Relationship: How often does the normal couple have intercourse ?

2018-10-28 10:56 pm
My new boyfriend and I are crazy about each other our relationship isn’t based on making love but it’s so hard not to wanna when we are around each other.. it’s like magnetics that full us together.

I have never felt so comfortable around someone it’s all so overwhelming at times but the last two days seeing him we ended up making love three times lol

Is it normal? We’ve only been together for almost 2 months but I’ve known him for almost 3

回答 (2)

2018-10-28 11:06 pm
You are still in the honeymoon or f**kstruck phase of your relationship. Everything is an adventure and you are still getting to know each other both physically and emotionally. This usually ends after 6-7 months and then your sex life settles down.
2018-11-09 11:48 am
There are 60,000,000 couples in the USA not married. We are a bit behind Europe with how much sex we have on average.

We know that happy couples at the low end have sex 2 times a week with 3 being average.

Average "normal" couples have sex 4-6 times a week....

New or above average 7 + So:

2-3 (Healthy) 8-12 times a month (probably 12)
4-6("Average") 16=24 times a month (probably 20)
7+ (High / NEW couple) 28 times a month (1 x a day)

Sex is not everything, it is nothing close. But it is how a woman shares herself. Shows the partner she trusts/loves. It is communication, love, bonding & intimate. It matters and is important.

If a partner loses interest or there are problems usually sex is impacted. Intimacy/sex decreases. A partner who loves his wife wants to share with her. One who cheats does not.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:10:12
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