Apartment complex doing pest control, but doesn't know when?

2018-11-02 9:51 pm
My complex sent a notice in saying we are getting pest control on either yesterday or today, and to leave our pets locked away because the stuff is extremely toxic. Our complex has no idea when, or even if they're coming. It literally says on the note "SHOULD be coming either he 1st or 2nd. We don't have an appointment so don't ask us when they're coming, we don't know". I've had my cat locked up for two days now because I have to work. If they don't show up today, can I not lock her up tomorrow? This is getting ridiculous. They just came to do "inspections" twice last month, and this is the 3rd time in 2 months that they've done pest control. What is going on...

回答 (8)

2018-11-03 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get the cat OUT of the apartment. Board it or have a friend care for it for 2 or 3 days. Those chemicals are deadly. When the place has been sprayed, leave the windows open as much as possible for three or four days. After that time, you can get your cat back.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2018-11-02 9:58 pm
"we" have no idea re: what's going on...............you need to see if someone can take the cat for a day or so
2018-11-02 11:37 pm
So board your cat with a friend/family or in a cattery for a couple of days and contact thecomplex to find out if they are arriving today or if not you need a date/day when they are coming as you can/will then make sure your cat is out of the property while they are there...so they need to make an appointment. They only need to advice you prior, normally 24 hours notice and it is up to your what you do/don't do with your cat, however far safer for the cat to be elsewhere for a day or two
2018-11-02 10:02 pm
You were never forced to lock her up, it's for her safety though.
2018-11-03 1:11 am
Nothing wrong with giving a notice to enter for 2 days without a specific time. Those companies usually do not make an appointment so the landlord not knowing exactly when they will come is pretty standard. I have always thought it was pretty funny how much control over vendors my tenants thought we have. Hint - we have no control over them at all. When the landlord requests service from a vendor the vendor sets the schedule NOT the landlord. Your landlord has no way of knowing specifically when they will be coming.

Pest control people rarely work Saturday and the notice was for 1st & 2nd which does not include Saturday being the 3rd so no reason to lock up the cat tomorrow. IF they do not come today then they need to serve you a new notice to enter.
2018-11-02 10:53 pm
Just keep locking her up a few more days and it should get handled. Unfortunate that its taking so long but should be done soon. I wouldn't leave the cat out if there were any chance of them coming or you might end up dosing her with poison.
2018-11-02 11:15 pm
well good pest control is needed but this sounds ridiculous - complain to management if they don' come today they need to get an appointment and let you know when it is.
2018-11-02 10:38 pm
All apts. do pest control, but should give you more of an idea of when they are coming.. however, they are only required to give you "notice". They are obviously having pest problems to have to come so often. I doubt they will show up on a Saturday though.

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