I found a Huawei phone... how do I factory reset it and bypass the lock screen? Finders keepers amirite?

2018-10-26 11:58 pm

回答 (4)

2018-10-27 12:03 am
No, technically it's still someone else's property! By your stance would you think the same of every parked car on the roadside?

And can you get by it? No, as a phone it's going to be no more use to you than a paperweight! Companies that make mobile phones and the systems that work on them are highly intelligent.....
2018-10-27 2:03 am
Turn it in --- RIGHT NOW --- at a police station or a phone store.

Leave your name and contact info in case there is a reward for finding the phone ---
but don't Expect to get anything.
2018-10-28 3:02 am
Finders keepers, sure, if you don't mind keeping a phone that can not be activated on ANY carrier in the US, Canada, Mexico, most of South America, or Europe, because the ESN or IMEI had be blacklisted by the carrier when the owner reported it lost or stolen.

Now the only way to get past the blacklisted ESN/IMEI, would be to contact the old owner and have them get it unblacklisted (which depending on the carrier and if it were written off by insurance), might not be something that can even be done after an insurance pay off.

Good luck Mr Finder, at the very least you can look like you own a neat phone, even if you can't use it as a phone.
2018-10-27 2:33 am
Also it is possible the phone is locked out as lost or stolen. Karma what goes around comes around.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:10:49
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