Why do White People love dogs so much?

2018-10-27 1:49 am
I mean dogs are cool, but they act like dogs are CHILDREN

And it’s more specifically White FEMALES who act this way.

I mean yeah you catch SOME white males who act like this, but it’s usually only when they are around white women, and it is never to the same extent of white women

But yea It’s ANNOYING
Especially around White Women who are your coworkers who WONT SHUT THE FVCK UP ABOUT THEIR DOGS

I even had a Coworker who said that she will NOT give a homeless man money unless he has a dog?

What kind of ILLOGICAL shyt is that?
Dogs find their OWN food on the streets since dogs are SCAVENGERS

And There are MANY homeless VETERANS
I thought you WHITE people loved Veterans?
I guess not! SO FULL OF SHlT

I mean their obsession with dogs gets SICK

I know we have ALL seen videos on YouTube where people and animals have died gruesome deaths

And we see SOME White Girl in the comment sections saying

“I only care about the dogs who died”

What kind of SICK SHlT is that?

And Men who use Tinder frequently
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU have seen a White Woman say DUMB SHlT like

“I probably only swiped right for your dog”

Yes dogs (YOU OWN) are cool, I guess

But where does this IMMATURE privileged mentality of
“I only care for dogs” come from?

Being so concerned with the Well Being of Animals that is CONSUMES your personality is 100% a PRIVELEGED mentality PRIVELEGED DITZY and IMMATURE Especially when there are starving children and homeless living right in your city


Address my POINTS Stop deflecting Everything I said is 100% true! Also @BlueNinjaLove I am not just talking about their love for THEIR dogs I am talking about their love for dogs in general Loving your own dog is understandable


@Verb No thanks I don’t want anything to do with The perversions, the bloodshed, the atrocities,


@Nekkid Truth! I’m not attracted to white girls I like Latinas

回答 (46)

2018-10-27 2:28 am
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It's a fad that young white people buy into. They seem to think that a dog is some kind of status symbol. Especially men and their fvckin pit bulls. How childish is that.
A grown man does not need a pet dog in his life. It's just a waste of time and money. Get a cat!
2018-10-27 2:05 am
Well I guess no woman ever got ripped off by a dog, or had him withdraw his love and loyalty to her, unlke men, black and white who readily use women. If you don't like the pet conversations at work, tune out. You don't have to listen.
2018-10-27 3:40 am
I guess black folks don't want no responsibilities & have never felt the devoted love of a dog. Skin color does not matter to them. No one can love you as much as a dog does.

I do not remember my first dog, I grew up on a small farm & have been around animals all my life. Tons of dogs, many cats & of course the farm animals.

I just can't imagine myself without animals of some sort. Rescued large & extra large dogs for about 50 yrs, only keeping 5 at any one time, zoning limit.

You have never experienced the love of a dog as a companion or pet. Or had a job working with animals. I train my dogs & show off how obedient they are. People have even said that they wished their kids behaved as well as my dogs did. To me that was something to be proud of.

I hope some day you find yourself with a dog & learn how comforting a dog can be.
2018-10-27 2:36 am
I'm sorry you aren't white. Apparently that reality is very difficult for you.

Here's thought - stop being racist and tell people you don't want to hear about their dogs.
2018-10-27 1:55 am
You sound like you're jealous because you didn't get to be white.
2018-10-28 5:16 am
Everyone loves dogs
2018-10-27 5:20 am
Dogs are protective and lovable. They don't expect anything in return.
2018-10-27 3:25 am
They make good companions and bark to alert them to danger.
2018-10-29 1:04 pm
I think the real question should be "why do most humans love dogs so much"?
2018-10-29 12:09 am
My dog isn't all full of hate like you are.
2018-10-27 1:51 am
Unlike blacks like Michael Vick who torture them in dogfighting...or east Asians who eat dog....
2018-10-30 11:27 am
Any race can love dogs so much, you stupid fvck.
2018-10-29 3:58 am
That's stereotyping and not true. I have friends here in California of all races who love dogs. My Chinese friend is obsessed with pugs, for instance. My Hispanic friend adores her black pitbull.
2018-10-27 5:03 am
White people is NOT the only one that like dogs. African Americans do and some mexicans.
2018-10-28 1:57 am
It's not just white people everyone loves dogs.
2018-10-27 1:53 pm
not sure
2018-10-27 1:59 am
So a white woman wouldnt date you because you dont like dogs?
2018-10-27 1:51 am
Why are you so concerned with Race and Gender that you must turn something stupid like this into something even dumber? Stop playing identity politics, it is nothing more than racism and bigotry.
2018-10-29 7:01 am
Dogs make loyal companions. Many people love dogs regardless of race.
2018-10-27 11:23 pm
I'm white and prefer cats. Although come the collapse of society I'll be grateful someone looked after dogs so we can use them to hunt again.
2018-10-27 9:02 pm
I'll take cats over dogs, every single time.
2018-10-29 4:52 pm
I have a tampon ready if you want it?
2018-10-29 2:11 am
Because ******* and Mexicans abuse the sht out them. Just like white people adopting niglets and minorities.
參考: Angelina jolie
2018-10-28 11:36 am
Whites are less likely to bear illegitimate children. Some thus use dogs as surrogate children.
2018-10-28 3:01 am
They are a mans best friend, black people aren't a man or a woman or human so, there you go.
2018-10-27 4:12 am
I prefer cats, honestly. Dogs are a bit too high energy for me. I don't know though, people treat dog-dislikers as monsters, a bit wild.
2018-10-27 7:08 am

Its that simple. its the culture. Stupid people act like thier dogs are family or their kids because thier culture and parents rised the to think that way. Its not a family member. Its a DOG. It can never be a family memeber.

its not a child. Its a dog.

