I need help with a girl!?

2018-11-05 5:03 am
Their is this girl at work she is 18 years old I am 8 years older than her which makes me 26. She has been hitting on me since the first day I started working at that job. She wants to go on dates with me but I kind of don’t want to cuz I am 8 years older than her and it would look weird. But I also want to do it because she is beautiful but just to think I could go to jail or something like that I back down. What should I do?

回答 (3)

2018-11-05 5:25 am
18 is adult in virtually all western countries. Eight years difference seems about right - girls tend to grow up more quickly than boys.
2018-11-05 5:15 am
You can't go to jail because shes old enough to date you. Second, look past age and realize that it's only a number. Give it a try.
2018-11-05 5:08 am
I don't know what the legal age for being considered a young adult but here in Canada it's 18. So it may look weird cause of the age gap but she's a young adult being 18, 17 and under is considered a minor. So if it's the same for you then it's not illegal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:10:21
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