Anyone feel like a loser working fast food?

2018-11-05 11:52 pm
I work at Whataburger, and while the pay is great. I just wanna get the **** out of there due to how it makes me feel like a loser.

回答 (14)

2018-11-06 7:21 am
You're not a loser. People like to eat out and you're providing them the opportunity to do that! Thanks for being there!
2018-11-06 3:11 am
It may not be the best job to have, but it beats not working at all.
2018-11-05 11:55 pm
I worked there when I had to pay my school education. Didn't feel like a loser.
2018-11-06 10:09 pm
At least you have a job, if it's your first job then everyone has to start some where.
If you want to get out then look for other jobs, but if you need the money stick it out until you have another job lined up.
2018-11-06 6:12 am
at least you have a job
2018-11-06 12:48 am
You are a good citizen, to have a job and be working successfully. Focus on that!
2018-11-05 11:59 pm
my dad told me 'no job is a bad job. it's all in your attitude'
your attitude is, that it's a job for losers
its unlikely that you are going to change your mind, about that, very easily.
so, make a 'sensible' plan of what you want to do, and how to achieve that - and act on it
2018-11-06 12:23 am
The President CEO of Apple started at the company sweeping floors as a high school dropout.He ran away from home after his stepfather kicked him out a couple times and wandered into Apple looking for a cot in a back room to sleep and some work, so they handed him a broom and said no job is too small.

After a few years they put him out to work driving a tractor in the orchard into the juice house. He was able to drop those apples into the processor better than anyone. When a manager got his arm mangled in press, he jumped in and took over. It wasn't long before Ma and Pa saw his potential. And when they set to retire, put the whole company - orchards, bushels, and the pickup truck - into his hands. Well, he's never looked back and has built the company into one of the top ten largest fruit stands in the bi-county of southeast oregon.
2018-11-07 3:55 am
I was just wondering if someone told you that your job was for losers. What a terrible thing to say.

Don't you even think that.

Some people went to University and are also working at a fast food place.....simply because they can't find a job,or one they want.

The only losers here are the ones who don't want to work.

In these is the money you make, opposed to the type of classier job.

In the meantime.....if you have the can check into another career, if you choose and do it on your days off.

Never quit a job until another one is secure.

I am sure where you are now, you meet some nice people and at the end of your work week, you have some cash, to do with, as you please.

When you have NO money...that is where the trouble begins.

Keep your head held high and just tell yourself that you are someone who matters.
2018-11-06 10:55 am
My mother worked at McDonald's for 20 years and I'm so proud of her. People stereotype fast food jobs with "losers" because you don't need much of an education to achieve employment there. It taught her hard work and how to handle thick people. The only way to be comfortable is to not care what people think. Life's what you make it. I think it's great you have a job! Fast food can be competitive. If anyone is judging you because you work there, please stop being around them. You're doing great and you should be proud that you are doing something and making your own money! Best wishes!
2018-11-06 12:13 am
Whats your alternative?
2018-11-05 11:56 pm
although any honest work is honorable, many people look down on fast food workers.
2018-11-05 11:53 pm
Hey atleast you're making bank. Be happy.
2018-11-05 11:58 pm
I’d like my meal supersized, please. Thank you

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