They would rather take fewer orders than because buy spoil the quality of service.


The interior decoration of Ye Shanghai is designed by Tony Chi, with brown as the main color, with soft yellow light, retro tables and chairs and decorations, showing 30s the Shanghai style of retro modern .

回答 (3)

2018-11-07 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 他們寧願少接訂單,也不願意因為太忙而[破]壞服務品質。

They would rather take up fewer orders than spoiling the quality of their service due to overproduction.
[建議把”太忙”的含意以較直接的原因表達,too busy不是品質下降的理由,現只以你說明”減少訂單”=”減少生產量”作為理據,但生產品質不應以”太忙”=工人的手藝或機器過勞?(over-stressed worker/machines)或還是=生產時間表緊張?(pressing for deadline). 請可自行詮釋翻譯。]

2. 夜上海的室內裝潢為季裕棠所設計,以棕色為主要顏色來布置,搭配柔和的黃光,復古的桌椅和裝飾,展現出30年代復古摩登的上海風情。

The interior decoration of “Ye Shanghai” is designed by Tony Chi. The main color scheme of the layout was brown (tan), coordinated by soft yellow (amber) light, set with retro-antique furniture and accessories, it unroll the retro-modern style of Shanghai in the 30s.
[( )內的是較為可取和室內設計師常用的顏色用詞. “Ye Shanghai”尊重你這”名稱”而不譯成”Shanghai Night”或”Night of Shanghai”]
2018-11-07 12:05 am
(1)They would rather take fewer orders than (would have been ) (be too busy) to spoil the quality of service.

(2)The interior decoration of the "Night in Shanghai" is designed by designer Tony Chi ,with the brown curtain as the main color,accompanied by soft yellow light, retrospectively tables and chairs and decorations,showing retrospective modern Shanghai style in the 30s.
2018-11-07 5:05 am
They would rather accept fewer orders than interfering with the quality of their products.
2.The interior decoration of nightime--Shanghai was designed by Tony Chi, its main colour was brown and associated with soft yellow light, antique tables and chairs, showing the 30s Shanghai modern style. Yip
追蹤 2 個解答

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