有關綠化的英文形容詞 急?

2018-11-04 5:33 pm
有關綠化的英文形容詞 唔該 急急急
例: reduce 但係要特別

回答 (3)

2018-11-05 1:30 am
ecological adj, the ecological effects of industry, the pollution of the atmosphere, the pollution of rivers,etc.
reduce---reducible減量用 adj,--- Rubbish can be reduced to 1.5 lbs by paying the price $0.50 per reducible plastic bag by ks Wang by HKGovt.
reuse---reused重複利用盡用 adj;---Wang is quite used to dumping hard on food-trash, but not reused for cooking again.
recycle---recycled 循環再造adj.---Treat Wang to recycle newspapers by de-inking, pulping to be recycled.
replace--replaceable代替品 adj; that can be replaced-eg:-Get a replaceable while Wang is away on govt holiday.
2018-11-06 2:09 pm
greening, landscaping, gardening, forestation,...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace

upcycling 即將可回收物料重造新產品或價值更高的產品,但卻沒有處理第一因"原產品"為何會/要成為癈物。
zero carbon building / neutral energy building 零碳足印的建築物 / 自給自足能源和資源循環的建築物
2018-11-06 5:50 am
clean environment; To be recycled; ecological; economical; energy saving; to make use of solar energy; Yip

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