Any video games that made you cry?

2018-10-29 11:39 am
When beating it for the first time.

回答 (10)

2018-10-31 11:19 pm
heavy rain
2018-10-31 7:04 pm
The first spyro the dragon game. Because you could win at all levels but even then you wouldn't beat the game if you didn't have all of the jewels from each levels.
2018-10-30 9:30 am
The ending of Mother 3 (EarthBound 2 for all of you US/EU people) is definitely a tearjerker. It's easily the darkest game Nintendo has ever produced. I won't spoil it here, as the game is a rollercoaster of emotions and is best enjoyed blind.
2018-10-30 6:06 am
Several...and not just when beating them... Sometimes good writing occurs in different parts of the story.

The first game that made me cry was Homeworld. It's actually an early cutscene that did it, not the ending. You capture an alien and he tells you that your homeworld was destroyed because your people violated an ancient treaty banning certain technology. The cutscene ends with "the subject did not survive interrogation".

I also lose it in Mass Effect 3 when Legion sacrifices himself to save the Geth race.
2018-10-31 2:27 am
end of Destiny 2
2018-10-30 11:45 pm
yes clasment games but first game
2018-10-30 12:38 pm
The end of the first Walking Dead with Lee.
2018-10-29 9:20 pm
When beating it? you mean joyous tears or ones of sadness?, , one almost did, the ending to Deus -Ex human revolution, if you have played it you will know the game has an ultimatum choice ending and 1 of the choices i felt was a bit tragic..

2018-10-29 7:32 pm
Call of Duty World at War made me sad when Roebuck dies, Modern Warfare 2 made me sad when Ghost and Roach die, and Modern Warfare 3 made me sad when Delta Force was left behind.

I wanted to join the military when I was a teenager, and Call of Duty had a way that made most of their death scenes very sad, particularly Sgt. Roebuck's death.
2018-10-29 11:44 am
The Last of Us intro made me choke a bit.

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