✔ 最佳答案
" locate那邊 " 並無錯 !
但整句卻有些微可修改的地方 -- mistakes 來自 the use of "articles".
Revised sentence :
It was the kind of young teacher who volunteers to teach in a private school, located far away in the mountains.
(> v <) :-
1) " . . . to volunteer to teach . . . " -- 並不是錯 !
只不過想避免連用 2個 "to" , ∴ 以 "who" 來代替 : " . . . who volunteers to teach . . . "
2) "private school" --- 並不是「專有名詞」, ∴ 應說 "a private school" (就算你心裏是指某校),
除非你之前 有提過 !