Being super attatched to a pet is a sign of a mental illness and should be treated as such. It causes people to think the pet is some how more important then another human when it never will be.

I would never give a homeless person anything. They offten STEAL pets like dogs and use them to get money form people and when its sick they dump it or kill it and get another one. They don't really care about the animal at all and can't even afford food for it or vet care.

Yes it IS sick to obsessed with a pet. Or any animal. People who risk their lives with an animal are sick in the head and when they are killed that means they are removed from the gene pool and can't and won't reproduce and pass that mental illness on. No animal is ever worth being killed or hurt over.

People who own farms, WORKING farms treat thier animals like animals. They are not obssed over them or anything. If something can't do the job it was meant to do then its killed and eaten if its a cow or a chicken or something like that, if its a dog, its not that unheard of for the dog to be shot and buired or thrown out since a working farm can't have a dog that is supposed to do a job and not do it.

Our dog has a JOB. He is a herder and when he's too old or too injured ot do that job he will be replaced.

To the vast majority of people here in the US a dog is a luxury. Its not a need. Its a luxury and is treated as such. THey spend thousands in vet care on them and when they can't afford it they whine and cry about it and beg for hand outs instead of putting it down.

People stupidly loose their damn minds over pitt bulls and pitt mutts and claim they are 'gentle dogs' and are jsut so sweet even through they are unstable trash dogs that kill and maul kids all the time and are the top breed for biting, killing and mauling and throw fits and protest them being destroyed.
2018-10-27 1:50 am
Who knows what goes on in white people's heads...
2018-10-27 1:53 am
wild dogs were probably first domesticated in Europe, by the blacks who migrated there from Africa. those blacks slowly turned white because of the lack of harsh sun light, so would guess they have the longest history together ........
2018-11-01 12:45 am
Dogs are descended from wolves. It is rumored the wolves who came closer to the campfires for food evolved into dogs. The dogs exchanged meals and gave the people protection. Ever see a dog bark when you go ito a strangers house? Dogs do not see themself as a seperate species as to the human family they may live with. They see themselfves as an inferior member of the "pack", the pack being the humans in that household and themselves. In many more cases dogs will not bit or harm their master even if the master does something that hurts on accident the dog.

This is much more I can say for any cat who would often scratch you hard and promptly should you even accidently harm it or do something that would make it feel uncomfortable such as picking it up too long.
2018-10-31 5:15 am
Idk but I don't like them much
2018-10-27 7:26 pm
Better question is why get a dog and throw it in the back yard, deprive it of its pack nature, and then let it bark it's head off because it's lonely. Dogs are awesome and if you don't want it to be part of your family, don't get one. I love my dog and bring him with me whenever I can. He has brought so much joy to our family. Why exactly does it bother you that people could love an animal so much. I'm sorry if you didn't get that kind of love growing up, but to get annoyed because someone loves a dog as a family member is absurd. And to play like it's a gender or race? Open your mind and grow, stop the stereotypes.
2018-11-03 6:37 am
They love to **** dogs
2018-11-02 10:57 am
Uh, remember (or maybe you never knew)that white institutions (not blaming regular individuals, just the system)have a 3 century plus history of training/using dogs to attack black people, from slavery, to Jim Crow in the south from1930s all the way to 1960s, (ever seen the photos of black men, women, even children attacked by dogs, as no sprayed with forceful water hoses, knocking folks t the ground,?)then in northern big city police forces up to the 2000s. LAPD had lots of lawsuits from vicious police dog attacks...
Of course, lots of black people have dogs as pets and love them. But youve got to know the whole story before shooting off your mouth!
2018-11-01 4:39 pm
All yall are going into deep meanings about this, I just think they're fudging CUTE! They are so cuddly and they have those big puppy dog eyes! Ugh I could just dieeee!!!!
2018-10-31 7:03 pm
Chinese love them even more: they eat them:
Other than that, dogs (and generally pets) and humans give each others advantages: Dogs can protect humans and give them unconditional love and help them to socialize in two ways (keep loneliness away and also establish networks and good relationships with other dog owners), whereas humans give dogs food and shelter. So its mutually beneficial.
2018-10-31 12:20 am
Dogs are gross, they bark, drool, poop which you have to pick up. they are very needy. yuck on dogs
2018-10-29 9:21 pm
Human being loving animal, why is it a bad thing? Treating animals as equal is a good thing, and yet you sounded like they should show less love?
2018-10-29 10:44 am
Because dogs are white
2018-10-29 10:37 am
Dogs are better than most humans. Simple as that.
2018-10-29 8:37 am
I'm not even sure
2018-11-01 1:41 am
White women are being social engineered by Jews to forego having children and displace the love they would have had for their child on an animal, most commonly cats or dogs. It's all part of a larger plan of white genocide by more sneaky and manipulative means than war, since that attempt has always failed.
2018-10-31 9:02 pm
Because dogs are amazing?
They don't leave you, they know when you're sick/upset and comfort you, they dont judge you, they're always there, and they like cuddles. Why wouldnt you be obsessed?
2018-10-30 4:26 am
Why do black ppl like fried chicken soo much?
2018-10-29 2:05 am
2018-10-27 3:56 am

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