1. Apart from blood test, what other tests could be performed to confirm HIV infection?

2018-10-27 5:19 pm

回答 (2)

2018-10-29 5:43 am
According to the Merck manual of medical information--second Home Edition. Human Immunodeficiency virus infection: about diagnosis A relatively simple, accurate blood test that detects antibodies to HIV(ELISA test) is used to screen people for HIV infection. If the ELISA result is positive, it is confirmed with a more accurate test, usually the Western Blot. Both tests often are not positive in the first month or two after HIV infection because it takes the body that long to produce antibodies against the virus. Other tests (for example, viral load tests or P24 antigen) detect HIV in the blood much sooner after infection. P24 antigen is currently used along with other tests to screen blood donated for transfusion.People diagnosed with HIV infection have their blood tested regularly to measure the CD4+ count and viral load. CD4+ counts indicate the health of a person's immune system and, when low, their chances of becoming ill from an infection. Viral load is a predictor of how fast the CD4+ count is likely to drop over the next year. Doctors use these two measurements to decide when to start drugs for both the treatment of HIV and the prevention of the complicating infections. They also use these tests to monitor the effects of treatment. With successful treatment, the viral load falls to low levels within weeks and the CD4+ count begins a long, slow recovery toward normal levels. AIDS is diagnosed when CD4+ falls below 200 cells per microliter of blood, there is extreme wasting, or certain opportunistic infections and caners develop. Yip
2018-10-27 8:48 pm
用Google翻譯 貼文聽喇叭! 如此切換 拿智慧型手機出國去玩都可以買東西問問題!

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