Why are p0rnstars seen as people who have ruined lives? Why don’t p0rnstars have respect?

2018-11-06 4:58 am
Please give me real and deep answers. I don’t need sarcasm or blanket statements. I am having a genuine hard time and I would like help.

回答 (18)

2018-11-06 5:37 am
Selling your body for loveless sex is not the way to go for obtaining respect. Every woman has a vagina but many of them do not have intelligence.
2018-11-06 5:02 am
Because it's a sleazeball business. It really doesn't require much talent to work in the adult industry. You simply just need a pulse, good looks, and able to perform sexual acts in front of a camera.
2018-11-06 6:45 am
The job requires virtually a total lost of one's self-respect. And if you don't have respect for yourself, no one else will either.
2018-11-07 4:06 am
People are just judgmental.
If being a pornstar makes them happy then whatever.
Who are we to judge what they do for a job?
We don’t know their story.
2018-11-06 6:43 am
They were already damaged goods before they started doing it (sexually abused, drug addicts) and don't mind degrading themselves for money. Tell me something truly respectable about them.
2018-11-06 1:27 pm
They're taking something that's very special, intimate and important in most peoples lives and making it seem like it's nothing more than a bump & grind. I think that's the idea of the general public. And we've heard so many stories about girls who've had to be drugged or drunk in order to get the job done - and then that drags them down into an abyss. I truly believe that a lot of us feel sorry for them, we don't necessarily disrespect them. Because each one of them started out in this life with innocent hopes and dreams. But sometimes life takes us on a path we haven't chosen. It's more about feeling bad that they need to do something so boring and intrusive. Most of us are out here kissing some boss' a$$, so we're not perfect. Some of us are drinking and drugging to face life. So I don't think we're generally being judgmental, just kinda sad.
2018-11-08 12:31 am
you cant respect somebody who does a job nobody respects. unlike in Europe sex here is a huge hang up. even in marriages or ltrs. people have serious problems. Europeans are comfortable with sex. porn stars do the big nasty in our face. we have a hard time just saying the words, let alone have sex outside .or walk around our homes or yards naked. or giving head to our husbands, or eating out our wives on a park bench, or even the bedroom. we have a lot of hang ups over sex.
2018-11-06 5:05 am
You don't indicate why you are asking such a question. Many of the people who are porn stars were molested when they were children - some by parents or relatives - or if they went in foster homes, by the foster parents. Others go into porn because they need money - sometimes they do porn for drugs. Many of the porn stars have either died by their own hand, died by someone else's hand, or they got HIV+ and/or AIDS. Many of them do not practice safe sex which leaves them open to any number of STD's. Unlike a regular job, porn stars do not have health insurance and once they are sick - for whatever reason they are sick then the porn industry just throws them out and turns their back on these people. If you yourself are thinking about going into the porn industry, I would urge you to rethink this career "choice" and go into a job where you have a regular salary and decent benefits as well as medical benefits. This life for a porn star is NOT glamorous and they are made to have sex with whoever whenever. They are not seen as people but as sexual objects. No one cares about them if they do get sick or need some emotional help for then they are on their own.
2018-11-07 8:24 am
Pornstars do have respect, they even have conventions where thousands and thousands of fans go to meet them. Even Famous singers have more hate then pornstars.
2018-11-09 12:09 am
Because your disrespecting yourself first. Also adding to the serious exploitation of women that is a major concern for society. Your body is not to be used and abused by all kinds of men or women. The act of sex is to be a intimate occurrence between a man and woman, something special and private, not a crude degrading show for sexually sick people to get off on. Would you want your daughter to be one?
2018-11-07 6:25 am
Well they ain’t but that line of work is gross
2018-11-06 11:40 am
I know a few former adult actors and they're doing fine. This is just an industry where the tragedies get more press coverage than the boring women who retire, marry, have children and become soccer moms. Much like any kind of performing career, it's those who understand that there's a brief window in which to earn money and a long life after who do the best. And of course those who avoid addiction, etc. will have better outcomes. The consumers of porn are the only ones who have any sense of mystery or glamor about it. Those who actually do the work understand that it's just a job.
2018-11-06 5:01 am
Because people like to blame others to justify their own mistakes and failures...
2018-11-06 5:01 am
They make my life way easier. One day I can watch a blonde, the next a brunette .
Gives a little variety in my life !
2018-11-10 1:13 pm
Some people like to blame many things on porn, the destruction of families because the males like to watch other people have sex, young people masturbating which has been around for eons, the Bible even talks about. Of course they don't like prostitutes either, which I think should be legalized everywhere. It would seem to me you are in the porn industry or thinking about being in it. You gonna need some thick skin and your family may desert you if you do enter it. I think most males think sex is a body function and love is something else which is what I believe. Good luck
2018-11-06 10:42 pm
you dont
2018-11-06 5:19 am
Are you asking why pornstars dont have self respect or why people think that they dont ? Because we can attempt to answer both by looking at the mind of one. Lets take a male pornstar, his gain is that he gets paid to do something he was going to do anyways...men have less to lose physically because they cant get pregnant. Now females are different because society gives them a different expectation for self-worth because of this, and just NATURE in general gives them a different expectation. Societies expectation on women is to be respectful, stay quiet, act like a lady all of that cliche stuff, so maybe its out of pure rebellion that a female would engage in porn. If not, and its deeper, than it could still be a rebellious attitude like if some sort of sexual abuse occurred, they want to regain their loss of power from the abuse by overcompensating their loss of consent, so by having sex on their OWN terms they are constantly trying to prove to themselves this new found "control" by being promiscuous. This promiscuity essentially leads to making money out of it, so if they were going to do it anyway might as well get paid. Now the last aspect is the attention. Porn can be looked at in 3 parts : the money, the sex, the attention. We just discussed why a pornstar would do it for the money and sex seems obvious might as well get paid for something youre going to do anyway) but lets look at the attention. The fact that usually there are more than just 2 people in the room (you and the person having sex with) you add on a camera man and others, and its the idea of being WATCHED by more than two eyes that could be as exerliating as the sex iteself. If you add all of those 3 things, then the rewards increase each time, and it becomes an addictive business to be in just like if I were to get paid and recorded for eating, or partying. Its simply easy and females who are lacking security of those three things for whatever reason do it.
2018-11-06 5:19 am
Some people would never consider such a way to make money, and thus they assume anyone else that does it must have a really bad life. It is just a matter of projecting one's own beliefs and practices onto others.

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