How much does this warming scare you?

2018-11-06 7:12 am

回答 (17)

2018-11-06 3:40 pm
Well, let's ignore the obvious problems with just mashing raw data together and look at his result.

He claims a 0.063C rise per decade since 1850. That's about 170 years ago or 17 decades. 0.063 x 17 = 1.07C. So his graph shows global temperatures are 1 degree higher today than 1850.

It is 80 years till 2100 or 8 decades. 0.063 x 8 = 0.5 degrees. Add this to the 1 degree of warming we have seen already according to the graph and we get 1.5C of warming by 2100. This is pretty close to the IPCCs lower bound on expected warming.

So even if skeptics are going to jump on this crappy graph, it still shows warming consistent with the 1.5C limit the Paris climate agreement was trying to reach. And his graph assumes that the warming rate remains constant so if it increases it'll be higher than that 1.5C figure.

I'm confused. This graph was supposed to show what? That we need to reduce CO2 to prevent us exceeding 1.5C by 2100? :p
2018-11-06 7:52 am
I don't think the 0.063 /deg C is based on sound science. It is a wild stab in the dark and it is a trend that doesn't seem to hold much water in the last 20 years IMO. Also, it is the calculated warming in the last 100+ years, not the warming from our CO2. The warming from our CO2 is likely much less.

Oh yeah, to answer the question... I got all my scares out on October 31. It is hard for me to work up much fear in a tenth of a degree but it sure seems to scare the bejesus out of alarmists. It would probably be a similar fear if a moth flew by my door.

I should add that I'm referring to the trend related to our CO2. That is what doesn't hold water. I agree it is still pretty low, 1 Deg C. My point is to be sure to acknowledge actual temperature versus what humans have caused. As Elizabeth confirms, alarmist seek to blame ALL warming on human emissions of CO2.
2018-11-07 12:58 am
The current warming doesn't scare me much, the potential for more warming does.

What is even more scary is the science illiteracy of any people that would believe that is a useful graph. Even my high school teachers wouldn't have let me get away with a graph like that--it's junior high school level
2018-11-06 9:12 am
It has cost me $5000 directly already, which was a scary amount I was not expecting!
2018-11-06 7:24 am
Fantasy graphs don't frighten me, the real ones do though
2018-11-06 7:14 am
Not one iota.
2018-11-06 7:19 am
Nice to see data in absolute form, not anonmaly for a change.
2018-11-08 7:43 am
Not at all, I am scared by things that directly threaten my existence. Warming does not.
2018-11-07 2:10 am
Not at all, just part of a natural fluctuation caused primarily by the Sun. Get ready for a cooling solar event that is in transition now.

Humans have no control over the Earth's climate.
2018-11-06 7:57 pm
It has cost me $5000 directly already, which was a scary amount I was not expecting!
2018-11-09 8:38 am
what terrifies me is what humans do to animals just for a quick profit
2018-11-07 9:47 pm
Again your graph is dishonest and designed to ridicule, no self respecting engineer would use a graph like that. They would have failed their exams.

I do understand the facts and they don't come from that graph. I expect that by the end of the century thanks to the additional CO2 and feed backs it will be 2.5 - 3.5C warmer, unless we do something about dumping CO2 in the atmosphere. It doesn't scare me.

Renewable are already beating fossil fuels on price and renewables plus battery has shown to be superior at stabilizing the grids. The 90 million dollar battery South Australia installed, is on track to pay for itself in 3 years.

Thanks to economies of scale, solar modules are 25 cents per Watt and prices are continuing to fall, Tesla's battery module costs are currently 100 dollars a kWh and prices are falling rapidly. We can expect that new advances in batteries will lower cost and increase density even further. But if you look at the retail prices there is a huge margin. As more manufactures get into the game, retail costs, which are already lower than the retail cost of electricity will further fall and people who can afford to invest, might defect from the grid unless they are allowed to sell their electricity at wholesale spot prices.

If I was to worry, I would be far more worried about the rise of nationalism, xenophobia and other things and since I don't vote, it might give you an idea how worried I am about that. If things turn bad and I expect they will, I will simply open a nice bottle of wine, have a charcoal bbq in a secluded and closed space and have a long nap... But until that day, I intend to enjoy life to the fullest. I love science and technology, fishing, good food and wine and I am not going to worry about the Cyclopse's, JimZ's and Sagebrushe's in this world. Their stupidity however is entertaining.
2018-11-06 11:07 pm
love global warming i try to contribute as much to it as i can because i like the heat. couldn't really care less for all the stupid penguins that will die from it. they deserve it at some level anyway because they are lame birds who can't even fly. so lame. thats like being a stupid fish that doesn't even know how to swim
2018-11-08 1:27 pm
i disagree because environment doesn't scare people but people need to understand whats going on world ********
2018-11-09 1:09 am
rather warming than cooling. I hate the cold
2018-11-08 6:59 am
Terrifies is the word I'd use.
2018-11-12 1:30 am
2018-11-09 4:57 am
warming is the best problem in the world.

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